game master

Chapter 123 - The first upgrade of the game

Chapter 123 - The First Game Upgrade

"Brother Ruomeng, you are so powerful, so you can register as a guild once we return to the East Imperial City, right?" Nuomi Tangtang was also excited at this time.

"Haha, this is nothing. After the guild is established, you have to respond and join. If the number of guild members does not exceed 24 within 30 hours after the guild is established, the guild will be automatically disbanded." Qin Haonan patiently explained the knowledge of the guild to everyone .

The sisters of the luthiers all raised their hands to express that they must answer the call of the leader.

Nuomi Tangtang looked at the friend column, and said seriously: "Then I will send a message to the other students, and let them join the guild together."

"So far, how many people have volunteered to join our gang?" Qin Haonan asked.

Nuomi Tangtang and Nuomi Yaya calculated together, and said: "Including those who fought gang orders today, there are about 80 people."

"Well, I got it. Our guild was only established at level 1, and we can accept up to 50 players. At level 2, we can only accept 100 players. They will come in in two groups." Qin Haonan thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I see, I will tell them." Nuomi Tangtang said happily.

Everyone was actively discussing the establishment of a guild after returning home. At this moment, the system sound rang in everyone's ears.

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Dear players, in 10 minutes, the online game "Century" will enter the first upgrade, please prepare to go offline. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to the players. Game upgrade Finished, it will open again at 8:30 tomorrow night."

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Dear players, in 10 minutes, the online game "Century" will enter the first upgrade, please prepare to go offline. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to the players. Game upgrade Finished, it will open again at 8:30 tomorrow night."


The world announcement rang three times, and the world chat channel was boiling again at this time.

"Upgrade, "Century" is about to be upgraded?!"

"It's a pity. I originally planned to fight the boss with my brother. Now I have to go offline."

"I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know what it will look like after the upgrade? Will new features be added!"


The world chat channel, you talk to me, and the screen is quickly swiped.

"There are still 10 minutes. Let's hurry back to the small fishing village and go offline there." Qin Haonan told everyone about his arrangement as soon as he heard the system tone.

"Okay, we listen to the leader. It's a pity that the guild can't be established right away." The sisters of the luthiers expressed some disappointment.

"It's okay. After the upgrade is completed, our guild will be established immediately. This happens to be a new beginning, and it looks pretty good." Qin Haonan comforted everyone with a smile.

"Hmm..." The piano master sisters responded.

The two teams hurried back to the small fishing village.The time was almost up, everyone didn't care so much, found a place to stay, and they all went offline together.


It was already evening when Qin Haonan walked out of the game room.I looked at my watch, it was time to wash up and go to bed.

Walking out of his room, he saw that Hou Yue and the others had also left the room, and were preparing to cook in the living room.Qin Haonan walked over, greeted everyone, and started cooking noodles with Fang Mengjie.

Everyone chatted briefly for a while, and after eating the noodles, they all washed up and went back to the room to sleep.

Everyone was exhausted these few days. Hou Yue and Qin Haonan had been practicing in the middle of the night in order to prepare for the competition.Fang Zhen and Fang Mengjie, on the other hand, wanted to quickly catch up with everyone's level.Especially Fang Mengjie, this girl cherishes this job very much, Qin Haonan often sees her online in the middle of the night.

It was already 10:00 in the evening. Back in his room, Qin Haonan was lying on the bed, thinking about what happened today, and his thoughts were a little confused.

It is really unbelievable that the president of Shenyuan Group will meet him in the game.Until now, Qin Haonan felt that he was dreaming.That is to say, his current strength must be recognized by the higher-ups.

Qin Haonan was still a little excited when he thought of Ouyang Tianyu saying that he would ask him out later and meet him in the real world.

At this time, Qin Haonan was constantly planning in his mind what he should say if he met the other party.If I want to cooperate with Ouyang Tianyu, I must use corresponding bargaining chips to attract the other party.Otherwise, given Qin Haonan's current social status, it would be really difficult to cooperate with him.

Thinking about it, Qin Haonan fell asleep unconsciously.He also had a very beautiful dream. In the dream, he bought a villa by relying on games, drove a luxury car, and had a beautiful woman by his side.

Qin Haonan tried hard to see the beauty's specific appearance in his dream, but he didn't fully see it until he woke up from the dream.In the vagueness, he always felt that the beautiful woman was someone he knew, and she was very beautiful.

Qin Haonan didn't understand, how could he be sure that the other party was beautiful without seeing the specific appearance clearly.But in his consciousness, the other party is incomparably beautiful.

Early the next morning, Qin Haonan got up.

Thinking that I haven't been exercising well recently, I started to make an exercise plan as soon as the game was upgraded.

Opposite the villa where Qin Haonan lives now, there is a small park.Many people like to walk and run there in the morning.Qin Haonan got up early in the morning and ran in the small park alone.

Qin Haonan decided to keep running every day from today.After all, the body is the capital of the revolution. If the health is not good, you will not be able to play games to make money later.

He was running, and suddenly saw a well-dressed old man, who seemed to be feeling unwell, and slipped from the bench in front to the ground.When Qin Haonan was in school, the teacher always taught them to be helpful.

At this time, Qin Haonan looked around, and there was no one else but himself. If such an old man was left alone, if something happened to him, he would always feel uneasy.

Qin Haonan made up his mind, regardless of whether it was from Pengci or not, and walked up.

"Master, grandpa, are you alright?" Qin Haonan kindly went up to help him, and helped him up from the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay, just a little dizzy just now. Young man, thank you." The old man waved his hand to signal Qin Haonan not to worry.

Only now did Qin Haonan see the appearance of the old man. This old man was kind-hearted and had an aura of a scholar on his body. If the old man said that he was a retired university professor, Qin Haonan would believe him right away.

"Where do you live, sir? Do you have a mobile phone? Call your family and ask them to pick you up." Qin Haonan was not at ease, he helped the old man to sit down, and asked.

After the old man sat down, he slowed down, and then said: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I didn't eat breakfast, I just moved a bit, and I feel a little dizzy."

"Then you wait here. There is a stall selling breakfast in front of you. I'll buy some for you. You can eat it first. That way I can rest assured." Qin Haonan touched his pockets, and fortunately he brought 50 yuan to go out in the morning .

"Young man, what a shame."

"It's okay, just wait a moment, I'll be right back. You'd better call your family and ask them to pick you up." Qin Haonan said, and walked towards the breakfast stall not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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