game master

Chapter 131 - On the Dungeon of the Magical Forest

Chapter 131 - On the copy of Thousand Illusion Forest

Qin Haonan led everyone through the forest, and soon saw the first level 45 mob "Skylark Bird" appear in front of him.

Qin Haonan immediately used [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 12], and 4 Shadow Wolves were summoned.Qin Haonan gave an order, and they rushed up together with Erbai.

Qin Haonan followed behind with a move [Zhan Feng Mie Demon Blade], and the mobs were almost wiped out.

Basically, no one was allowed to do anything, Qin Haonan, the mob in the first round, easily handled it by himself.

"Be prepared, everyone. There will be a lot of 'Skylark' in front of you. Just attack with all your strength, and try to shorten the fighting time, otherwise 'Skylark' will release its skills, and the chance of being hit by an illusion will increase." Qin Haonan held Tighten the long sword and remind everyone while walking.

Qin Haonan was still very impressed with this dungeon.I remember that he brushed this dungeon in his last life, and didn't know what the skill of "Skylark Bird" was. Qin Haonan fought with them for a long time, and when the illusion skill appeared, it was really the rhythm of annihilation.

The probability of falling into the illusion is very high. Once more than 6 players in the team fall into the illusion, the battle is basically impossible to fight.

"Okay." The teammates responded.

After walking a few steps, a lot of "Skylark Birds" appeared in front of him, among them were mixed with level 46 "Thousand Illusory Butterflies".

"Fang Ke, the two of us are the top monsters in the front. Linglong blesses everyone's blood, and Tangtang pays attention to Fang Ke's blood value. If you see someone who is hit by the illusion, immediately use the [Qingxin Jue] to release everyone from the illusion state. Pay attention and do your best Attack." Qin Haonan gave himself [Sword Intent Level 10] while commanding.

[Sunset Meteor Level 10] Attracted the mobs, 4 phantom wolves and Erbai rushed up immediately.

[White Tiger Claw Level 10], [Tiger Roar Level 10], [White Tiger Broken Kill Level 10], [Silence Killer Level 6]...

[Charm Level 10], [Feng Yan Mie Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 5]...

[Tianyin Curse Level 10], [Rejuvenation Curse Level 10], [Tianxuan Curse Level 10]...

In addition to Qin Haonan's summoned beast and contracted beast, the team members also opened fire, and more than 30 "Skylark Birds" were quickly wiped out.Did not give the opponent a chance to activate skills at all.

"Small monsters like 'Thousand Illusory Butterfly' are long-range magic attacks. They can replenish blood, but their blood is thin and defense is low. As long as we can get close to them and launch a strong attack, we can quickly eliminate them. But remember not to fight with them. Keep them apart, otherwise, it will replenish blood and attack, and we can't afford it." Qin Haonan looked at the little monster in front of him and reminded again.

"Yeah, boss, fighting monsters with you, I feel that the progress is so fast." Fang Ke sighed after finishing fighting a mob.

"Playing dungeons with Brother Ruomeng, you can avoid all traps and predict all kinds of emergencies." Charlotte interrupted hastily.

"It's nothing, I just pay more attention to the official website of the forum and often analyze and research it. Let's start fighting monsters." Qin Haonan replied modestly, clenched the long sword in his hand, and led everyone to kill monsters together.

Thousand Illusory Butterflies were shot down.

While fighting monsters, Qin Haonan explained the essentials of the battle: "Ye Yu, you are a mechanism master, don't rush so far, just stay behind the mechanism beast."

"Boss, my mechanism beast is really too weak. It's really slow to kill monsters. I feel that I might as well choose the hunter profession, and I have more attack skills. Now it makes me talk about summoning or not, and it's not a shooter when I say shooter." Ye Yu said helplessly.

Qin Haonan chopped down a "Thousand Illusory Butterfly" with a sword in his hand, and said seriously: "You are only level 42 now, and you can only summon one Mechanism Bear. Do you know what the characteristics of Mechanism Bear are? It is thick blood, which can help you Top monsters, but don’t rely on him to fight monsters. Under its protection, you can use [Scattering] skills to attack. This can improve the efficiency of fighting monsters. [Scattering] skills try to add more skill points, attack after level 1 will be greatly improved.”

"Oh, so that's how it is." Ye Yu followed what Qin Haonan said, and stood behind his mechanism beast, "I have trained [Scattering] to level 5 before, and I always feel that the attack of this skill is mediocre, so I didn't add much. It's all I'm practicing [Reflex Bullet] skill."

"The [Reflex Bullet] skill is very useful in the short term. Unless you have a lot of skill points, I don't recommend you to continue to add points to this skill. When you reach level 60, you will learn a trick [Reflex Combo] That skill is very similar to [Reflex Bullet], but the attack effect is several times better than your current skill, you should save your skill points to practice [Reflex Combo].” Qin Haonan briefly explained the profession of mechanism engineer to Ye Yu Add some skills to the problem.

"Oh, is that so? Master, please tell me about other skills, and I will also learn." Ye Yu said while using the monster-fighting method that Qin Haonan just taught him, and the fighting speed was obviously much faster. .

The mechanism bear blocked all the attacks for him, and Ye Yu only needed to concentrate on launching [Scatter] with the hand crossbow. The battle was obviously much easier, and the three "Thousand Illusory Butterflies" were quickly wiped out.

"Okay. Mechanism Master's Mechanism Beast Summoning is very easy to use. You can learn [Mechanism Wolf Summoning] at level 50. This skill needs more points, and it is best to practice it to the full level. At the full level, you can summon 4 mechanisms at the same time. The wolf assists the attack. The most important thing is that the attack power of the mechanism wolf is really powerful. The combat skills [reflection combo] and [explosive ammunition] of the mechanism master themselves are very powerful, and they must reach around level 60 or 80. Only then can it be opened." Qin Haonan thought for a while and said.

"Then the boss, my summoner career is very good in the late stage?" Ye Yu asked hastily.

"Of course, you have a lot of machine beasts in the later stage, just like me now, just command them to fight. In the later stage, you can summon machine bears, machine wolves, machine scorpions, machine tigers, machine eagles... the attributes of each machine beast Each is different, as long as it is well controlled, it is a team with extraordinary combat power." Qin Haonan couldn't help but think of Fang Mengjie commanding the organ beast to fight in the previous life.

Although Qin Haonan and the others were talking, the attacks in their hands never stopped.

How can the other team members miss the good opportunity of the boss to guide the battle. Although the boss is not talking about their own profession, they are likely to encounter other players in future battles.

"Guangzhu, can you tell me about the skill addition and later development of my swordsman profession? I feel that my attack is not weak, but the speed of killing monsters is much worse than that of you great gods. Is there any room for improvement? ?” I wanted to quietly see that Ye Yu’s fighting speed had improved a lot after being helped and pointed out, so I hurriedly interrupted and asked.

Qin Haonan took a look at I wanted to be quiet, and saw the damage figures he had slashed "Thousand Illusory Butterflies" with both swords in his hands.After thinking for a while, he said, "Is your attribute point basically added to the attack?"

"Yeah, every time the attribute points are upgraded, the attack is basically added, and the defense is added occasionally, because I want to be a swordsman with a burst of attack." I want to say quietly while slashing monsters.

"There is nothing wrong with increasing the attack. The swordsman profession does require high attacks. But I suggest that you increase your speed in the later stage. The swordsman holds a sword with both hands, and the attack damage is one more time than other professions. It has an advantage in attack. You The current speed is not good, it is too slow, it will be very troublesome if you can't catch up with the monsters just now, unless you equip some special acceleration equipment." Qin Haonan paused here.

"Sword hero's initial skills, to be honest, I only recommend that you practice [Courage] and [Sword Qi Wushuang]. The effect of [Courage] skills is similar to Sword Immortal's [Sword Intent]. It increases attack and defense, and it is very useful in the later stage. , you can practice to the top level. [Jian Qi Wushuang] is a group attack skill, and its attack power is not bad. For this skill, you don’t want to use any of the single-attack skills you learned before.”

 Thank you readers for the rewards, thank you readers for your rewards, thank you readers? ?Wolf? ?For the reward, thank the reader Gu Ying Arc Light for the reward, thank the reader ┈┾Pluto for the reward, thank the reader Doomsday Boy for the reward, thank the reader Zhunen?For the reward, thank you readers for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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