game master

Chapter 130 - The Miraculous Medicinal Porridge

Chapter 130 - The Miraculous Medicinal Porridge
Among the 10 members who downloaded the dungeon together this time, Hou Yue, Xia Luo, Xia Ming, Nuomi Tangtang, and Condensed Cream have all worked together before and are familiar with each other.

The four newly added male players are the level 4 boxer "Fang Ke", the level 43 swordsman "I want to be quiet", the level 42 overlord sword "Aoshi丨Hongchen", and the level 42 mechanism master " Ye Yu".

Qin Haonan pulled everyone into the team, looked at everyone's attribute level, and said: "In the 'Thousand Illusion Forest Dungeon' we played today, the mobs in it are all magic attacks, and they can use illusion. I have prepared some medicines to detoxify the 'illusion', share it with everyone."

"Master, thank you. If there is anything we need to do, you can just say it." Fang Ke was also seeing Floating Life Ruomeng face to face, and he was still a little excited when he took the medicine handed over by the other party. .

"Boss, before entering the dungeon, can you tell us how to play? We are low-level, and we don't know what to do when we play a level 45 dungeon." Aoshi丨Hongchen expressed his thoughts.

Qin Haonan led everyone out of the city, and said as he walked, "You don't have to worry about it. After entering the dungeon, just follow my instructions. This time the dungeon will be cleared 100% without any problem. The strength of the few of you, in the whole server It’s also counting forward, don’t be so unconfident!”

"Hmm." Several people nodded, thinking to themselves.It's not that they are not confident, if they usually do missions to clear dungeons, they are the ones who lead others.But today is different, the team members are all top 4 players in the PK list.Especially their big gang leader, whose level is [-] levels higher than theirs, and his combat power is even more powerful than them.

It would be a lie to say that there is no pressure at all.

But at this time, several people were also curious.I really want to know, what kind of new style of play will he lead everyone to play when playing a dungeon with such an expert?
Qin Haonan brought everyone to the entrance of "Level 45 Thousand Illusion Forest Dungeon". At this time, there were not many players nearby.

A few sporadic monster-fighting players not far away looked sideways when they saw the guild logo above their heads.Looking at the posture of this group of people, it seems that they are about to enter the dungeon.Several players gave up fighting monsters and came to watch.

It doesn't matter if the players are watching, and they keep sending messages on the world chat channel.

"I saw the gang leader and deputy gang leader of Meng Ran Jiangshan, and they are going to download a level 45 dungeon."

"It's true, Mengran Jiangshan is the rhythm of taking the first kill with a level 45 dungeon!"

"Damn, why are you so excited. How many first kills has Floating Life Ruo Meng achieved? In my impression, except for the level 35 dungeon, he seems to have taken the first kills in other dungeons. This man is really a master , Worship!"

"It seems that level 45 is about to be cleared. Floating Life Like a Dream, Monkey Fishing for the Moon, Charlotte, Glutinous Rice Tangtang, etc. are all common in the first kill records, so there is nothing to make a fuss about."

"You know what, I saw them in person. Glutinous rice Tangtang is so beautiful, and there is a beautiful sword fairy in the team, and the beautiful ones are not to be missed."


At this time, Qin Haonan was not in the mood to watch what these players posted, so he walked to the entrance of "Level 45 Thousand Illusion Forest Dungeon".

"Is everyone ready? We are going to enter the dungeon." Qin Haonan said.

"Well, it's all ready."

"Please choose the difficulty: Normal, Difficult, Purgatory, Nightmare."

Without even thinking about it, Qin Haonan clicked "Nightmare" without hesitation.Immediately, the color of the portal began to change, and finally became pitch black, with faint blood red in the black. This is the color of nightmares.

Hou Yue and the others passed too many dungeons because of their cooperation with Qin Haonan, so they didn't feel anything at all.

But the four new teammates behind him were really shocking.This is the only one who chooses the level of "Nightmare" as soon as it comes up.The Great God is worthy of being a Great God, awesome.

Qin Haonan didn't even think about it, he just walked in.

Entering the copy of the Thousand Illusion Forest, a dense forest greets you.The trees in the forest are green, the ground is full of wild flowers, and the singing of birds is constantly echoing in the forest.Birds and flowers are fragrant, as if entering the fairyland dense forest in fairy tales.

The reason why this place is called the Forest of Thousand Illusory Gods is because the entire forest is shrouded in a faint mist, hazy and seemingly unreal.

"Wow, the scenery in this dungeon is so beautiful." Charlotte couldn't help but sigh.

Qin Haonan took out 10 bowls of medicated porridge from his backpack, and hurriedly said, "Everyone divide the porridge and drink it right away. I am the key to our victory in this instance."

Everyone took the medicated porridge, looked at its properties, and couldn't help being shocked.

Medicinal porridge, level 3 medicinal food, hunger -10.In a short time, life value +600, attack +100, defense +100, speed +100.Hold for 15 minutes.

"Wow, the medicated porridge's attributes are so powerful. With it, we don't have to worry about the level of this dungeon monster being higher than ours." Charlotte was amazed after reading the attributes, "Brother Ruomeng, such a good thing, you never Where did you get it? There is no medicinal diet in the game store.”

"It was given by Misty Rain and Wind. Her occupation is a medicated diet teacher. Some time ago, she gathered the ingredients and made these 10 bowls of medicated diet porridge. Let us all try the effect." Qin Haonan said.

When Qin Haonan had just completed the mount mission, he received a package from Fang Mengjie.

She just made 10 bowls of herbal porridge, and asked Qin Haonan to try the effect when he brushed the dungeon.Fang Mengjie is such a caring girl, knowing that Qin Haonan was going to prepare a dungeon, she sent her some supplementary medicinal porridge.

Charlotte took a sip of the porridge, and was immediately attracted by the sweet taste of the porridge, and drank it in big gulps. "This medicated porridge is really delicious, even more delicious than the food we ate in the small town."

"Is Misty Girl Misty Rain from our guild? Wow, this skill is really amazing. This herbal diet porridge is not only delicious, but also has a great effect on increasing attributes. Medicinal Dietist should be a hidden life profession, right? I am in the life profession I didn't find it in the library." I wanted to sigh quietly while drinking the porridge.

"Well, she belongs to our guild. I saw it in the list of guild members today." Ye Yu, the organist who had never spoken, said at this moment.

"I want to get acquainted with her when I go back." I want to say hurriedly quietly.

"Okay, everyone drank the porridge, and we started to kill monsters. There are level 45 'Skylark Bird' and level 46 'Thousand Illusion Butterfly' mobs ahead, everyone should not take it lightly." Qin Haonan said, taking The team walked forward.

"Fang Ke, you and I will walk in front of the team." Qin Haonan began to direct, and summoned Linglong, Erbai and Daji along the way.

It was the first time for the new teammate to see these three contracted beasts up close. Looking at the three cute creatures, he thought that the guild master was really amazing.These three contracted beasts look cute, but their combat effectiveness is definitely not for nothing.One super divine beast, two divine beasts, when they reach a higher level, wouldn't they be going to blow up the heavens!

(End of this chapter)

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