game master

Chapter 105 - The Boss Who Spreads Money

Chapter 105 - The Boss Who Spreads Money
Hou Yue and the others nodded after hearing Qin Haonan's words.

Qin Haonan continued: "As for your four-person team, you will be in charge of leading the team. This time the boss will spread money, which means that he will summon one or two mobs after fighting us for a while. Carrying a cloth bag, as long as we don't attack them, they will not actively attack us. Their life value is not high, and they will disappear after 30 seconds after being spawned. Your 4-person team is mainly responsible for fighting mobs. Before the mobs are summoned, fight the boss with us, Tangtang, you are responsible for your team's blood recovery."

"Brother Ruomeng, what you mean is that our team will fight the boss with you at the beginning. As long as the mobs appear, we will go to fight the mobs to pick up the treasures. When there are no mobs, we will come back to fight the boss with you. Right?" When Charlotte heard that she was asked to lead the team, she became more serious and confirmed again and again.

"Yes, that's what it means." Qin Haonan gave Charlotte an affirmative answer.

"OK, no problem." The four people on Charlotte's side nodded one after another.

"Okay, that's the arrangement. I'm going to open the door. After defeating this boss, we can successfully pass the 'Dungeon of the Underground Imperial Tomb'." Qin Haonan said, and added a move [Sword Intent Level 10] , then went to push open the door.

As the door slowly opened, the scene inside appeared.

I saw an empty hall inside, with several large pillars erected on both sides.There are many wall lamps on the walls of this hall, which illuminate the entire hall brightly. This can be said to be the brightest place in the entire underground imperial mausoleum.

The BOSS is a tall man, wearing a golden armor and holding a long knife.It's completely different from the rotting corpses and ghost generals I've seen before, and it's not scary at all.He was originally sitting on the golden seat, but when the door was opened, he suddenly stood up.

"Who is here, why bother me?" The man in golden armor raised his sword, shouted, and rushed towards Qin Haonan and the others quickly.

Qin Haonan seized the opportunity and immediately read out the attributes of the BOSS with [Beast Controlling Set: Mythril Thousand Magic].

Level 38 - Imperial Mausoleum Commander (Elite)
Life: 24000
Attack: 2600
Defense: 1800
Speed: 1000
To Poison Immunity: 48%
Immunity to Spells: 36%
Immunity to illusions: 36%
After seeing the attributes of the boss, Qin Haonan had the bottom line in his heart, and led the team to rush towards the boss.Before getting close, a move [Royal Sword Art Level 7] has been issued, and the illusory long sword stabs straight at the "Commander of the Imperial Tomb", -751.

At this time, Ning Ningshuang's [Royal Sword Art] and Hou Yue's [Star Chasing Sun Arrow] hit the boss together.

The commander-in-chief of the imperial tomb was obviously angry. He brandished his long knife and swept across. Qin Haonan, Ning Ningshuang, and Erbai who were standing in the front row were all hit.Linglong quickly chanted a spell on the side, trying to increase blood.

At this time, the three luthiers standing behind also kept plucking the strings. The melody of [Chunjiang Huayueye] is melodious, and the attack of the piano sound spreads.

Xia Ming's [Illusory Rain Fairy Dance] was not to be outdone, and waves of attacks rushed in.

The battle became very fierce, and the blood value of the boss quickly dropped to 75%.At this time, he swung his long knife again, and two mobs carrying cloth bags were summoned from his side.As soon as the little monsters appeared, they ran hard to the area outside the battle.

Charlotte hurriedly took his team and ran to fight mobs.

Qin Haonan still wholeheartedly attacked the boss, [Illusion Hidden Kill], [Shadow Wolf Summon Level 8], and [Cut Wind and Demon Blade] were sent out one after another, and the boss lost blood again and again.

The rhythm of the battle is well controlled, everyone cooperates more times, and the sense of tacit understanding is also very strong.

Charlotte quickly dealt with the mobs, and came back to support after picking up the treasures.

At this time, the boss's blood value was close to 50%, Qin Haonan rushed forward and struck hard, hitting the blood value just right.At this time, the commander-in-chief of the imperial mausoleum once again summoned two mobs with cloth bags on their backs, and Charlotte led the team directly to surround the mobs.

【Chunjiang Huayueye】, 【Star Chasing Arrow】, 【Magic Arrow】, 【Phantom Hidden Kill】, 【Royal Sword Art】, 【Phantom Rain Immortal Dance】...
506, -600, -499, -1209, -1400, -602, -507...

Thanks to everyone's close cooperation, the boss was killed very quickly this time.When the blood value of the boss dropped to 25%, three mobs with cloth bags were summoned again.This BOSS is so cute, every time the blood value drops by 3%, mobs will be summoned once to spread money for everyone.

Soon, the boss couldn't hold on anymore.The continuous decline in life value made him feel a great crisis. The "Commander of the Imperial Mausoleum" stopped attacking and stood there with his long knife raised.

Qin Haonan saw this posture and immediately understood that the boss was going to make a big move.

"Everyone, stop attacking, enter defense mode, prepare medicines, and start taking medicines as soon as you lose blood." Qin Haonan shouted to remind everyone.

Charlotte just finished dealing with the mobs and picked up the equipment.Hearing Qin Haonan's instructions, he gave up returning to help and quickly started to defend.

I saw the "commander of the imperial mausoleum" shouted loudly, and layers of air waves blasted away.With him at the center, the ground shook a little.The stone slabs on the ceiling began to fall, and the attack was so fierce that every corner of the entire hall was within the range of this attack.

This big move is an all-round attack with no dead ends, and everyone is busy replenishing blood.

It took about 6 seconds for the attack to basically end.

Qin Haonan filled up his health, then brandished his long sword and charged towards the boss. "Everyone replenish your blood and attack with all your strength, the boss is about to die!"

Everyone rushed up together and launched a fierce attack again.

[Star Chasing and Shooting the Sun], [Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye], [Phantom Hidden Killing], [Soul Devouring Slash], [Moon Blossom Dance]...
503, -601, -486, -1210, -1420, -602, -507...

The "Commander of the Imperial Tomb" was finally outnumbered. With a cry of grief, his life value returned to zero, and he collapsed.A whole lot of equipment was revealed, and this boss who scattered money also revealed a lot more equipment than other bosses.

Level 38 Imperial Mausoleum Armor (Silver, Defense +350, Attack +290, Speed ​​+120, Block Rate Increase), Level 38 Imperial Tomb Belt (Silver, Mana +301, Defense +302, Spirit +201 , true energy value +500), 38-level imperial mausoleum ring (bronze, attack +200, speed +201, mana +99)...

Qin Haonan picked up all the equipment, and decided to share the equipment with everyone after going out.

When everyone left the "Dungeon of the Underground Imperial Tomb", their names were also recorded in the nightmarish first kill record of the "Dungeon of the Underground Imperial Tomb".Since this is not the first nightmare-level first kill in the entire server, there is no special system reward.

After the dungeon was released, everyone was very happy, because this time the harvest was very rich.

The experience Qin Haonan gained from killing the boss also allowed him to smoothly rise to level 41.

Everyone found a safe area with fewer players, and took out all the items obtained in this dungeon (except for those that have already been distributed).After fair distribution by everyone, Qin Haonan finally got a "Level 1 Imperial Tomb Ring", a "Level 38 Imperial Tomb Pants" and 1 gold coins.

Qin Haonan put on all the equipment, looked at the bullish attribute points, and felt full of confidence in tomorrow's game.

(End of this chapter)

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