game master

Chapter 145 - Battle of Fantasy City

Chapter 145 - Battle of Fantasy City (3)

"Crack, click..." Qin Haonan seemed to be able to faintly hear the sound of breaking from the north corner of the city.

The offensive in the sky has also become more and more fierce, and the 120-level magic flame vulture has already flown over the fantasy city. The two bosses released the skill [Blood Storm] together, and the rapid wind blades flew, which had a great impact on the protective barrier.There was another "click", a crack in the sky deepened and expanded on a large scale.Eventually it ruptured and a hole leaked out.

The shattering speed at the entrance of the cave was getting faster and faster, and after a while, the flame blood crows flew up from the entrance of the cave in a line.

"Fire!" Elder Ziqing gave an order, and another round of attacks hit the gap.

A large number of flames and blood crows were shot down and died, and the battle was fierce.

"Fire again!" Another round of artillery fire.

At this time, the gap in the sky has expanded infinitely, and the blood-red crows have all perished in the previous air-to-air shooting.Now a large number of flame blood crows flew in.

"Elder Ziqing, all the troops in the sky have broken through our protective barrier, let's let a team of nightmares rise into the air to fight." Ziyan said.

"Okay. The second team of nightmares, change back to their original form and launch an attack!" Elder Ziqing immediately issued an order.

At this time, a group of nightmares in the city received an order and all changed back to their original forms.The huge body of the nightmare tapir vibrated its wings and flew into the sky of Dream City.The battle between the two armies officially began.

The protective barrier under the city now has many loopholes.The infantry rushed in wave after wave through the breach.

At this time, several elders boarded the city wall together. They gathered together, lined up, and began to chant spells.

With this momentum, Qin Haonan can conclude that this will be an extremely powerful big move.I heard from Mengtao Ziyan before that the collectively released skill is called [Fantasy Dream Formation].

With the end of the spell, dense purple runes emerged from the ground in the area 10 meters from the bottom of the city wall of Fantasy City.These runes are complex and mysterious, and the HP of all the mobs entering the area of ​​[Fantasy Sky Support Formation] keeps dropping.In a few seconds, a large number of disciples and brothers of the Magic Sound Hall died.

According to this trend, the mobs in the city, except for the "Fire Demon Lion" and a big boss, were almost eliminated.

After watching the battle for so long, Qin Haonan has accumulated a lot of experience points.At this time, Linglong rose to level 50 in a ray of light.Then came Erbai and Daji, who were upgraded in turn.

Qin Haonan hurriedly checked the skill columns of the three contracted beasts, and found that each of them had an extra skill.

Linglong's level 50 skills [Ground Array Level 1]:
[Ground Array Level 1] There are 12 levels in total. It supports a large defensive array with a radius of 6 meters for our side, preventing the enemy from entering and blocking all attacks.The maintenance time is 10 seconds, the cooling time is 18 seconds, and consumes 85 points of true energy.

Erbai's level 50 skill [White Tiger Phantom Level 1]:
[White Tiger Phantom Level 1] A total of 10 levels, create 2 white tiger clones, with 90% of the body's strength, and fight and attack together.The maintenance time is 20 seconds, the cooling time is 8 seconds, and consumes 80 points of true energy.

Daji's level 50 skill [Level 1]:

After a general look, Qin Haonan felt that Linglong's [Earthborne Array] might come in handy later.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, do us a favor." The nightmare Ziyan was giving orders to the guards standing on the city wall, when she happened to walk to Qin Haonan's side.She looked at the current situation, and handed a large basket of things into Qin Haonan's hands.

Qin Haonan took the basket and looked at the contents inside, very surprised.

"Aunt Ziyan, what are these?" Qin Haonan asked while watching what the guards beside him were doing.Because at this time, the guards by the city wall each had a basket in their hands.

"It's Explosive Pills. You have taken them. The quantity is not large. Each person has one basket. You and everyone should throw it down, and throw it accurately." Zi Yan, the nightmare tapir, did not have time to say more, so she said a few words, and then He hurried to the other side of the city wall.

"Oh, yes." Qin Haonan responded, seeing that a lot of mobs had gathered under the city at this time.They brought a ladder, apparently trying to climb the city wall.

Qin Haonan imitated the other guards and started throwing "explosive pills" at the mobs under the city.He didn't expect that the attack of the Explosive Pill was very high, and when it hit a level 150 "flame demon lion", it lost 40W of health.As long as you aim well, it can be said to be an instant kill.

Qin Haonan directed Linglong and Daji to throw the "Explosive Pill" together with him.What Qin Haonan didn't expect was that the experience points he received for participating in the battle were many times more than the experience points for waiting for others.

After all, they are all level 100 or 150 mobs, and the experience points given are also very rich.

At this time, Qin Haonan's experience bar was rising all the way, and he reached level 56 in a short while, and the 3 contracted beasts also upgraded with him.This is really a treasure for leveling. With the "Burst Pill", it is not a problem to fight monsters across 100 levels.

In Qin Haonan's previous life, he had never encountered such an easy-to-use attack tool during a siege battle.It seems that if you have a good relationship with Fantasy City in the later stage, you must buy some "Bakuping Pills" from the elders if you have the opportunity.

Just as Qin Haonan was throwing vigorously, a ladder was placed on the city wall in front of Qin Haonan.A few mobs tried to climb up from here.

How could Qin Haonan let the little monsters come up from his own territory? The little nightmare and a few guards beside him also came to help, and everyone worked together to push down the ladder in a hurry.

Before being pushed down, Qin Haonan asked Daji to release [Thousand Extinguishing Foxfire Level 9] on the ladder, and the blazing fox fire burned down the ladder, burning in flames together with the mobs on the ladder.

Qin Haonan looked into the distance, and saw that there were no new troops joining in, so he let out a sigh of relief.

If the enemy troops only have these in front of them, Dream City can still survive.

The battle continued for another 10 minutes, and Qin Haonan threw out all the "Burst Pills" in his hand.Although the protective barrier of Dream City has been completely broken, there are not many mobs left at this time.

Several elders also changed back to their original form at this time, fighting with several bosses together.

At this time, many mobs had already boarded the city wall, Qin Haonan asked Linglong to open the [Ground Formation Level 1] to protect them in the defensive formation.

The little nightmare was attacking the enemy outside, and Linglong continued to restore blood to bless him in the formation.

At this time, the death toll of the nightmares in Dream City had reached more than 500.But the enemy's troops have basically been wiped out.The battlefield entered the final sweep, and many nightmares flew over the fantasy city, looking for the fish that slipped through the net.

This is the case in siege battles. Once a small monster NPC or player dies, they will not be revived or spawned again until the battle is over.Players who died must wait until the battle is over before they can be resurrected.

After this battle of defending the city, Qin Haonan's experience value increased again and again, and soon approached level 60. Level 59 and 69% experience points, it is estimated that Qin Haonan will be able to level up after the battle is over.

 Thank you readers, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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