game master

Chapter 140 - Dream Secret Realm

Chapter 140 - Dream Secret Realm (6)

When Qin Haonan heard what the little nightmare said, he couldn't help but feel a little strange.Where did these flaming blood crows come from?What happened here?
"Big brother, I...I can't go out with you now, these flame blood crows are very strange, let me investigate. I am a little worried, afraid that they are sent by the demon sect." The little nightmare said seriously.

"The Demon Cult?!" Qin Haonan vaguely noticed that he seemed to have triggered some plot, "Do you need my help? Did your nightmare family encounter any difficulties?"

"Brother, thank you. First, you and I will investigate the surrounding area to see if there are any other mobs invading." The little nightmare's expression was very serious at this time.

"Okay." Qin Haonan replied.

"System prompt: Floating like a dream, you have triggered the 'Fantasy City Surveillance Mission'. Together with Nightmare Xiaozi, survey the situation outside the north gate of the Dream City. The final reward of the mission: +80000 experience points, 2 gold coins."

Qin Haonan didn't expect that the experience value of this task would be so high. As soon as the experience value came in, he could directly rise to level 49.So Qin Haonan put Linglong and Daji away, leaving only Erbai on his shoulders.

"Xiao Zi, let's be careful, don't let the 'flaming blood crow' in the sky see us." Qin Haonan reminded in a low voice, and walked to the other side of the grove together with the little nightmare.

The flaming blood crows in the sky were considered to be flying at low altitude, they did not approach the Dream City any more, but flew in the opposite direction.To the north of Fantasy City, through this small forest, is the mountainous area.

The mountain over there was steep, Xiao Zi led Qin Haonan, ran all the way, and soon reached the edge of the mountain.Looking from afar, I saw hundreds of black crows hovering over the mountain.

"Big brother, can you help me see what level the crows over there are?" the little nightmare begged.

"Okay, wait a minute." Qin Haonan said, and then used [Beast Taming Suit: Mithril Thousand Magic] to look from a distance, and took a rough look at the mobs over there.

Level 100 - Flame Blood Raven (elite), about 30 more.

Level 95 - Soul Chaser Bird (little elite), about 50 birds.

Level 90 - black crow (common), about 100 or so.

Looking further away, Qin Haonan basically couldn't see clearly.But looking at the posture over there, the number of mobs is at least several hundred.Qin Haonan saw him and probably told the little nightmare about the situation.

"Xiao Zi, what do you think? If we move forward, we will basically be discovered by them." Qin Haonan said.

The little nightmare hesitated. He scratched his head and said softly, "Brother, I think we have to go back and inform my aunt that there are so many mobs from outside. It's not a joke."

"Okay, let's go back." Qin Haonan said, and was about to turn around.Suddenly, something happened in the mountain ahead. I saw black crows, soul chasing birds, flame blood crows... all landed on the cliff.Slowly, there were more and more little monsters and little bosses, Qin Haonan was shocked.

What is this for?Are they organized to attack the city?
At this time, a huge vulture flew to the cliff, and it hovered in the sky, as if communicating with the birds.Qin Haonan leaned forward vigorously, and then he saw clearly that it was a vulture covered in flames, which looked very strange.

Level 120 - Magic Flame Vulture (Spirit Beast)
"Xiao Zi, that's a spirit beast boss, level 120." Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

"What?! Level 120! Big brother, let's leave quickly and go back and tell my aunt." The little nightmare said anxiously.

"Okay." Qin Haonan said, and he had already retreated back with the little nightmare.Along the small path in the woods, he quickly ran in the direction of Dream City.At this time, there were no flames and blood crows in the sky above the grove.

"Brother, let's not take the secret path, just go in through the city gate." The little nightmare said.

Qin Haonan looked back at the mountains in the distance, and felt that the group of mobs and bosses could no longer see this side, so he immediately summoned the blue light horse, hugged the little nightmare and rode on it.

The speed of the mount was significantly faster than their running speed.Qin Haonan is very fortunate that he has raised the Qingguangju to the eighth level in the secret path, and it will come in handy now.

The Qingguang horse galloped all the way, and soon reached the gate of Dream City.Just as Qin Haonan was about to drive his mount into the city, he suddenly felt a darkness above his head, as if he was enveloped by a huge monster.

Before Qin Haonan raised his head to see what was going on, he felt a force of gravity knock him off the Qingguang horse to the ground, and a huge claw pressed Qin Haonan hard to the ground.Qin Haonan saw that his life value kept dropping, and finally fixed at 1.It's terrible, and if he loses 1 drop of blood, he will die.

Erbai and the little nightmare were also knocked out by the huge impact, and fell beside Qin Haonan.

I saw a huge purple beast with silver patterns on its body, flapping huge transparent wings, staring at Qin Haonan icily at this moment.Her vigorous limbs were well-proportioned, and a powerful front paw stomped Qin Haonan under her feet.Qin Haonan couldn't break free no matter what.

"Aunt Ziyan, let the big brother go soon, the big brother is here to help us." The little nightmare got up from the ground and hurriedly begged.

"Hmph, brat, how dare you run away. You even abducted my lovely little Zi, today I insist on showing you how powerful I am." Zi Yan, who had turned into a prototype, roared angrily.

Qin Haonan was extremely helpless, but he didn't dare to make any resistance at this time.The difference in level between the two of them was too great, Qin Haonan was afraid that if he offended the other party, he would really die.

"Beauty, calm down, Xiao Zi and I came back to tell you something important." Qin Haonan hurriedly explained.

"Yes, Aunt Ziyan, something serious has happened. There are a lot of foreign mobs in the mountains north of our fantasy city. There are black crows at level 90, soul chasing birds at level 95, flame blood crows at level 100, and so on. There is a 120-level spirit beast boss. Big brother helped me to see it, so there should be no mistake, there are a lot of them." The little nightmare said in a hurry.

"What?! I just detected the invasion of aliens in our fantasy city, and I didn't expect such a large number." Ziyan let go of Qin Haonan, but still maintained the prototype of the nightmare, "Come on my back, I'll take you back to the main hall, and explain it to me in detail when the time comes."

"Okay." Qin Haonan hugged the little nightmare and climbed onto the back of the huge nightmare.

The nightmare tapir Ziyan flapped its wings and flew up from the ground.Qin Haonan sat on her back and could overlook the entire fantasy city.Qin Haonan couldn't help sighing that he must get a flying mount in the future so that he can travel in the sky.

At this moment, the system sound rang in his ears.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Fantasy City Surveillance Mission' and received the final reward: +80000 experience points and 2 gold coins."

With the addition of experience points, Qin Haonan immediately rose to level 49.

The Nightmare Tapir Ziyan flew very fast, and the wind whizzed by their ears.

After a while, she landed in front of the Dream Hall in the center of Dream City.Qin Haonan and the little nightmare climbed off her body, and as soon as they landed, they saw the nightmare Ziyan quickly change back to a human form.

"The situation is urgent, let's talk as we walk." Mengmo Ziyan ran up the stairs as he spoke, and motioned Qin Haonan to follow quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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