game master

Chapter 116 - The Eve of the Final

Chapter 116 - The Eve of the Final
Qin Haonan and Hou Yue walked off the ring amid the applause of the players, and returned to the rest hall. The two sat on the sofa, watching the next match.

This second match is Enchanting VS Yelan Tingyu.

Speaking of which, Qin Haonan found that he had never watched a seductive game quietly.

This competition is an official duel between the leader of the Fairy Demon League and the leader of the Assassin Alliance, and the players of the two guilds are also very excited.The auditorium was already full of voices.

"Life is like a dream, who do you think has a better chance of winning this game?" Meow Chitose ran over to join in the fun at this time.

Qin Haonan touched his nose, and said seriously: "It's really hard to say. If I have to say it, the chances of winning Yelan Tingyu are better."

At this time, on the floor-to-ceiling TV screen, Yaoluo and Yelan Tingyu could already be seen standing on the playing field.


As soon as the countdown started, Yaoluo and Yelan Tingyu started to move at the same time.

As soon as Yelan Tingyu came up, he added a trick [Speed ​​Wave] to himself, and his speed was blessed.His figure moved on the playing field, avoiding the enchanting attacks.

At this time, Enchanting has activated [Phantom Rain Fairy Dance] and [Moonlight Dance] one after another, and purple petals are flying all over the sky.It looks like a beautiful move, but there is a hidden murderous intention in it.

Yelan Tingyu has been fighting back while dodging.Then there was the opening of the [Ghost Conquering Formation], and the enchanting spirit was instantly weakened in the formation.I saw Yelan Tingyu rushing up to give Yaoluo a fatal blow, but when the attack hit, Yaoluo's body instantly turned into a flower petal, and the attack was like being hit in a virtual phantom.

"This is the enchanting skill [Hua Yue], within 8 seconds, all attacks are invalid, it's too perverted." Meow Chitose sighed immediately when she saw this skill.

Huayue? !It looks really good.

Qin Haonan quietly watched the floor-to-ceiling TV screen, observing the battle between Yaoluo and Yelan Tingyu.

Yelan Tingyu wasn't surprised, he quickly dodged behind Enchanting, and made a few combos of basic attacks, and after 8 seconds passed, the blood loss began.

In order to prevent Yao Yao from using [Hua Yue] again, Ye Lan Ting Yu also took out his trump card.

In an instant, Yelan Tingyu's figure turned into three, and the other two phantoms attacked together with the main body.Caused blood loss three times to Enchanting.

"What kind of skill is this? Yelan Tingyu has never used it before?!" Hou Yue and everyone in the rest hall were shocked. They didn't expect Yelan Tingyu to hide such a trick.

Qin Haonan was not overly surprised when he saw Yelan Tingyu's movements.Because he knew that this move was Yelan Tingyu's other famous skill [Three Layers of Phantom].It's just that he didn't expect that at this time, Yelan Tingyu had already learned the [Nether Ghost Formation] and [Phantom Triple Layer] at the same time.

[Phantom Triple] As the name suggests, there are two phantoms in addition to the main body, and the phantoms can launch attacks just like the main body.The original damage caused by one hit has now become three hits, and the lethality is obviously powerful.

According to such a development, Qin Haonan can basically conclude that Yaoluo won't last long, and he will surely win this competition in Yelan Tingyu.

Sure enough, their match went on for more than 1 point, the enchanting HP was cleared, and the match ended.

The referee NPC saw the situation, and immediately announced: "This competition, Yelan Tingyu won and successfully advanced to the final!"

The players in the auditorium cheered endlessly, and the competition for the 3rd and 4th places was about to begin, and the most exciting final this time was about to kick off.

Qin Haonan could make it clear that he was going to fight Yelan Tingyu in the final.

"I'm going to compete with the Fairy Queen next time!" Hou Yue looked at the floor-to-ceiling TV screen, a little excited, "Fighting against the goddess, I guess I will unconsciously let myself go."

"Huh, huh? Let the water go? It's not enough." Qin Haonan was surprised.

"I think the Fairy Queen is my idol. When I get nervous, I will definitely not be able to fight, or my performance will be abnormal." Hou Yue sighed, and was about to walk towards the competition venue.

"You'd better do your best, I don't think Yaoluo will let you go." Qin Haonan was also helpless, pulled Hou Yue, and said seriously.

"Well, I got it. I'm very excited and nervous about facing idols." Hou Yue was worried.

The battle for the 3rd and 4th places ended in less than 2 minutes, which can be regarded as a big oolong in the 8th place competition so far.At the beginning of the match, Hou Yue missed his arrow, and even more tragically, he was hit by an illusion.Not long after the illusion was lifted, he was hit by another illusion.Down twice, basically lost.

Enchanting won relatively easily. When Hou Yue returned to the waiting room, he sighed: "Alas... fighting against the goddess, I lost my concentration and returned home in a disastrous defeat."

"Are you okay? This is a competition." Qin Haonan was speechless. He knew that Hou Yue had always admired the Fairy Queen, but he wouldn't be like this when fighting.

"Actually, I didn't deliberately let the water go, I was just nervous! You said how focused I was, and I fell into the illusion at the beginning of the competition." Hou Yue sighed.

"...Your performance is too unstable. If you were to fight against Tangtang, would you give up?" Qin Haonan didn't know what to say.

"...Maybe, it's not suitable to fight against beautiful women." Hou Yue said in a low voice.

"..." Qin Haonan just discovered today that Hou Yue has such a big disadvantage, that is, he can't fight against beautiful women in the competition, otherwise he won't be able to show his strength.


Soon, it was time for the finals.

Qin Haonan and Yelan Tingyu walked onto the playing field, and the audience burst into cheers.

Qin Haonan quickly read out Yelan Tingyu's attributes through [Beast Controlling Suit: Mithril Thousand Magic], facing the opponent in the final, he did not dare to be careless at all.

Player: Listening to the rain in the night

Occupation: Shadow Killer

Rating: 40
HP: 1520 (+300+102)

Infuriating value: 1400 (+300)

Attack: 60 (+580+160)

Defense: 42 (+260+300)

Speed: 78 (+800+399+120)

Mana: 11 (+80)

Spirit: 5 (+20)

To Poison Immunity: 28%
Immunity to Spells: 24%
Immunity to illusions: 24%
Comprehension: 9 (full value is 10, no points can be added here temporarily)
Charm: 9 (full value is 10, no points can be added here temporarily)
Luck: 9 (full value is 10, no points can be added here temporarily)
The host beauty stood on the stage and gave a very excited speech: "Dear audience, the finals of the 'Glory Billboard' PK competition is about to begin. Now the contestants Floating Life Ruomeng and Yelan Tingyu are all gone. Come to the competition venue, let us wait and see who will win the championship?"


As soon as the countdown was over, Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and quickly summoned Linglong, Erbai and Daji.

(End of this chapter)

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