game master

Chapter 104 - Underground Royal Tomb Copy II

Chapter 104 - Underground Royal Tomb Copy II

Behind Qin Haonan, there were three people who rushed towards the boss together: Leng Ningshuang, Nuomi Yingying, and Xia Luo.The entire team, and only they belong to the melee class, can confront the boss head-on.

Hou Yue was attacking from a medium to long range, and kept a short distance from the boss at this time.

Suyi Yaoxin, Taxue Xunmei, Nuomi Yaya are all luthiers, Xia Ming is a magic dancer, they must all stand behind.Glutinous Rice Tangtang, a medical immortal, is the key protection object of the entire team, standing at the back.

Before Qin Haonan ran in front of the boss, a blow [Level 7 of Yu Jian Jue] had already been issued, and the illusory long sword stabbed straight at the "Ghost General of the Imperial Tomb", -801.Condensed Frost's [Royal Sword Art] also followed closely, causing another attack on the boss, -402.

Qin Haonan didn't stop the attack, and the long sword flew in his hand, [Illusion Hidden Kill], [Magic Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 8], [Slaying Wind and Demon Blade] were issued one after another, and the boss lost blood.

Form a team of four steps, and together attack the boss and the mobs around it like a storm.Soon all the mobs were cleared away, and the boss was left alone to fight alone.

At this time, the blood value of the boss was less than half. Everyone thought that the boss fight would be easier this time, because everyone's level was generally relatively high, so they relaxed their vigilance.

Qin Haonan was having fun with the boss in front of him, and his [Phantom Hidden Kill] hit just right. -1400, crit -2905.Seeing that the blood bar of the boss had dropped to 20%, he quickly stopped the offensive.

"Everyone back quickly, keep a certain distance from the boss!" Qin Haonan ran back while shouting.

Everyone knew that Qin Haonan reminded him that the boss was about to make a big move, so they retreated quickly.The whole team was in unison and obeyed orders very well.

It was the first time for Condensing Cream to form a team with everyone, and before she could figure out what was going on, Charlotte pulled her aside and pulled her back together.

At this time, the "Ghost General of the Imperial Tomb" stopped attacking and stood still, his armor suddenly burst.The already rotting body began to peel off slowly, leaking blood-red rotten flesh inside, making people disgusted to watch.But with the transformation of the "Ghost General of the Imperial Tomb", its power has been greatly increased.

The "Ghost General of the Imperial Tomb" stomped his feet vigorously, and the ground suddenly shook.

Although everyone had already retreated just now, they kept a certain distance from the boss.But the control of the distance was not so accurate. Condensed Frost and Nuomi Yingying, who were a little closer, were still affected a little, and were directly knocked to the ground.

At this time, stones the size of wellheads fell from the top of the hole, and the area was much larger than the range of the vibration.

"Tangtang, Linglong, add blood to Condensed Frost and Nuomi Yingying." Qin Haonan shouted, seeing Condensed Frost and Nuomi Yingying fell to the ground and entered the attack range.At this time, the blood can only be recovered, otherwise, after this wave of attacks, the two of them will be resurrected with their blood tanks cleared.

The blood gauges of the two over there entered a tug-of-war, whether to drop more or add more.About 7 seconds later, the wave of attacks from the "Huangling Ghost General" passed.

"Okay, let's attack with all our strength!" Qin Haonan shouted while rushing forward.

Condensed Cream and Nuomi Yingying took medicine to replenish their blood, and joined the fighting camp again.

After a while, the "Ghost General of the Imperial Tomb at level 37" was chopped down by everyone, revealing a lot of equipment.Qin Haonan and everyone picked up the equipment without looking at it carefully, and prepared to distribute the dungeons uniformly.

Among them is a level 37 bone-shattering iron fan (silverware, defense +320, mana +365, speed +247, block rate increased), the attributes are really good, Qin Haonan directly gave it to Xia Ming, and asked him to equip it first .

A few people continued to move forward, and behind them was a long underground palace.Qin Haonan remembers that there are many traps here, but there are also many treasures.

Qin Haonan walked in front and led the way, and everyone lined up in a long line. He told everyone to follow his own pace.Avoid going the wrong way and triggering unnecessary organs.

After walking for a while, Qin Haonan stopped, and there was a small fork ahead.From the fork, you can see that this road is very short, and there is a small treasure box the size of a palm by the innermost wall.

Qin Haonan looked at the location of the treasure chest, then turned his head and said to Hou Yue: "Monkey, Ziguang is faster, you let Ziguang go over and get it back. Don't stop along the way, take the treasure chest and return quickly, be careful of hidden weapons."

"Okay, I understand." Hou Yue said.

After Qin Haonan finished speaking, he looked at Linglong again, and said, "Linglong, first you can add a move [Tianyin Curse] to Ziguang, so that it can continue to recover blood. After a while, you should keep an eye on it. Once Ziguang loses blood, you will Make it up right away."

Xiao Linglong nodded, expressing that she understood.Immediately recited the spell, and added [Tianyin Curse Level 9] to Ziguang.

According to Qin Haonan's instructions, Ziguang rushed towards the treasure chest at a very fast speed.When it was about to rush to the small treasure chest, the poisonous arrows at the top of the underground palace were activated and shot down in unison.

The purple light didn't stop, and after getting the small treasure box, it rushed back quickly in the rain of arrows.

Linglong kept adding blood to Ziguang in the distance, so that its health remained above 50%.

Ziguang successfully completed the task and brought back the little treasure chest.Qin Haonan opened it and saw that although the treasure chest was small, it contained a lot of things, including three skill books.A copy of "Deadly Strike" by a shadow killer, a copy of "Water Ballad" by a luthier, and a copy of "Resurrection" by an immortal doctor.

Qin Haonan saw that the skill attributes of these three books were really good.Especially this book "Resurrection", you must know that the most powerful medical immortal can only learn the resurrection skill [Soul Redemption Art] at level 60, and this skill can only restore 25% of the player's life after resurrection value.But this "Resurrection Art" is very different. Not only did you learn it early, but you can recover 50% of your life after resurrection, which is really amazing.

Qin Haonan gave "Resurrection" to Tangtang, and "Death Blow" to Xia Luo.As for "Water Ballad", since the team has 3 luthiers, Qin Haonan asked the three of them to discuss first.Taxue Xunmei didn't come to think about letting the two ladies choose, and was about to quit. Who would have thought that the ladies thought that his fighting skills were the best, so they directly gave him the skill book.

So, stepping on the snow and looking for plums got "Shui Yao Song".

Qin Haonan didn't intend to delay here, so he divided up the skill books, and the few of them continued on their way.

Having evaded subtle tricks one after another, Qin Haonan led the team to get a lot of treasures.Among them was a magic weapon with good attributes, suitable for the hunter profession, Qin Haonan gave it to Hou Yue.There are also 2 pieces of clothing for the Sword Immortal profession, "Level 37 Tianmeng Immortal Robe", both of which are silverware. Qin Haonan happened to have one for himself, and gave the other to Condensed Frost.

After walking through the underground palace, a tall stone gate appeared again in front of it.

Qin Haonan understood that it was the final boss of this dungeon of the underground imperial tomb.

"After a while we will be divided into two teams, each with a different division of labor. Me, Houzi Laoyue, Xia Ming, Treading Snow and Plum Blossoms, Ning Ningshuang, and Su Yiyaoxin, we are in a team of 6. Nuomi Yaya, Nuomi Yingying, Nuomi Tangtang, and Charlotte, you form a team of four." Qin Haonan said, looking at everyone.

"Why do you want to divide into teams?" Taxue Xunmei asked curiously.

"Listen to me, this nightmare-level boss is a bit different. The main responsibility of our 6-person team is to fight monsters. It is our task to knock down the boss as soon as possible, and we don't care about other things. Linglong will take care of everyone in the process of fighting monsters." Recover blood." Qin Haonan said, looking at the other five members of his team.

 Thank you readers for your forever Xue Jun, thank you readers for your rewards, thank you readers for your rewards, thank you readers for your rewards, thank you readers for your rewards, thank you readers for your rewards, thank you readers for your rewards from Zhang Jing, and thank you readers for your rewards tomorrow LOVE.Thank you for the readers who have rewarded these days, I will add one update to everyone today, and the third update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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