game master

Chapter 137 - Dream Secret Realm

Chapter 137 - Dream Secret Realm (3)

I saw a woman in ancient costume with long purple hair walking directly behind Qin Haonan. She had a very beautiful appearance and a pair of amber eyes.The woman went straight to the nightmare tapir, ready to hug the little guy.

"I won't go back, I will never go back." The nightmare kicked its legs and resisted, "You always look at me, you are not allowed to go here, and you are not allowed to go there, I want to be free."

The nightmare's body was very flexible, slipped out of the purple-haired woman's arms, and ran quickly into the woods.

Who would have thought that with a wave of the purple-haired woman's jade hand, the little nightmare would be directly covered by a cage made of condensed purple smoke, unable to escape even if she ran.

"Xiaomeng, what you say is useless." After the woman grabbed the nightmare, she turned her head and looked at Qin Haonan again, "Who are you, and how did you enter our dream city?"

Qin Haonan could clearly feel the coldness in the woman's eyes.

"I... I... just came here to make soy sauce." Qin Haonan laughed, and based on his feeling, he decided that the NPC level of the purple-haired woman was not low.So he mobilized his [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to check it out.

Level 100 - Nightmare Tapir Ziyan (spiritual beast)
Life: 880500
Attack: 8000
Defense: 10050
Speed: 12000
Mana: 14000
Spirit: 10050
To Poison Immunity: 30%
Immunity to Spells: 30%
Immunity to illusions: 95%
Sure enough, it was a level 100 boss.Qin Haonan felt dizzy again for a while, it seems that in the face of this boss, it is absolutely impossible to solve it by force.

"This beauty, I was passing by, unintentionally..." Qin Haonan was just thinking about how to explain, when he saw another cage made of condensed purple smoke covering Qin Haonan.Erbai, Daji and Linglong were also enveloped in at the same time.

"Go back to Dream City, and I'll listen to your explanations again." Ziyan the Nightmare Tapir said coldly, only to see the magic circle under her feet opened, and several people were teleported away together under the dazzling light.

Qin Haonan just felt dizzy, and when his vision was clear again, he was already in a dreamlike and gorgeous palace.This palace seems to be built with amethyst, very beautiful.On the crystal clear walls, mysterious patterns are carved.

The purple-haired woman lifted up the cage of the little nightmare, turned around and walked towards the back of the hall, without even looking at Qin Haonan.Around the main hall, rows of guards stood neatly. They were wearing armor and stood there motionless.

Qin Haonan was locked in a cage at this time, unable to get out.

If he hadn't met this little nightmare by chance, Qin Haonan would never have encountered such a thing.

Erbai jumped into Qin Haonan's arms, wagged his tail, and said, "Master, this fantasy city should be the residence of the nightmares, and also the place where the nightmares hide."

"The Nightmare Tapirs?!" Qin Haonan quietly looked around to see if there was a way to escape.

Qin Haonan had read about the nightmare in a book before.Nightmare tapirs, mythical beasts of ancient times.Legend has it that they feed on dreams, devour them, and they can also reproduce the devoured dreams.

According to legend, the nightmare will set off from the deep forest every night when the sky is covered with hazy moonlight, come to the place where people live, and suck people's nightmares. The nightmare will make a soft cry like a lullaby, Let human beings sleep soundly with the company of this sound, and then slowly suck people's nightmares into the capsule one by one.

After eating people's nightmares, the nightmares quietly return to the forest where they hide, and continue their mysterious life.

I don't know if the nightmare in the game is the same as the one I read in the book before.

From this point of view, this hidden map is the home of the Nightmare Tapirs.

Qin Haonan grabbed the cage and tried to shake it, and found that the cage condensed by purple smoke was very magical.It is obviously impossible to touch them with hands, but it is absolutely impossible to get out of the cage.

"Linglong, do you have any way to get out?" Qin Haonan looked at his contract beast and asked.

"Master, our current level is too low. If we were at full level before, this kind of small cage would not be able to trap us at all. But now..." Daji answered first.

Linglong flew up and tried to touch the cage, but to no avail.

Qin Haonan didn't want to be tied up here all the time. At this moment, Ziyan, the nightmare tapir, had already walked back.She quickly came to Qin Haonan's cage, and said coldly: "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to our fantasy city? I advise you to answer obediently, otherwise you will suffer."

"I came in from the Dream Lake, and I didn't have any malicious intentions." Qin Haonan thought of the other party's level, and was not going to lie, "I'm just curious, why there is a sudden reflection in the water."

"You found the entrance to the fantasy city. I shouldn't let you go. But we never kill, and the entrance to the fantasy city will be closed forever. You can stay here forever, in this cage." Dream Tapir Ziyan said, turned around and was about to leave.

Qin Haonan hurriedly called her to stop, and said: "Miss Ziyan, just let me go, I promise to leave here immediately. Besides, your entrance will be closed forever, and I will not tell this secret. You say yes no?"

"Hmph, shut up, there's no way." Ziyan the nightmare snorted coldly, then shook her hands and left.

Qin Haonan called several times, but no one responded.

Sitting in the cage, Qin Haonan thought to himself that if he couldn't do it, he should go offline.After going online, I will see what else I can do. I can't really tell the other party, and I will be tied here forever.

Time passed by, Qin Haonan tried several methods, but he couldn't get out.Just when Qin Haonan was about to use the offline escape in desperation, he saw the little purple nightmare suddenly jumping out.

The little nightmare was in a corner of the hall, and exhaled towards the entire hall. Wisps of purple smoke floated out, and the guards on the hall fell one by one.

"Follow me quickly." The little nightmare ran to Qin Haonan's cage, slapped his claws on the net, and the cage suddenly disappeared.

"Okay." Qin Haonan didn't care too much, followed the little nightmare, and ran to the back of the hall.

The little nightmare led the way ahead, and Qin Haonan quickly followed him into the corridor behind the hall.Turned a corner and entered a room.

The layout of the entire room is also dominated by purple tones, and there is no one in the room.The lavender veil, with a few flowers and plants placed on both sides, also exudes a faint fragrance in the room.

The little nightmare looked at Qin Haonan, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, it was all my fault that you were arrested."

"Can you tell me what's going on? I'm still confused." Qin Haonan looked around and asked after confirming his safety.

"I am a nightmare, everyone calls me Xiaomeng. Since I was born, I have lived in this fantasy city. Aunt Ziyan is very strict with me. I have never left here. All the people living here are my clansmen. , No outsider has ever entered, I want to go out to play, but Aunt Ziyan always said that the outside world is very dangerous. Then I sneaked out, but every time I was caught back." The little nightmare said very sad.

When Qin Haonan heard it, he roughly understood the cause and effect, and said helplessly: "So that's the case, so can I leave Dream City? Now this palace is so strictly guarded, do you know how I can get out?"

"Big brother is leaving, so take me away with you, okay? I want to go to the outside world." Hearing this, the little nightmare's eyes instantly brightened a lot.

"No, no, if you follow, we will be caught by your Aunt Ziyan." Erbai hurriedly said.

The little nightmare was very unhappy. He turned his head to look at the contracted beasts beside Qin Haonan, as if he had made up his mind, and said seriously: "Then I will make a contract with the big brother, just like them, so I can leave with you gone?"

 I worked overtime today, the update is a little late, I apologize to the readers.It was just discovered that the starting point turned out to be the leader.Thank you readers Xun Yi Shi An Wen for your rewards and support all the time, I am sincerely grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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