game master

Chapter 127 - Building a Guild

Chapter 127 - Building a Guild

Long Xingtian: "Didn't you join the Fairy Demon League? Which gang did Brother Ruomeng join?"

Long Zhan Yue Ye: "Life is like a dream, come to our Long Zhan Tianxia. There are many brothers in Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​so we are united enough."

Da Mo Crazy Sword: "Brother Tian, ​​you are very persistent in helping people?"

God-level gang leader: "If you call me, I will choose to go to a gang with more girls."

Qin Haonan: "..."


Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi added each other as friends, and agreed to keep in touch with each other in the future.

It was already evening when we returned to the villa. Qin Haonan waited until 8:30 and logged in to the game again.

"Ding dong~ Now start the identity verification. The brain wave recognition is successful, the DNA recognition is successful, the fingerprint recognition is successful, and the ID card recognition is successful. Floating like a dream, welcome back to the "Century" online game. Please be prepared, the wonderful journey will begin It's time to start..."

After logging in again, Qin Haonan stood on the street of the small fishing village.

After reading the game announcement, this update has added a lot of new features. The online game "Century" has newly added a hunger level. Every player needs to eat in the game every day. If the hunger level reaches 60/100 without food for a period of time, the value of each attribute will decrease, and the speed of killing monsters and doing tasks will also decrease. will be slower.

If the hunger level reaches 100/100, the body will be very weak and cannot perform tasks normally.

It is also because of this setting that in the later stages of the game, many players choose to be chefs as their career in life.

In addition to hunger, a mount function has been added to the game.After the player reaches level 40, he can go to the corresponding gang to do the task to get the mount, and the mount can be upgraded by the special mount upgrade Dan.

Regarding the upper limit of the number of mounts, it is temporarily set at 3 per person.

Qin Haonan was not in a hurry to get the mount, he looked at the gang establishment order in his backpack.Then he returned to the East Imperial City through the teleportation array.To form a gang, one must go to the city lord of the Eastern Imperial City.

In the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord is sitting on a chair drinking tea.

"Hi, City Lord, I'm here to register, and I want to establish a guild." Qin Haonan walked to the City Lord and said seriously.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, have you already received the order to establish a gang?"

"It's here." With that said, Qin Haonan handed over the guild formation order.

"Sure enough, it's a guild establishment order, haha, Floating Life Ruomeng Young Hero will become the first guild leader in the whole server. Your reputation has reached the requirements for guild establishment. Please hand in 2 purple gold coins so that I can register for you." After looking at the guild building order, he said.

"Okay." Qin Haonan said and handed over the Zijin coin.

"Ding dong~ The system will deduct 2 purple gold coins."

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, have you thought about the name of the guild? If you think about it, let me know." The city lord took a pen and paper, ready to register.

"Dream dyes the country." Qin Haonan said.

"Okay, the guild has been successfully established. Floating Life is Ruo Meng Guild Master, please recruit members quickly. If the number of guild members cannot reach 24 within 30 hours, the guild will be automatically disbanded." The city lord kindly reminded.

"Okay, thank you." Qin Haonan opened the guild page while speaking.Sure enough, the "Mengran Jiangshan" gang with a level of 1 has been successfully established.

"System prompt: Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you are the first player to establish a guild in the whole server, system rewards: experience value +20000, attribute points +3, skill points +3, reputation +1500."

"System prompt: 'Mengran Jiangshan' gang is the first guild in the whole server, the system will automatically donate 3000 guild funds, I wish the 'Dream Ran Jiangshan' gang will grow stronger day by day. After 10 seconds, the world will announce."

"System prompt: Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, your guild 'Meng Ran Jiangshan' will be ranked No.1 in the player guild rankings in China."


"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Congratulations to player Fushengruomeng for establishing the guild 'Mengran Jiangshan'. As the first guild established in the whole server, the system will automatically give away 3000 guild funds. I wish the 'Mengran Jiangshan' guild growing stronger day by day."

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Congratulations to player Fushengruomeng for establishing the guild 'Mengran Jiangshan'. As the first guild established in the whole server, the system will automatically give away 3000 guild funds. I wish the 'Mengran Jiangshan' guild growing stronger day by day."


The world announcement rang three times in a row, and the world chat channel was suddenly in an uproar.

"Dreams dye the world?! Someone actually established a guild, the first gang in the whole server. It's unbelievable that the guild leader is like a dream. I thought the first gang would be Dragon Fighting the World."

"There is a gang, and the leaderboard has been displayed! I want to join the gang."

"Floating Life Like a Dream God, please accept me into the gang."

"I just took a look at the leaderboard and realized that this Floating Life Ruomeng is really a god. He is number one on the rank list, number one on the overall combat power list, number one on the magic weapon list, and number one on the glory list... on the pet list... Let him occupy the first three, what is a super beast? There are two more beasts! Nima, it's too awesome!"

"Didn't you see that the Floating Life is Like a Dream God also has a super artifact, two pieces. I'll go... or the suit, both for playing games, why is there such a big difference?"

"Stop talking, Floating Life Like a Dream God is still number one on the wealth list, local tyrant, let's be friends. Hug your thigh, please!"

"I just found out that the leader of Floating Life Ruomeng still has a hidden job? I suspect that he is a cheating player. This is not in line with common sense. They are all playing games. Why don't I have these adventures?"

"Shut up, people probably got it with real strength. If it's really cheating, the game company doesn't care? Mastermind 'Century' doesn't care? You just envy and hate."

"Great God, please accept my knee. I am willing to follow the Great God, let me join the gang!"


In just one minute, the entire world chat channel was swiped.Qin Haonan didn't pay too much attention to what these players said specifically, opened the guild page, and immediately saw a 1-page guild application.

Qin Haonan flipped through the pages, and pulled Hou Yue and the others in one by one.


Monkey fishing for the moon, Xia Luo, Xia Ming, Nuomi Tangtang, Nuomi Xinxin, Nuomi Yingying, Nuomi Yaya, Treading the Snow and Seeking Plum Blossoms, Condensed Frost, Suyi Yaoxin, Breeze Fluttering... a series of names were added, After a while, the gang of 50 people was already full.

As soon as Hou Yue joined the gang, he began to donate purple gold coins.

He had won a lot of bonuses from betting before, and now they have invested in the gang's fund pool.Qin Haonan also started donating purple gold coins. The two of them were really rich, so they abruptly increased the guild funds to 5000/5000.

Seeing that the funds were enough, Qin Haonan clicked the upgrade without hesitation.Due to the low level of the gang, it only took 1 minute to upgrade from level 2 to level 1.

At this time, Mengran Jiangshan is already a level 2 gang, with a maximum of 100 members.

Qin Haonan looked at the guild's application page. At this time, many players applied to join the guild, and the page was already as long as 100 pages.There was no way, Qin Haonan assigned Hou Yue the position of deputy leader, and the two searched along the page together, adding all the default members one by one.

Soon, the gang had more than 80 members.

Qin Haonan checked the list of gang members and confirmed that everyone has joined.Then he began to select the application list from the public players. Some high-level and good professional male players, especially melee professional male players such as Ba Dao and Jian Hao, Qin Haonan selected and added them.

There is no way, his current gang has been occupied by a large number of girls.If you don't accept any male players, the male-to-female ratio is very unbalanced, and the most important thing is that the occupational imbalance is also obvious.

In this way, the number of members of the Mengran Jiangshan Gang once again reached the upper limit.

 The second is delivered, please collect, ask for tickets, ask for the leader!

(End of this chapter)

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