game master

Chapter 117 - Floating Like a Dream VS Yelan Listening to the Rain

Chapter 117 - Floating Like a Dream VS Yelan Listening to the Rain
Yelan Tingyu added [Speed ​​Wave] to herself, and her speed was enhanced.With a flash of his figure, he rushed towards Qin Haonan.

On Qin Haonan's side, he directly used [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 12], and 4 Shadow Wolves were summoned in an instant.Qin Haonan commanded them, together with Erbai and Daji, launched a fierce attack on Yelan Tingyu.

Qin Haonan himself stood behind and observed the situation, with the attitude of a summoner.

Facing so many summoned beasts, Yelan Tingyu didn't dare to take it lightly.He dodged left and right, finally broke out of the encirclement, and rushed towards Qin Haonan's position.

The [Ghost Falling Ghost Formation] was activated, and there was a large ghost head formation floating on the ground, a circular formation with a radius of 1 meter long, emitting a dark purple light.

Although Qin Haonan has already been affected, his attributes have been weakened in a short period of time.But at this moment, the blow of [Phantom Hidden Kill] had already hit Yelan Tingyu's chest, -899, -566.

It seems that the attack power has been greatly affected.

At this time, Yelan Tingyu quickly launched [Phantom Triple Layer], and the two phantoms plus the main body attacked Qin Haonan together.But Qin Haonan was not stupid, he quickly retreated to avoid it.

At this time, 4 phantom wolves had rushed over, surrounding Yelan Tingyu in the middle.Erbai and Daji arrived later, Yelan Tingyu hadn't fought Qin Haonan head-on, when he was surrounded by the opponent's summoned beasts.

"Nimma, this is a gang fight!" Someone in the audience already sighed.

"Alas... there is no way. I heard from Immortal Di that Floating Life Ruomeng is a comprehension summoner, and there are many contracted beasts and summoned beasts."

"I see that in this competition, Fu Sheng Ruo Meng has a very high chance of winning the championship. Then the 8 people who bet on him will get rich! Envy, envy, hate!"

"I didn't have that kind of insight before. It would be great to bet on Floating Life Rumeng. You spend less money and earn more."


The players in the auditorium were no longer calm when they saw the situation of the game.

Yelan Tingyu had thought of some battle plans for today's competition.He understood that it would definitely not take time to compete with a player like Qin Haonan who had many summoned beasts and contracted beasts.And you can't just fight the summoned beasts blindly, the key is to defeat the summoner himself.

So Yelan Tingyu took advantage of the effect of [Phantom Triple Layer], and quickly activated [Soul Eater].Hope to break out of the siege by attacking, so as to have a showdown with Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan didn't plan to spend too long listening to the rain with Yelan, so as not to create a change.He thought of a battle plan before, so he commanded Erbai, Daji and the four shadow wolves, determined to carry the group fight to the end.

Linglong, on the other hand, was constantly recovering blood for blessing.

[White Tiger Claw Level 10], [Tiger Roar Level 10], [White Tiger Broken Kill Level 10], [Silence Killer Level 4]...

[Charm Level 10], [Feng Yan Mie Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 3]...

[Tianyin Curse Level 10], [Rejuvenation Curse Level 10], [Tianxuan Curse Level 10]...

"Yes, yes, that's it. Shadow Wolf No. 1, you grab his left leg. Shadow Wolf No. 2, you grab his left hand. No. 3, No. 3, wherever you look, it's you, you grab His right leg. Very good, No. 4, you grab his right hand. Erbai, you attack from the front. Daji, you attack from the rear. You have to take advantage of the large number of summoned beasts." Qin Haonan stood behind, constantly directing.

Before Qin Haonan faced Hou Yue, he was not ashamed to use this kind of rogue style of play.But this match is the final, so Qin Haonan should not take it lightly.In addition, Qin Haonan and Yelan Tingyu didn't know each other, so there was no need to worry about it.

Yelan Tingyu felt that he was about to lose hope. In this kind of match, 1:8, how could he still fight.

But Yelan Tingyu was not a person who gave up easily, he tried his best and kicked a shadow wolf away.He fought with several summoned beasts and entered hand-to-hand combat.

"Don't let him break through, Shadow Wolf No. 2, hurry up and surround him. No. 3, you also move, bite him and bite him. Our slogan for today's competition is to carry the gang fight to the end!" Qin Haonan stood aside Pointing Jiangshan, chanting selflessly.

Qin Haonan seemed to have forgotten that this was a game. What he said just now was broadcast live to all the players by the PA system.

The players in the auditorium were dumbfounded by Qin Haonan's command.

"I knelt down, my brother, you gang fights are too domineering!"

"I...fuck...with this state, how can Yelan Tingyu confront you head-on? Can we still have a good match?"

"You are wrong. Have you ever seen a summoner and a killer face to face? The advantage of a summoner lies in the summoned beast."

"Being able to fight in groups is also a kind of strength. I am very excited to see it. Floating like a dream, I support you!"


Seeing that Yelan Tingyu had fallen into a passive situation, Qin Haonan secretly rejoiced, seized the opportunity, and threw out [Sunset Meteor Level 10] far away.

【Cut Wind and Extinguish Demon Blade】, 【Phantom Hidden Kill】, 【Level 7 of Yujian Jue】...

Under this violent attack like a storm, after a little longer, Yelan Tingyu felt helpless.The rapid decline of Yelan Tingyu's health has reached an uncontrollable situation, and it will be cleared in a few seconds, and the game is lost.

Seeing this situation, the referee NPC immediately announced: "The finals of the 'Glory Billboard' PK competition has ended. Floating Life Ruomeng wins and wins this championship!"

Suddenly there was applause and shouts in the auditorium.

Seeing that the game was over, Qin Haonan commanded the summoned beast to retreat from Yelan Tingyu's side.Although Yelan Tingyu had already lost, she felt relieved.

The huge figures of the 4 phantom wolves disappeared from Yelan Tingyu's face, and they hurriedly went to find Qin Haonan.

"Master, it's so lively here, I don't want to go back to the pet space." Erbai said, jumping on Qin Haonan's shoulder.

"We don't want to go back either, we want to play outside." Linglong and Daji also said coquettishly.

When the time came, the 4 phantom wolves disappeared.But the three contracted beasts have been following Qin Haonan. Seeing that they asked to stay outside, Qin Haonan didn't force him, so he stayed outside.

At this time, the beauty host had already stepped onto the playing field, and walked quickly to Qin Haonan's side.

"Dear viewers, the finals of the 'Glory Billboard' PK competition has come to an end. I am here to announce once again that the champion of this competition is like a dream!"

The applause sounded, and the big screen in the competition field also changed the picture.Many exciting battle scenes in this competition were continuously played on the big screen in a loop.

At the same time, the top 8 contestants of this competition, led by the guiding NPC, stepped onto the competition field one after another.

 Thank you readers for tipping cars and old drivers, thank readers for tipping watermelon love, thank readers for tipping Crystal 5, thanks readers for tipping Xinmeng Doll, thank readers for tipping Tokyo Sakura ガ at the Eiffel Tower, thank you reader. . . .rewards.Thank you for your support, the third update is delivered, please recommend, ask for votes, and ask for the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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