game master

Chapter 124 - Ouyang Tianyu's Invitation

Chapter 124 - Ouyang Tianyu's Invitation

After buying buns and a cup of millet porridge, Qin Haonan quickly ran back to the old man.

"Young man, thank you. It's great to meet a kind young man like you today." The old man drank the porridge and became much more energetic. "My surname is Yang, what do you call young man? I have called my family The phone call, they will pick me up in a while, if you have a chance to invite you to my house in the future, I still want to thank you very much!"

"Uncle Yang, you are being polite. It's just breakfast. My surname is Qin." Qin Haonan hurriedly waved his hand.

"Xiao Qin, what do you do?" Uncle Yang chatted with Qin Haonan after breakfast.

"I'm a professional gamer, playing games."

"Oh, this profession is good, and the future development prospects are quite promising. I am engaged in game research and development, and the virtual game will definitely have a decisive impact on human society in the later stage. Xiaoqin, which game are you playing?" Old Man Yang sat down. On the bench, he spoke very seriously.

At this point in the topic, Qin Haonan felt that Old Man Yang might not be an ordinary person.

You know, the current game development is basically young people.Young people are energetic, active in thinking, creative, able to play hard and stay up late. For online games for young people, most of the R&D personnel are young people.

But there is an online game that is different, and that is "Century".

The online game "Century" is a transnational game, and various countries participate in the research and development. In the later stage, it is planned that all people will enter the game.The game has a grand background and is of great significance. Among the R&D staff are elite professors from all walks of life. I heard that many older experts are involved.

At the age of Uncle Yang, who is still involved in game development, Qin Haonan immediately thought of the "Century" online game.

"I play the online game "Century". Uncle Yang, the game you developed is also "Century", right?" Qin Haonan asked after thinking about it.

"Haha, yes, what a coincidence. My ID in the game is 'a lonely tree can't make a forest'. Xiao Qin, remember to add me as a friend after you enter the game!" Uncle Yang even found a piece of paper, and specially put his name on it. Write it down and hand it to Qin Haonan.

Holding the small note, Qin Haonan couldn't help sighing, this old man is so fashionable that he even asked him to meet in the game.The more this happened, the more Qin Haonan felt in his heart that this Old Man Yang was not simple.But he is a developer of "Century", so it is normal for him to have an ID in the game.

After the two exchanged pleasantries together for a while, they saw a high-end domestic car driving to the intersection and stopped.A man and a woman stepped out of the car, both wearing suits and ties. Qin Haonan only took a glance and knew that their identities were not ordinary.

The man and woman came over and saluted Old Man Yang respectfully.The woman said: "Old Yang, we are here to pick you up. We couldn't find you this morning, everyone is very anxious."

"Yeah, I'm just out for a stroll. Don't always look at me like a child. I also met a kind-hearted young man today, and I gained a lot." Old Uncle Yang stood up as he said.

The woman in the suit looked at Qin Haonan, nodded like him, then turned to Old Uncle Yang and said, "Old Yang, let's go back."

"Okay, go back. Xiao Qin, thank you for today. Let's make an appointment in the game later, and come to my house as a guest when you have time." Old Uncle Yang said and extended an invitation.

"Okay, goodbye, old man Yang."


After seeing off Old Uncle Yang, Qin Haonan held the little note, always feeling that today's matter was not that simple.The man and woman just now looked a bit like bodyguards.

Correspondingly, the identity of this old man Yang is not ordinary.

Qin Haonan was very curious, how could such an old man of status, who also developed the "Century" online game, appear in a small park near his home.And he still didn't eat breakfast, so he passed out on the side of the road and ran into him.This series of things put together is not ordinary.

But now Qin Haonan can't figure out his thoughts, so it's better to let this matter go and see the follow-up development.

Qin Haonan continued to run a few laps before returning to the villa.

The "Century" online game has been upgraded, and Qin Haonan originally planned to take a good rest taking advantage of this gap.I don't want to disrupt Qin Haonan's entire plan with a phone call in the morning.

Ouyang Tianyu's secretary called Qin Haonan to invite him to meet at the headquarters of "Shenyuan Group" in the afternoon.

Qin Haonan did not expect Ouyang Tianyu's invitation to come so quickly, Qin Haonan simply tidied up, greeted Hou Yue and the others, and began to prepare for the meeting in the afternoon.

This meeting is very important, Qin Haonan combed his hair and shaved his beard.He found his best outfits from the closet. He was still hesitating whether to wear a suit or casual clothes.

After comparing several sets of clothes, Qin Haonan finally decided to wear casual clothes.I am used to being idle and free, and casual clothes are more in line with my own style.Although it was to meet important people, today was not an interview after all, Qin Haonan didn't want to make it so grand.


The headquarters of Shenyuan Group is located in the most prosperous area in the center of the capital.

When Qin Haonan stepped into this luxuriously decorated office building, he looked at the social elites constantly walking in the hall.I thought, those who can work here are the best in society.

According to the text message he received earlier, Qin Haonan took the elevator to the top floor.

Ouyang Tianyu's secretary enthusiastically introduced Qin Haonan into Ouyang Tianyu's office, and said: "President Ouyang is in a meeting, the meeting will end soon, and he will come over in a while. You sit here and wait, I will pour you a glass of water .”

"Okay, thank you." Qin Haonan sat on the sofa and smiled.

Qin Haonan looked at the murals hanging on the wall of the office, and was thinking about what to say when they met in a while.

After a while, Ouyang Tianyu opened the door and came in.

In reality, Ouyang Tianyu was dressed in a suit. Although he was middle-aged, he was still imposing.Seeing that Qin Haonan had arrived, he enthusiastically came over to shake hands. "Life is like a dream, welcome, but now I should call you Mr. Qin."

"Hello, President Ouyang! You have investigated my information in detail." Qin Haonan stood up and shook hands.

"Sit down, sit down, I came here today because I want to talk to you about the development of the game. I won't talk about it, I appreciate your ability, and I hope you can come to work with me in the future." Ouyang Tianyu said seriously.

Qin Haonan was not surprised, because he had already thought of these possibilities last night.

"Oh, I'm terrified. What does President Ouyang mean by work?"

"Our Shenyuan Group, as a game operating company, also has its own guild forces in the "Century" online game. With this game upgrade, many large groups are preparing to enter the "Century" online game. There is 'Dragon Fighting the World', Huafeng Group has 'Fairy Demon League', Donghui Group has 'Batu Dynasty' our Shenyuan Group's future guild will also become one of the first-class guilds in China."

"I understand. President Ouyang wants me to become a professional player in your company's game studio." Qin Haonan said clearly.

"Exactly." Ouyang Tianyu said.

Qin Haonan still has a certain understanding of Shenyuan Group's gangs in the game due to the memory of his previous life.

 The third one is delivered, ask for tickets, ask for collection, ask for leader.

(End of this chapter)

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