game master

Chapter 128 - Guild Mission

Chapter 128 - Guild Mission
"Damn it, the Mengran Jiangshan Guild reached level 2 so soon? I also want to join the gang, but the gang is full of members."

"It's too fast, it's only a few minutes, and 100 people are full?!"

"There are a lot of players in China, and now there is only one gang. This means that there are more wolves and less meat, and there is not enough to grab."

"I also really want to join the guild. After joining the guild, I can do guild tasks! In this way, we will fall behind."


The screen of the world chat channel was swiped again and again, and everyone's topics were basically on the first gang of the whole server.It can be seen from this, how much this first gang is valued in the minds of "Century" players.

Mengran Jiangshan Gang, relying on this world announcement, became famous in an instant.

Qin Haonan checked the guild chat channel at this time, and found that many players who joined the guild were already chatting.Especially the last few, the male players who joined the popular player guild application, chatted happily after entering the guild.

"It's great to join the gang. Our gang leader is so powerful. I joined because of my admiration for the gang leader."

"Hi everyone, my name is Tianxia Wuhen. I just discovered that there are so many girls in our gang!"

"Xiao Baifei came to report, the gang is really lively."

"As soon as you said it, I just went to count. There are only 19 male players in our gang, and the rest are all girls. 81 girls, and all of them are luthiers, medical immortals, and magic dancers. I was thinking , are they all beauties?"

"Wonderful, there are really 81 MMs, this is the country of daughters!"

"This is not the country of daughters, but the country of respect for women." Su Yiyaoxin really couldn't listen to the nonsense of the male players, so she interjected and joked.

"Sister talked, women respect the country?! Don't fool me, why is the gang leader a man? The deputy gang leader is also a man."

"Nvzunguo is good, is the leader here? The leader will come out and explain to us."

"...We help more female players now, and when we level up again, we will recruit more male players to join." Hou Yue watched everyone's guesses like this, and then sent a sentence.

"The vice-guild leader has spoken. Monkey fishing for the moon, the third master in the ranking list, our guild has a bright future."

"God, God, please accept my knee. Could you please guide us to play the game?"


Qin Haonan saw that the guild was so lively, and the guild was officially established today. As the leader of the guild, he should say something.It is easy to be overwhelmed by swiping the screen when typing, so Qin Haonan used the gang voice system.

"Ahem... everyone, be quiet, I am the leader of the gang, floating like a dream." Qin Haonan patted the microphone, and his voice spread through the gang channel.

For a moment, the originally noisy gang chat channel was instantly quiet.

"Today is the first day of the official establishment of our Mengran Jiangshan Guild. Thank you for joining. I just saw a member in the group ask that there are more female players in our guild for the time being, and most of them are luthiers, medical immortals, and magic dancers. Wait until To upgrade again, we will uniformly recruit some male players with melee attacks, everyone can rest assured that the later stages of the career will be balanced."

Qin Haonan paused at this point, giving everyone time to digest what he just said.

"I hope everyone will work together to build our guild better and stronger. Now I will give you a brief introduction to the content of the guild page. The first thing is to sign in. Every guild member can sign in once a day. Signing in will increase the guild. Guild funds, and you can also get the corresponding experience points and a double experience talisman. The higher the level of our guild, the more rewards everyone will get when they sign in."

"The next step is the guild mission. Each person can accept 20 guild missions per day. These missions can be obtained in the 'guild mission' interface. After completing the guild mission, our guild will increase the guild funds, and you can also get a lot of experience value, coins, and guild contribution. If the guild contribution is high, you can also go to the guild shop to exchange items, and can also be used to upgrade guild skills.”

"What's more, I want to tell everyone about the guild donation. We don't have to force donations, it's all voluntary. The minimum is 1 copper coin, and there is no upper limit. Donations can greatly increase your contribution value, and it will also greatly increase the guild funds. increase."

"Finally, there are guild shops and guild skills. Our guild is only at level 2 now. The guild skills can only be opened at level 3, and the guild store can only be opened at level 5. As far as I know, most of the guild skills are passive skills. Rare items in the guild shop can’t be bought outside. So everyone work harder to raise our guild level.”

As soon as Qin Haonan finished speaking, someone replied in the guild chat channel.

"Okay, boss, we will sign in every day to do the task."

"Yeah, I'm going to sign in now to do the task."

"Master, your voice is really nice, can you sing us a song?" At this time, a girl named "Jumping Rabbit" jumped out and spoke.

Su Yi Yaoxin: "It turns out that Leaping Rabbit is obsessed with the leader..."

Monkey fishing for the moon: "..."

Leaping Rabbit: "I just worship the leader of the gang, and I really worship the leader of the great god."

Breeze Fluttering: "Boss, we want to see the outfit you got when you wore the 'Glory Billboard' PK? It is said that the goblin queen got a very beautiful outfit, and it looks beautiful in it. We want to see the No.1 outfit."

Glutinous Rice Tangtang: "Help the master change the fashion."

Charlotte: "...the girls are not on the same channel as us..."

Life is like a dream: "... let's go to the task..."

After Qin Haonan said that, he closed the guild channel, and set an example to sign in and do the task.

After a while, I found that the guild funds had increased a lot, and it seemed that the guild members had already started to move.

Qin Haonan's level is already level 45 at this time. He plans to form a team at night and clear the level 45 dungeon with his guild members. Maybe he can get the first kill.

Qin Haonan saw that the guild matters were basically explained, so he went to the teleportation array in the East Imperial City, preparing to return to Qiongtian to pick up the mount mission.With a mount, you can save a lot of time on the road later.

Along the way, Qin Haonan found that many players liked to look sideways at him.At first he didn't understand what was going on, but later he found out that he had the title of "Mengran Jiangshan Guild Master" on his head.

Now there is only one gang in China, and the name of the gang on the head is very eye-catching, let alone the leader of the gang.

In order to keep a low profile, Qin Haonan hid them.

When I came to Qiongcang faction, it was already crowded with people.After all, the players have basically reached level 40. The sword fairy profession of the Qiongcang school is very popular, and there are a lot of players who have changed their profession to sword fairy.

After the game was upgraded this time, a large number of players flooded into the "Century" online game. "Century" has opened the second server, and many players who joined later chose to develop on the new server.After all, staying in the first server, the level gap is too big.

On the way Qin Haonan walked to the main hall of Qiongcang faction, he saw many players owning mounts.The mount of the Qiongcang faction is a blue "blue light horse", the whole body is blue, it is wearing a battle armor, and it has blue flames on its feet. It looks very handsome.

Regarding the mount system, after level 40, each player can receive at least one.

This first mount was obtained through the sect's mount quest.In other words, there are 12 kinds of mounts in 12 sects, and the mount of Qiongcang sect is "Blue Light Horse".

If players want to have a second mount, they need some adventures, captured in missions or in the wild on special maps.But the probability of this is very small.

 Thank you for the reward from reader Gu, thank you for the reward from reader max. Thank you readers for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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