game master

Chapter 144 - Battle of Fantasy City

Chapter 144 - Battle of Fantasy City (2)

The defense of the city has already begun, and Qin Haonan watched the large black crows getting closer and closer to the fantasy city.

At this time, Elder Ziqing stood on the city wall and gave an order: "Gunners, get ready, raise the fort! Prepare to attack!"

Qin Haonan has never seen the cannon in Fantasy City.Seeing Elder Ziqing's order at this time, Qin Haonan was quite curious, wondering where the fort was?

I saw forts rising up from the walls of Dream City.It turns out that there is a unique mechanism system inside the city wall of Dream City. The forts are usually hidden in the city wall and cannot be seen. Only at critical moments will the switch be turned on to raise them up.

Qin Haonan roughly counted, there are about 300 forts.

Teams of soldiers stood around the fort, and immediately began to install the shells after receiving the order.At this time, the black crow has already flown into the airspace of Dream City, and is within easy reach of the protective barrier opened by the "Dream Crystal".


There was an instant cannon fire from Dream City, and the cannon fire was first fired at the 90-level black crow at the front.
98050, -98750, -98050, -98550, -98050...

The black crows in the sky were shot down one after another, and disappeared after falling to the ground.Qin Haonan's level is relatively low, but he still gets the corresponding experience points.

"Archers are ready to cooperate with the attack of the fort!"

Rows of archers hold their longbows, draw their bows and arrows to the full, and aim at the dark mobs in the sky.Archers will assist in the attack in the gap where the fort is loaded with shells.


A rain of arrows shot out from the string, densely packed, and shot out in a neat volley.The black crows in the second row lost blood from the arrows, and those who were hit by too many arrows died directly.There were more than 3000 black crows, and the formation was disrupted for a while.

The 90-level black crow and the 92-level blood-red crow will not just be passively beaten, they fly to the barrier, and start attacking the defense barrier of Dream City together.Because they know that as long as they break through this barrier, it will no longer be a situation where only one party loses blood.

[Poison Mist Arrow], [Akabane Combo], [Poison Mist Arrow], [Akabane Combo]...

Wave after wave of attacks from the siege party hit the defensive barrier, -3089, -4500, -6005, -3999...

Qin Haonan stood on the city wall and summoned Linglong, Erbai and Daji to prepare.Although his attack has no effect on the mobs in front of him, Linglong can still replenish blood for everyone.Let them come out, but also to get some experience by the way.Although the experience allocated is relatively meager, it is better to have than to have nothing.

"There are still infantry ahead!" Qin Haonan and everyone else have seen, except for the flying troops, rows of humanoid monsters coming out of the small forest in front.Judging from the current number, there are at least 1000.

"Damn it, since when did they sneak into the fantasy city map?" Zi Yan frowned.

Qin Haonan didn't care too much, and hurriedly used the [Beast Control God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to check the opponent's level and attributes. "These infantry are level 95 ordinary monsters 'Disciples of the Magic Sound Hall', and behind them are the level 100 ordinary monsters 'Senior Brother Magic Sound Hall'. Their health is much higher than that of the black crow, and the health value of the magic sound hall disciples 170000, Brother Moyindian's HP is 186090."

"As long as the defense barrier of Fantasy City is not breached, they won't be able to hurt every nightmare in our Fantasy City." Nightmare Tapir Ziyan calmly said.

At this time, the fort has already started the second round of attacks, and a large number of black crows and blood-red crows have been shot down. Counting from the number of monsters killed, about 900 mobs have been wiped out.The attack power of this fort is amazing.

The attack by the siege party was still going on, Qin Haonan glanced at the purple barrier outside the fantasy city, and could faintly see small cracks in some corners.According to this development trend, it will be a matter of time before it is broken.It depends on how long the barrier can last, so that the defenders can shoot down more mobs.

So far, Qin Haonan has not seen a single boss.It is estimated that the enemy's regular troops have not been dispatched yet, and the current troops are all sent to attack the protective barrier.

Elder Ziqing saw that the infantry had also entered the attack range, so he immediately commanded the archers to shoot at the disciples of the Demonic Sound Hall in the front row, -4500, -5500, -6005, -5200...

The battle is still going on. Qin Haonan has already observed that a very obvious crack has appeared on the upper left side of the protective barrier. A large number of black crows and blood-red crows are concentrated there, ready to break through the defense in one fell swoop.

"Aunt Ziyan, look at that direction." Qin Haonan pointed to the crack with his finger.

"Turn the fort over and focus on attacking the enemy over there!" Aunt Ziyan saw it and hurried to convey the order.

The firepower is concentrated, and the attack power of the turret is even more ferocious.The third round, the fourth round, the fifth round...

Soon, all the black crows in the sky were shot down.The few remaining blood-red crows stopped attacking and began to fly over the fantasy city, avoiding attacks and looking for opportunities.

Elder Ziqing commanded the artillery, and adjusted the direction of 100 turrets, targeting the infantry at the bottom of Fantasy City.


According to such an offensive, as long as there are no more reinforcements, the attacking party will soon be strangled.But at this moment, there was an unpleasant hissing sound in the northern sky. Two 2-level magic flame vultures (spiritual beasts) flew over from the north with a large number of 120-level flame blood crows (elites).

Qin Haonan clearly remembered the appearance of the Demon Flame Vulture and the Flame Blood Crow, so he didn't need to check the [Beast Controlling God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to be sure that the large army is coming.From the number in the sky ahead, it can be calculated that there are about 4000 of them.

When the blood-red crows saw that the large army had arrived, they immediately adjusted their formation, hovered over the fantasy city, and made a gesture of preparing to attack.

And at this moment, a huge black lion walked out from the small woods.Its whole body was burning with golden flames, its eyes were scarlet, and it was as tall as an elephant.

Level 160 - Flame Demon Lion King (Spirit Beast)

There is also a group of 150-level flame demon lions (ordinary), who ran out of the small forest together with the "flame demon lion king".Looking at the quantity, there are also 1000.

"Quick, everyone, hurry up and attack. Take aim at the fort, and finish off the remaining 'Disciples of the Magic Sound Hall' and 'Senior Brothers of the Magic Sound Hall'. We are about to welcome new enemies in Bashan." Elder Ziqing shouted anxiously.

"Elder Ziqing, call a few elders, let's launch the [Illusive Sky Support Formation] against them together?" Ziyan, the nightmare tapir, clenched her palm and said to Elder Ziqing.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to notify the other elders." After speaking, Elder Ziqing ordered a guard to notify.

"It's bad, the protective barrier in the north corner of the city is about to fail!" Everyone was busy attacking, but Qin Haonan had time to observe the whole battle situation.At this time, he found an inconspicuous area in the north corner of the city, where many mobs gathered, and the defensive barrier was already in jeopardy.

At this moment, the flame demon lions have joined the battle.

The infantry assault caused a small hole in the protective barrier at the northern corner of the city.With the appearance of the hole, the cracks around it also continued to expand. Judging from the situation, this corner could no longer be defended.

(End of this chapter)

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