game master

Chapter 142 - Dream Secret Realm

Chapter 142 - Dream Secret Realm (8)

"No, it's too dangerous here." Nightmare Tapir Ziyan shook her head.

"Aunt Ziyan, if Xiaozi leaves this time, she will regret it for the rest of her life. I want to fight with my tribe!" The little nightmare said in a low voice.

"Let's stay and help, first clean up the mobs and bosses. Aunt Ziyan, I think the most urgent thing now is to activate the defense system of the entire Fantasy City." Qin Haonan said anxiously.

Aunt Ziyan thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, life is like a dream, so you go to the 'Xunmeng Slope' to the east of Fantasy City, there is a moonwell there. You take these 3 moonstones, Place them on the three corners of the well, and the entrance to the Moonwell will automatically close. You must be careful, and we can close the other two entrances."

"Okay." Qin Haonan took the moonstone and replied.

"I'll go with my big brother, I know the way." The little nightmare volunteered.

"System prompt: Floating like a dream, you have triggered the 'Close the Moonwell Mission', go to the 'Xunmeng Slope' east of the Fantasy City together with Mengtair Xiaozi, close the entrance of the Moonwell, and then reply to Mengtair Zi Smoke. Time limit: 30 minutes. Mission final reward: experience value +120000, 10 gold coins, attribute points +3, skill points +3, reputation +500."

"You have to be careful, the mobs around the Moonwell at Yaomengpo are all level 75." Ziyan the nightmare reminded her again and again.

"Understood, let's go now." Qin Haonan picked up the little nightmare, and Ziyan led the way, leading Qin Haonan out from the back door of the hall.

At this time, in Dream City, many guards lined up to patrol the city.Rows of troops neatly boarded the city wall.It seems that Dream City is already preparing for defense.

Qin Haonan summoned the blue light horse and rode on it.Xiao Zi led the way in Qin Haonan's arms, Qing Guangju galloped all the way, quickly exited the gate of Dream City, and ran towards "Xunmeng Slope".

"Big brother, follow the path here. There are few mobs here, so we can pass through directly." The little nightmare raised its paw and pointed forward.


Xunmengpo is actually a level 75-80 level training ground with beautiful scenery. It has been covered by verdant green grass, dreamy flowers all over the slope, butterflies flying, and clear streams.If it wasn't for the task's time limit, Qin Haonan really wanted to appreciate it here.

The Qingguang horse didn't stop for a moment, passing through the level 75 "Dream Moon Rabbit" area, a few mobs caught up in the middle, the speed of the Qingguang horse was so fast that the mobs couldn't keep up, and they were quickly left behind later.

Running all the way, I saw the Moon Well in front of me.I saw two level 2 black crows flying out from the entrance of the Moonwell.

"Xiao Zi, I will assist you. Come and destroy them." Qin Haonan said and summoned Linglong.

"Okay, leave it to me." The little nightmare said, flapped its wings and flew up.Linglong hastily released a move [Tianxuan Curse Level 10], casting a blessing skill on the little nightmare.

The little nightmare flew towards the black crow quickly, and a series of illusion attacks were launched.Qin Haonan ordered Linglong to restore blood to the little nightmare, and he took this opportunity to approach the Moonwell.

This is a large stone well with complex incantations carved on the bluestone beside the well.The well water in the Moon Well is clear, and the moonlight shines down. The well water is like a mirror, mysterious and ethereal.

Just as the little nightmare was fighting with the black crow, another black crow flew out from the mouth of the well.As soon as the black crow came out, it saw Qin Haonan. It neighed and rushed towards him.

Fortunately, Qin Haonan reacted quickly and quickly summoned 4 phantom wolves to block the attack for him first.

The gap between level 90 and level 49 is still huge.Qin Haonan had reached the mouth of the Moon Well at this time, he put away the blue light horse, rolled on the ground, barely dodging the [Poison Mist Arrow] spit out by the black crow.At this time, Erbai and Daji were also summoned out at the same time.

"Everyone, don't confront the mob head-on. Just grab its attention and run away as much as possible." Qin Haonan commanded the 4 phantom wolves, along with Erbai and Daji, to lead the mob around in circles.Because Qin Haonan just looked at the attributes of the mobs, the defense power is too high, and none of them can break the other's defense.

So the attack is just useless, delaying time as much as possible.The little nightmare has already dealt with a black crow, and the other one has less than 8% health, just wait until the little nightmare comes back for help.

The most urgent thing for Qin Haonan to do now is to put the 3 moonstones in the corresponding positions.If you don't close the exit quickly and send a few level 90 monsters in later, Qin Haonan will be completely speechless.

Time was running out, Qin Haonan didn't have time to think about it.He stood beside the moon well, looked at the three recessed slots beside the well, and thought that this should be the place to put the moonstone.He took out the moonstone from his backpack and made gestures. It was just the right size.Qin Haonan didn't hesitate anymore, and put a moonstone into the first card slot.

At this time, the black crow discovered Qin Haonan's behavior and was furious.It stopped chasing Erbai and Daji, turned around and started attacking Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan was shocked, and quickly rolled on the grass to avoid the attack.

"Big brother, I'll help you." The little nightmare took care of the two black crows in the sky, and at this moment they swooped down.Linglong followed closely behind and floated down to replenish blood.

The little nightmare was fighting with the black crow.

Only then was Qin Haonan relieved, and ran to the mouth of the moon well, and put the remaining 2 moonstones in it.

The task went very smoothly this time, and I saw silver-white light from the three moonstones.Since the card slots were arranged in a triangle, the silver light merged together, and the water in the entire Moon Well changed instantly.

The well water, which was originally as clear as a mirror, disappeared little by little.With the disappearance of well water, the entire surface of the bluestone well also lost its luster. The energy of the 3 moonstones is exhausted, and finally they are broken in the card slot and slowly dissolved.

"Okay, the entrance has been closed." Qin Haonan turned his head and said to the little nightmare.

At this moment, 10 more black crows flew from the northern sky, and behind the black crow, there was a level 95 soul-chasing bird (little elite).

Qin Haonan thought that although the little nightmare is a level 100 beast, he is an auxiliary one, and it would be extremely difficult to rely on him as the main attack.

At this time, Qin Haonan was ready to escape, and he didn't want to fight such an uncertain battle.What's more, time is urgent now, and I can't afford it.

"Xiao Zi, retreat." Qin Haonan said and ran towards the little nightmare.And the little nightmare also solved the black crow.

Before the little nightmare was about to flee, it floated in mid-air, and its whole body suddenly emitted a purple light. Waves of mist spit out from his mouth, and soon spread out over a large area.I saw those black crows that were chasing here fell from the sky one by one after touching the mist.

Qin Haonan had already summoned the blue light horse at this time, and he put away the contracted beasts to prevent them from being attacked during their escape.

The little nightmare fell from the sky and jumped into Qin Haonan's arms. Qin Haonan immediately directed Qing Guangju to run away.

"Xiao Zi, what skill did you use just now? Why did the group of black crows fall?" Qin Haonan looked back at the situation, guessing that the other party would not be able to catch up for a while.

"It's the [dream reminder technique] of our nightmare family, but it can only make them fall asleep for 10 seconds. Let's take the opportunity to run quickly." The little nightmare explained.

 The second change, ask for tickets, please collect!

(End of this chapter)

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