game master

Chapter 149 - Purple Cloud City

Chapter 149 - Purple Cloud City

"My lord, I'm already over level 60, and I want to visit Ziyun City." Qin Haonan told the city lord the purpose of coming straight to the point.

The city lord looked at Qin Haonan and couldn't help praising him: "It's really a hero born out of a boy, a young hero who lives like a dream, you will be the first player to reach level 60 and go to Ziyun City. I have a letter of introduction here, you take it Him, hand it over to the city lord of Ziyun City, and he will arrange it for you."

"Okay, thank you City Master." Qin Haonan accepted the letter of introduction.

In the "Century" online game, there are several levels that will be announced by the entire server, namely level 10, level 30, and level 100.

"The floating life is like a dream young hero, are you ready, I will send you there right away." The city owner of the East Imperial City said.

Qin Haonan nodded, and saw a huge teleportation circle formed under his feet, the circle condensed, and Qin Haonan's vision began to blur.When the sight was clear again, Qin Haonan stood beside the teleportation array in Ziyun City.

Ziyun City, the level 60-100 city in the "Century" online game, all players above level 60 can accept tasks here.The area of ​​Ziyun City is more than 10 times that of Donghuang City.The entire Ziyun City's buildings are luxurious and magnificent, with a touch of fairy style.

Qin Haonan stood in Ziyun City, looking at the sky, and suddenly thought of all kinds of past life.

After sighing, Qin Haonan didn't go to the City Lord's Mansion first, but went to Yuelao Hall alone. Male and female players above level 60 can form a team and register for marriage in Yuelao Temple if their favorability reaches a certain requirement.Of course, there will also be some special tasks that can be received from Yuelao.

The main color of the entire Yuelao Temple is festive Chinese red.There are many lanterns and happy characters hung on the main hall, which looks festive and lively.

Yue Lao wore a bright red robe and stood in the center of the hall.When Qin Haonan walked in, he could see the big exclamation mark on Old Yue's head.

"Yuelao, I'm here to activate the ring." Qin Haonan walked over and said, then handed over the dragon and phoenix rings.

"Young man, the pair of dragon and phoenix rings in your hand belonged to a couple of gods and immortals in ancient times. The pair of love rings are damaged now, do you want to restore them?" Yue Lao took the rings, Looked and looked carefully.

"Repair? If it is repaired, what effect will it have on the ring?" Qin Haonan asked curiously.

Yue Lao smiled and replied: "This is a pair of wedding rings, and they are of the best quality. Young Xia, you have a destiny with this ring. After it is repaired, if you want to register for marriage in the future, you can use them as a love ring .”

Hearing Yuelao's words, Qin Haonan generally understood.

In each player's attribute column, there is a page of love ring.The space of this love ring will not be activated until the player gets married.Both players need to go to the store to buy or do tasks to get the ring of love before they can officially get married.After getting married, the love ring can be upgraded.

For the upgrade material of the love ring, the husband and wife need to team up to brush the dungeon every day, and the dungeon will drop it.

Regarding the love ring, there is also a level gap.But there are three types in general, ordinary love rings, exquisite love rings, and extreme love rings.Both ordinary love rings and exquisite love rings can be bought in the mall, but the price of exquisite love rings is relatively expensive.

But the best love rings are unique, and you need to do hidden tasks to get them.

"Yuelao, what kind of love ring is this pairing ring?" Qin Haonan wanted to confirm again.

"After the repair, it is the ultimate love ring."

"How do we fix it?" Qin Haonan asked again.

"It's not difficult to say, and some materials are needed. The heart-keeping ring, the heart has a thousand knots, the love flower and the weeping grass. As long as the young man can get these four items, he can come to me to repair the love ring." Yuelao helped his beard and said with a smile.

"System prompt: Floating like a dream, you have triggered the 'repair love ring task', please collect the heart-keeping ring, the heart has thousands of knots, the love flower and the weeping grass, and give it to Yuelao. The final reward of the task: experience value +8000, 1 gold coin, a pair of 'Eternal Promise' rings."

Qin Haonan looked at the task in front of him, but he didn't expect that he accidentally triggered the task of the love ring.

Qin Haonan knew about the "heart-keeping ring" and "heart has thousands of knots", and they can be bought at the mall for a lot of money.But for the Agapanthus and the Weeping Grass, I guess I should investigate it.See where you can find it.

Qin Haonan has no plans to get married now, and he thought that there is no need to worry about this task, and he will make plans later when he gathers all the things together.

The matter of the ring came to an end for the time being, and Qin Haonan went to the City Lord's Mansion of Ziyun City to hand in the task.Then he went to the teleportation array and teleported himself directly to the Qiongshang faction.

At this time, the Qiongcang faction was still crowded with people, Qin Haonan passed through the crowd, and finally squeezed into the place where he was learning skills.After handing in the gold coins, Qin Haonan quickly learned 2 skills.These two skills belong to the range of skills that must be learned.

[Nine Elements Sword Formation Level 1] The sword fairy uses skills, a total of 10 levels, causing 8% damage to 210 targets at the same time, increasing the critical strike rate by 20%, and consuming 60 points of true energy.

[Emperor's Internal Classic 1 Level] Passive skills, skills used by Sword Immortals, a total of 20 levels, cultivating the mind and nature, defense +200.

When it comes to skills, Qin Haonan has always insisted on preferring lack over excess.Useless skills, don't learn if you can't learn it, so that you won't waste skill points.

After learning the skills, Qin Haonan looked at the amount of equipment he had collected in his hands. It was far from enough to upgrade the other two sets of super artifact suits, so the upgrade of equipment could only be put aside first.

Qin Haonan is already level 65, and now he can complete a task, and in that mysterious map, there is a mount beast, which Qin Haonan has been longing for for a long time.

Went to the store to buy some things, Qin Haonan looked at the big map directly.

I saw the area marked on the map that can only be reached by level 60 or above-Clear Water Villa.

Qin Haonan remembered that in his last life, someone triggered the hidden plot in Bishui Villa.Through that plot, this person obtained the 10th-level mount "Clear Water Kylin".

You know, before the "Century" online game was upgraded to the full level of 1000, there was only such a level 10 mount in the entire game.And after the game was upgraded, among the tier 10 mounts released, few of them had more attributes than it.

The appearance of Bishui Qilin is very beautiful, and its attribute blessing is also very suitable for sword fairy players.Qin Haonan is now certain to win this clear water unicorn.

Walking out from the Qiongcang faction, Qin Haonan rode on the Qingguang horse.Follow the direction on the map and start heading towards the direction of Bishui Mountain Villa.Bishui Villa is located in the north of the map of China. It is surrounded by ice and snow all year round, and it is a relatively remote place on the map.

In the last life, there were fewer players who liked to come here to do missions, but Qin Haonan had a soft spot for this place.

(End of this chapter)

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