game master

Chapter 109 - Lottery

Chapter 109 - Lottery
Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and Qin Haonan's cage was all within the attack range.Qin Haonan's [Concealment] effect has been removed at this time, he was directly knocked to the ground by the earthquake, and his life value continued to drop.

The two phantom wolves summoned by Qin Haonan quickly cleared their HP and disappeared during the earthquake. At this time, Qin Haonan didn't care so much, and hurriedly took medicine to recover his blood.He was very fortunate that he had just made a wise decision to take Erbai back to the pet space.

"Wow... The effect of this attack is so awesome. The angry blow of the 'Xuanming Snake Emperor' turned out to be [Earth Cracking and Mountain Shaking]." The beautiful hostess stared at the battle area where Qin Haonan was, and looked at the boss. The effect of the skill has not yet ended, and he sighed.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds... The effect of [Earth Crack and Mountain Shake] has not yet passed, Qin Haonan feels that time is passing very slowly, and his health is still declining.

At 8 seconds, the shaking of the earth disappeared.Qin Haonan looked at his 37% health (this is still the medicine he took just now), and immediately summoned Erbai.

"Erbai, attack with all your strength!" Qin Haonan gave the order while drinking the medicine.

Seeing the recovery of his health, Qin Haonan finally used [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 8] with confidence, and ran towards the "Xuanhe Snake Emperor" together with the 2 newly summoned Shadow Wolves.People haven't arrived yet, [Level 7 of Yu Jian Jue] has been sent out.The illusory long sword pierced straight into the stomach of the "Xuanming Snake Emperor", and the counterattack began.

[Phantom Hidden Kill], [Cut Wind and Demon Blade], [Level 7 Lightning Sword Art], [Phantom Hidden Kill]...
1209, -1230, critical strike -2400, -1107, -1300, critical strike -2608...

Under a series of violent attacks, "Xuanming Snake Emperor" let out a mournful cry, and its huge body crashed to the ground, exploding all the equipment on the ground.

At this time, Qin Haonan didn't have time to see what happened. He cooperated with Erbai to pick up the large and small equipment items, and quickly ran out from the gate on the other side of the cage.At this time, Qin Haonan glanced at the other cages, and the "Xuanming Snake Emperor" of several players had already entered the red blood state.

Qin Haonan quickly ran to the stage and got a small ball from the hand of the beautiful host. The number on the small ball was a big 1.

"Right now, player Floating Life Ruomeng has reached the finish line first, successfully defeated the BOSS, and got the No. 1 ball." The beauty host announced the result, and at this moment, there was overwhelming applause from the audience.

"The other contestants need to work harder. Now, Fu Shengruomeng, please go to the rest area over there to rest and wait for the other contestants." The supporter, Beauty, led Qin Haonan to a chair beside him.

Qin Haonan took the ball, went to the chair and sat down.At this time, he was quietly observing the moves and fighting methods of the other players fighting the boss, very focused.Soon, Yelan Tingyu's battle was over. He simply packed up his equipment, quickly rushed to the stage, and got the No. 2 ball.

After listening to the rain at Yelan, Hou Yue, Long Xingtian, Dixianren, Yaoluo, Meow Qiansui, Ace of Spades, Charlotte, and Gongzi Wushuang all rushed to the stage one after another.

In this competition, the top 8 have been selected.The 9th-ranked Charlotte and the 10th-ranked Prince Wushuang failed the election. After a conversation between the host and the beauty, they were guided by the NPC and retreated to the rest area from the other side of the stage to rest.

At this time, the pleasant system sound rang in Qin Haonan's ears.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Like a Dream, you have advanced to the competition. Your current competition number is No. 1, and the system will reward you: +20000 experience points, 20 gold coins, +10 attribute points, and +10 skill points."

Once the bonus experience was added, Qin Haonan was upgraded in a ray of light, to level 42.Several players around me got good rewards, and everyone upgraded one after another.

"Dear viewers, this BOSS challenge is over, and the top 8 players in our "Glory Billboard" PK competition in China are already standing by my side. In the next time, we will enter the lottery session. Players please Let us put the small balls in your hands into this box, and later everyone will draw the small balls, and the number you draw will be your opponent's number." The beauty host explained the rules seriously.

8 small balls were put into the box, and the beautiful host shook the box.The order of the lottery is not stipulated, and players can voluntarily come to the stage to draw lots.Once the first 3 players who come up for the draw are drawn, the list of matches will be released.Qin Haonan saw that no one was moving around, so he was the first to go up and started drawing lots.

At this time, the players in the auditorium are all looking forward to it, because the next draw will determine the candidates for the match.In this game, the official top 4 players will be selected.

After Qin Haonan took out the ball from the box, he walked aside.After looking at it, the number marked on this ball is No. 5.

The beauty host hurriedly raised the No. 5 ball, and showed it to the players in the auditorium through the big screen.Announced: "Then the first match has been decided. No. 1 Floating Life Ruo Meng will face No. 5 Di Xianren. Now you can take the No. 1 ball out of the box."

The audience burst into applause immediately, because many players were looking forward to this duel between Sword Immortal and Sword Immortal.

Yelan Tingyu was the second to step up to the stage to draw lots. He casually grabbed the ball in the box and handed the ball directly to the beautiful host.

The beauty host held up the ball and announced the result: "This second match... I'm so excited, haha. In the second match, No. 2 Yelan Tingyu will face No. 8 Ace of Spades. Now you can put No. 2 And the ball came out of the box too."

The audience burst into applause again.

At this time, no one stepped forward to draw lots, Yaoluo saw that no one was moving, so she took a quick step and walked to the box.The beauty effect made the audience cheer continuously. Under the cheers of everyone, Yaoluo reached into the box with her Qianqianyu hand and took out the No. 7 ball.

The beauty host held the ball and said happily: "This is an exciting moment. The list of matches for the next two games is all out. In the third match, No. 6 Enchanting will play against No. 7 Meow Chitose. The fourth match , No. 3 Monkey Fishing for the Moon vs. No. 4 Long Xingtian."

At this time, the players in the auditorium were already boiling, especially in the positions of Longzhan Tianxia and Xianyaomeng. Many players hung up banners and cheered for their guild leaders.

"Okay, let's invite our contestants to go back to the rest area and take a rest. After 10 minutes, the first competition will begin." Following the announcement of the beauty host, 8 contestants were led by the NPC and walked towards the rest area. go.

The entire PK arena also underwent tremendous changes at this time. The original cage disappeared from the arena amidst streaks of brilliant light.The host's stand and the decorations on the venue were all removed at this time.

The entire PK arena turned into green grass.On the edge of the arena, several small trees grew out, and in the area on the right, a small lake appeared.It seems that the venue for this first competition will simulate an open space in the woods.

 Thank you for the reward of the reader Shadow, thank the reader for the reward of always being awakened by urine, and thank the reader for the reward of 35400****97, thank you for your support!Today's third update is delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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