game master

Chapter 141 - Dream Secret Realm

Chapter 141 - Dream Secret Realm (7)

Qin Haonan hugged the little nightmare and followed closely. He climbed up the long stairs and entered the hall.

"Aunt Ziyan, I'm wondering if the Demon Cult is here to make trouble for us again." The little nightmare asked.

Nightmare tapir Ziyan sighed helplessly, and said: "Little Zi, you are still young, and you don't know many things. This 'Magic Sound Palace' has been spying on our nightmare family for a long time, and I'm afraid they are going to do something to us."

"This young hero, what's your name?" Zi Yan, the nightmare tapir, turned to look at Qin Haonan again and asked.

"My name is Floating Life Ruo Meng."

"Floating life is like a dream, if the dream is not a dream, what is floating life like? A dream like a dream... The name of the young hero Floating Life is really related to our mengmo family. You can just call me Aunt Ziyan from now on." Mengtao Ziyan As he said that, he had already entered the hall of dreams.

I saw the words "Floating life is like a dream, if a dream is not a dream, what is floating life like? A dream like a dream" engraved on the pillars on both sides of the main hall.This sentence originally came from Zhuangzi's "Dream Like a Dream", which refers to life as a short and illusory dream, but what if the dream is not a dream?So what about life?Just think of it as a dream.

Qin Haonan liked it very much, so he always used the beginning "Floating Life Like a Dream" as the name in the game.

At this time, the Dream Hall was full of guards.On the main hall, there are still several elders of the Nightmare Clan who are highly respected.The little nightmare jumped out of Qin Haonan's arms, and together with the nightmare, Ziyan, reported the situation to the elders.

Qin Haonan is an outsider, watching quietly from the sidelines, thinking how high are these elders?

So he took a rough look at it with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Illusions].

Level 120 - Nightmare Tapir Elder Ziyue (spiritual beast)

Level 140 - Nightmare Tapir Clan Ziqing Elder (Fairy Beast)

Level 120 - Nightmare Tapir Clan Purple Heart Elder (Spiritual Beast)

Level 180 - Nightmare Tapir Ziyun Great Elder (Holy Beast)


Qin Haonan felt really strange when he saw this.Logically speaking, wild monsters and divine beasts should have a minimum level of 900, which is the minimum standard.As for holy beasts, the minimum level is 800.The level of fairy beasts will be between 600-800, and the level span of spirit beasts is relatively large. From level 10 to level 600, spirit beasts can appear.

Ordinary monsters, small elites, and elite monsters are the most common mobs and bosses, which can appear from level 1 to level 999.

Qin Haonan faintly felt that there must be a story in this fantasy city.

"Zi Yan, take Xiao Zi to the apse quickly. Seeing the situation, the other party wants to attack the city." Elder Zi Yun of the Nightmare Clan leaned on a cane and said eagerly.

"The entrance to our fantasy city is so hidden, how did they get in?"

"I can't help but have a traitor, have you forgotten that Zi Mei left our Nightmare Clan?"

"The guys from the 'Magic Sound Hall' really want to turn us all into contracted beasts. I would rather die than be with those demon cult monsters."

"Okay, okay, let's start discussing how to deal with it."


There was a commotion in the main hall for a while, and it was difficult for Qin Haonan to intervene alone.At this moment, he saw Ziyan, the nightmare tapir, beckoning to him, beckoning him to follow her.

Qin Haonan followed the nightmare tapir Ziyan to the apse.

"Floating like a dream young hero, I made you laugh. This is a matter of our nightmare family, I didn't expect you to be involved. I handed Xiaozi to you. You take him and leave Dream City. From Go out of the apse, there is a moon well there, I will activate the magic circle for you later, and you don’t need to wait until the early morning to teleport it.” Ziyanyu the nightmare said earnestly.

"Aunt Ziyan, can you tell me the matter, maybe I can help you?" Qin Haonan took the little nightmare and said seriously.

"Okay." Only then did Zi Yan slowly tell Qin Haonan the story of the Nightmare Tapir family.

The thing is, the Nightmare Tapirs have been living a secluded life without contending with the world.Decades ago, the Demon Cult's "Hall of Souls" inadvertently focused on the illusion ability of the Nightmare Tapirs and their ability to manipulate dreams. The master of the "Hall of Souls" wholeheartedly wants to take the mengmoo family as his own, and use the powerful illusion power of the mengmoo family to practice his "phantom magic sound skill".

In this way, a great battle broke out between the Nightmare Tapir clan and the "Hall of All Souls", and the Nightmare Tapir clan fought desperately, and finally all the monsters in the "Palace of All Souls" were wiped out.But the nightmare family is not much better, there are very few nightmares left.

Before his death, the master of the "Hall of Souls" detonated his whole body's essence and blood, cast a curse, and forcibly suppressed the levels of all the mengmo people.Xiao Zi's mother, the patriarch of the Nightmare Tapir Clan, was originally a level 950 beast, but after being cursed, she was dropped to level 200.The other clansmen were even more bleak, the 180-level Great Elder Ziyun, the 140-level Elder Ziqing...

Since then, the patriarch of the Nightmare Tapir tribe, fearing that there will be troubles in the future, left his homeland with the only remaining clansmen and lived in seclusion in the Dream City.I thought I could live in peace like this, but a few years ago, a traitor appeared in the clan, and she was the nightmare Zimei.

Zi Mei wholeheartedly wanted to break through the suppression of levels and restore her previous level 750 strength.

So she left the nightmare family alone, because her level is only 160, and she can't go to high-level areas.Later, she went to the "Magic Sound Palace".The Hall of Demonic Sounds used to be a sect affiliated with the "Hall of Thousand Souls". After the Hall of Thousands of Souls disappeared, the master of the Hall of Demonic Sounds obtained the "Phantom Demonic Sound Art".

In order to lift her level restriction, Zimei cooperated with the master of the Magic Sound Hall, and the master turned Zimei into his contracted beast.It is said that Zimei has indeed found a way to relieve level suppression, and her current level has exceeded 200.It's a pity that her master, the master of the Demonic Sound Hall, is only level 240, so Zi Mei is suppressed by the master's level and cannot return to the original level.

The owner of the Demonic Sound Hall learned about the hiding place of the Nightmare Tapirs from Zi Mei. Some time ago, he sent "Black Crow" and "Soul Chaser Bird" to infiltrate the surroundings of the Fantasy City to investigate the situation, and was noticed by the Nightmare Tapir. , has killed several of them.

So the nightmare clan realized that something was wrong, and Ziyan and several elders often left Dream City in the early morning to purchase supplies and prepare for the battle at any time.

At the same time, the Nightmare Tapirs also began to prepare for the magic circle ceremony, hoping to seal off all the external passages of the entire Dream City before the "Magic Sound Palace" arrived.

If all the entrances were sealed, then the battle with the "Magic Sound Palace" might be avoided.After all, for the current Nightmare Tapirs, they really don't want another war.

Qin Haonan understood the general situation, so he asked: "Besides the Dream Lake, how many entrances does our Dream City have? I think it is the key to block all the entrances first. If the entrance is blocked, we just need to rest assured and let us go." Just clean up other mobs and bosses little by little."

"... There are three entrances in total. I can't tell you the exact location. This is a secret of our family. Now that the entrance is blocked, I don't know if you will come or not. Why don't you take Xiao Zi and leave here first?" said Zi Yan, the nightmare tapir. .

"I won't go, my clan is in trouble, I run away alone, what is this called? Before I wanted to leave Fantasy City to go out to play, but Aunt Ziyan refused to let me. I was not sensible at the time. After listening to the story of my clan today, I Only then did I realize that Aunt Ziyan was doing it for my own good, and I won’t leave, I will definitely not leave.” The little nightmare was angry, and he grabbed Ziyan’s sleeve tenaciously, refusing to let go of his claws.

(End of this chapter)

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