game master

Chapter 108 - Challenge the Xuanming Snake Emperor

Chapter 108 - Challenge the Xuanming Snake Emperor
The top ten players lined up in a long line, and Qin Haonan followed the team and slowly walked onto the field.

10 huge cages are placed around the platform where the central host stands, forming a circle.In other words, the distance from the cage to the table is the same for all 10 cages.

Under the leadership of the guiding NPC, everyone stood outside their respective cages.The players in the stands were more emotional, and they kept cheering.There are also many players from gangs or organizations who are cheering for their friends in the arena.

At this time, a magic circle suddenly appeared in each cage, and 10 huge purple-black serpents were summoned.They all looked exactly the same. The snake's body was hovering, its head was the size of a truck, and its red eyes were shining fiercely.

Qin Haonan immediately read out the other party's attributes with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic].

Level 40 - Xuanming Snake Emperor (Elite)
Life: 23000
Attack: 2600
Defense: 1690
Speed: 1000
To Poison Immunity: 39%
Immunity to Spells: 39%
Immunity to illusions: 39%
Looking at the attributes, Qin Haonan was planning a snake slaughter plan in his mind.This time it is a competition, the speed of slaughtering the snake determines the final ranking, so this elite boss must be defeated in the shortest time.

The host beauty stood on the stage, her pleasant voice echoed throughout the arena: "Everyone, everyone, get ready. This is a level 40 Xuanming Snake Emperor, the level is an elite boss. The skills it is good at It is [Poison Fang], [Wag Tail], and [Charge]. The BOSS attributes in each player's cage are exactly the same, and everyone is required to kill them in the shortest time, and you will get all the items and experience that the BOSS explodes Value. After killing the BOSS, please rush to the front desk where I am to draw a small ball as soon as possible."

As she said that, the beauty host raised a small ball in her hand, with a number 1 written on it.She shook the small ball in her right hand and explained: "This small ball determines the number of your next game, so everyone must rush here as soon as possible. Now, please take your place, I will start the game soon The countdown is on."

Qin Haonan saw the referee NPC beside him beckoning him to move forward and stood at the door of the cage.At this time, the "Xuanming Snake Emperor" was crawling uncomfortably in the cage, looking straight at Qin Haonan with a pair of red eyes.The other 9 contestants, like Qin Haonan, stood at the door of the cage.After a while the countdown ends, and the door to the cage will open.

Qin Haonan clenched the long sword in his hand, observed the boss carefully, and waited quietly.


As the countdown ended, the door in front of Qin Haonan slowly opened.Qin Haonan rushed in without hesitation. While running, he added a move [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and Erbai was also summoned in an instant.

The players in the auditorium all stared wide-eyed at this time, watching the game in the 10 cages seriously.

The "Level 40 Xuanming Snake Emperor" in front of Qin Haonan moved instantly, and it quickly crawled on the ground with its huge body.With a sudden sweep of the tail, a [Wag Tail] attack came towards Qin Haonan.Qin Haonan set up his long sword to defend and blocked the tail's attack.

Taking advantage of this gap, Erbai has already rushed in front of the "Xuanming Snake Emperor", and jumped onto its huge body. [White Tiger Claw Level 10] and [White Tiger Break Level 10] came one after another, "Xuanming Snake Emperor" howled, and big numbers -1022, -1109 floated above his head.

Qin Haonan drank a bottle of medicine, watched the health value start to recover, and sent out a move [Royal Sword Art Level 7]. He himself followed the illusory long sword and rushed to the boss together.

Running in front of the "Xuanming Snake Emperor", Qin Haonan danced a long sword in his hand, [Phantom Hidden Kill] attacked without hesitation, -1200, critical strike -2408.

At this time, the huge body of "Xuanming Snake Emperor" swung, and its huge head rushed towards Qin Haonan. With a "boom", a big hole was smashed out by the "Xuanming Snake Emperor" where Qin Haonan was just now.Qin Haonan dodged nimbly and used the skill [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 8] while running.Two tall shadow wolves were summoned, and as soon as they appeared, they immediately joined the battle.

When the players in the auditorium saw the Shadow Wolf, their cheers suddenly became extremely loud.

The beauty host was also very excited at this time, and the big screen turned to the venue where Qin Haonan was.She seriously commented: "These two wolves are not contracted beasts, they are summoned creatures. This is a new skill, maybe a short-term skill for summoning creatures to help in battle. It seems that Floating Life Ruomeng has been hiding its strength, I don't know What surprises will he bring us next!"

The "Xuanming Snake Emperor" was already irritated by the little white tiger, but now two little wolves ran out, and these flies made it even more annoyed.But "Xuanming Snake Emperor" has a certain amount of wisdom, knowing that these summoned creatures are all summoned by Qin Haonan, as long as this annoying summoner is solved, the other summoned creatures will disappear.

[Wag Tail], [Charge], [Poisonous Fang], the Xuanming Snake Emperor threw all the skills of one move to Qin Haonan.While dodging the attack, Qin Haonan drank a bottle of medicine again to recover his blood, [Phantom Hidden Kill] saw the right time, and smashed hard on the head of the Xuanming Snake Emperor, -1280, -1299.

At this time, the HP of "Xuanming Snake Emperor" was less than 50%. Qin Haonan's match was undoubtedly the fastest in the whole boss's blood loss.

Qin Haonan wasn't going to stop at all, he wanted to take down this boss in one go.

The effect of [Sword Intent Level 10] has passed at this time, Qin Haonan added this skill to himself again.After using the [Hidden] skill for a moment, his figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.Taking advantage of the fact that the "Xuanming Snake Emperor" couldn't see him, he ran to its head, found a good position, [Illusion Hidden Kill], [Cut Wind and Demon Blade], and [Level 7 Thunder Sword Art] one by one. A series of bombardments.

"Xuanming Snake Emperor" couldn't find Qin Haonan, so he could only attack the summoned creatures.The two phantom wolves were quickly killed by it.

As soon as Qin Haonan saw the phantom wolf disappear, he used [Phantom Wolf Summoning Level 8] again, and summoned 2 more to play with the "Xuanming Snake Emperor".

At this time, the health of the "Xuanming Snake Emperor" has dropped to less than 20%.The elite BOSS was completely enraged, its neck stretched out, and it roared to the sky, its red eyes became even more blood red.The huge body began to swing wildly, and Qin Haonan was thrown off its head.

"Wow...the health is less than 20%, it seems that the boss is going to use a big move. Floating Life Ruo Meng is the first to hit the boss to the red blood state, let's wait and see, what will the boss's big move be?" host The beautiful woman screamed and began to make serious comments.

Seeing the "Xuanming Snake Emperor" swinging and splashing the dust on the ground, Qin Haonan felt his vision blurred for a while.He predicted that this big move would not be so simple, so he directly took Erbai back to the pet space, prepared the medicine himself, and took the medicine immediately as soon as he lost blood.

(End of this chapter)

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