game master

Chapter 138 - Dream Secret Realm

Chapter 138 - Dream Secret Realm (4)

"Contract with me? Then I won't be able to leave Dream City even more? Your Aunt Ziyan will eat me." Qin Haonan was shocked.In fact, if someone else encounters such a good thing, they will simply contract the beast without hesitation.

But Qin Haonan is a man who already owns 1 super beast and 2 beasts, he cannot be easily moved by this little temptation in front of him.

"...I am a majestic beast, but you don't want to make a contract?" The little nightmare didn't expect things to develop like this at all.I thought to myself what is going on with this human being, it is a divine beast.

Erbai walked over at this moment, staring at the little purple beast with wide eyes.They are basically about the same height and size, Erbai said: "You'd better see clearly first, who is not a divine beast here? There is a super divine beast over there. There are too many divine beasts, there is nothing to show off! "

"..." The little nightmare was immediately dumb after being told by Erbai.

This is like a crane, standing in a flock of chickens, it stands out from the flock.But standing among the cranes, there is no difference.

"I saw a level 100 beast for the first time, and I was very curious. In his heyday, Lao Tzu was a level 999 beast, and Daji was also a level 950. What level are you?" Erbai suddenly compared.

"I haven't grown up yet. Aren't you all level 46 now?" The little nightmare scratched its paws depressedly.

Qin Haonan felt that spending time here was not an option, so he interrupted the meaningless comparison between Erbai and the Nightmare Tapir, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Zi, can you take us out, if you can really take us out, I will Consider making a contract with you, and then take you out to play."

"Really?" Upon hearing Qin Haonan's words, the little nightmare instantly became extremely excited.

"Of course it's true." Qin Haonan nodded sincerely.

"Well, come with me, I know a secret path." The little nightmare began to lead the way as he said.He walked to the innermost part of the room, jumped onto a table, and moved a vase with his small claws. He heard a creak, and the next bookcase opened automatically.

It turns out that there is a secret passage here, but thinking about it, it is normal for such a large palace to have a secret passage.

"Everyone, follow me." The little nightmare jumped into the secret passage first after speaking.

Qin Haonan led Linglong and the others, and followed closely behind.

After walking down a row of stairs, Qin Haonan saw a long corridor here.The walls seem to be made of amethyst, with a shining light, the whole aisle does not appear dim.

"Xiao Zi, there are many such secret passages in your palace, right? Your Aunt Ziyan found us missing, will you find us along the secret passages?" Qin Haonan asked while following the nightmare.

The little nightmare didn't even think about it, so he said: "There are indeed many secret passages in our palace, but the secret passages were arranged and designed by my mother back then. Aunt Ziyan only knows a few of the most important secret passages, but she doesn't know about this one." .”

"Oh? Xiaozi's mother is the designer of these secret ways?" Qin Haonan asked.

"My mother used to be the patriarch of the Nightmare Tapir clan, but she has passed away now." The little Nightmare Tapir said with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked this." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"It's okay, you didn't mean to."


Qin Haonan followed the nightmare through the long secret road, chatting with him while walking, and got a general understanding of the situation.Xiao Zi is a 5-year-old little nightmare. His mother is the patriarch of the nightmare family, and she was a 950-level beast in her heyday.Nightmare tapirs are very kind, they suck human nightmares, practice illusion, and are good at illusion attacks.

Moreover, the Nightmare Tapirs didn't live here before. They hid in this fantasy city for asylum decades ago.The entrance design is very secret, so that people cannot easily enter.

After all, Xiao Zi was too young, and she didn't know much about many things. Qin Haonan learned this information from him.But this bit of information is also very useful.

"Brother, if you go further ahead, there will be some mobs, but their levels are very low, and we can wipe them out together." The little nightmare walked ahead, kindly reminding.

"What is the level of the little monster?" Qin Haonan asked, and then added a move [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself.

"Level 55-65, I can fight with my big brother." The little nightmare said.

At this time, several level 55 "Dream Rat Monsters" appeared in the aisle ahead.Qin Haonan used [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 12] to summon all 4 shadow wolves.

Erbai and Daji were also ready to fight, and Linglong blessed everyone with [Tianxuan Mantra Level 10].

"Xiao Zi, don't meddle with these little monsters, let me do it. If you meet someone with a high level, you can help me." Qin Haonan said, and took out a triple experience talisman from his backpack and tore it open. , and rushed up.

The "Dream Mouse Monster" here is level 55, which is 9 levels higher than Qin Haonan's level, which is just right for leveling.The experience value given will be relatively high, of course Qin Haonan will not let go of this good opportunity.

The 4 phantom wolves joined the battle first, followed by Erbai's [Bai Hu Duan Ban 10].

[Tiger Roaring Level 10], [Cut Wind Extinguisher Demon Blade], [Phantom Hidden Killer], [Wind Smoke Extinguishing Level 10], [White Tiger Claw Level 10], [Sunset Meteor Level 10]...

After a while, these mobs were dealt with by Qin Haonan.

In the following journey, some mobs would appear constantly, Qin Haonan did it himself, and quickly rose to level 47.Xiaozi led the way for everyone, and faced some forks in the road, she didn't worry about going wrong, and it was relatively easy along the way.

"Big brother, this secret path is relatively long, you have to be patient." The little nightmare said while walking, "There will be a treasure room ahead, which contains some treasures collected by the tribe."

"Treasure room?!" Qin Haonan's eyes lit up when he heard this word.

"Well, yes. Let's go over later and get some gold, silver and jewelry before we go on the road. Isn't the big brother going to take me out to play? It can just be used as a bag on the road." The little nightmare said.

Qin Haonan suddenly discovered that the nightmares are really kind and lovely.The little nightmare is a little mythical beast, it's all about rushing to make a contract with him, and he also brings his own dowry.Uh...wrong, it's not a dowry, it's her own belongings.

Sure enough, after walking for a short while, I saw a large room full of gold coins in front of me. This should be the treasure room.The little nightmare was not too polite, and took Qin Haonan and jumped into the gold, silver and jewels all over the floor.

Qin Haonan felt that there was a sparkle in front of his eyes, all of which were money.

"Xiao Zi, is it okay for us to take so many things?" Qin Haonan said symbolically, but he didn't think so at all in his heart.

"It's okay, I have plenty of these things at home, you can take them as long as you don't empty them all."

Qin Haonan was very happy when he heard this, he went to the pile of treasures and began to choose.After all, the amount of items in the backpack is limited, and if you really want to take them all, it probably won't fit.

The smallest coins here are gold coins, and there are quite a few purple gold coins and crystal coins.Qin Haonan decisively chose to take the crystal coin, this shiny crystal coin looks so beautiful.

In addition to coins, there are also a lot of equipment here, all of which are above level 60.Qin Haonan was searching in the pile of treasures, and suddenly found a book in a treasure chest. The name of this book made Qin Haonan feel extremely familiar.

Because the name of the book is "Appraisal Notes".

(End of this chapter)

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