game master

Chapter 150 - Green Water Villa

Chapter 150 - Green Water Villa (1)

Qin Haonan rode the Qingguang horse to the northernmost end of the big map.As the Qingguang horse moved forward, Qin Haonan felt that the temperature around him was getting lower and lower.It seems that after the game is upgraded, the fidelity of all aspects is getting higher and higher.

When he came to the map of Bishui Villa, Qin Haonan saw a huge classical villa.

The ground of the villa is covered with a thin layer of snow, high walls, cedars, and light snow in the sky, which has a special flavor.

When Qin Haonan walked into the outer area of ​​Bishui Villa, the first thing he saw was a group of level 65 "Yeti monsters".Qin Haonan summoned Linglong, Erbai, Daji and Feimeng, and quickly rushed into the snowman pile.While killing monsters, he walked towards the main gate area of ​​Bishui Villa.

When Qin Hao was fighting monsters in the south and moving forward, he suddenly saw a team of players running out of the snowman pile in front of him.Qin Haonan was very surprised. Given the level of the public players, there are players who can enter the area above level 60?

"Boss, I'm really dizzy. The mobs in this area are so strong, how can we complete this mission?" A male player of the night killer profession shouted and ran towards Qin Haonan.

The man who was called the boss was also very helpless, and said while running: "First avoid the siege of these yeti monsters, no matter what, we have to find a way to enter the Bishui Mountain Villa. It is a pity to give up that mission!"

There are a total of 6 players in this team, and the captain is a sword fairy player.He led the team to run here, and soon saw Qin Haonan who was fighting monsters.

Qin Haonan is now wearing Tianxuan Xinghe fashion, and there are no other players here, so it is quite eye-catching from a distance.In addition, he fought monsters in the wild in the high-level area, and did not hide his name.

"God Floating Life Ruomeng, save us!" Sword Immortal player recognized Floating Life Ruomeng at a glance, he seemed to see the savior, shouted, and ran towards Qin Haonan directly.

Qin Haonan also saw the embarrassment of this group of people. Based on the principle that one more friend is one more way, he swung his long sword and rushed forward. After a few rounds, he killed all the snowmen behind them.

"I didn't expect to meet the god of floating life like a dream here. Thank you, otherwise we would be in trouble. My name is Eternal 丨 Zi Ye, a level 45 sword fairy." Qin Haonan shook hands.

"It's nothing, it's easy to do. I don't know how a few of you appeared in the leveling area above level 60? Let's not talk about how you got in, but the difference in level is too big. It's too dangerous for you to fight monsters here." Qin Haonan He shook hands with the other party and asked.

Eternity丨Zi Ye didn't know how to answer for a while, he hesitated for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and then said seriously: "God of Floating Life Ruo Meng, you saved us, so I won't hide you. We did it because A mission, a mission with a time limit, otherwise we wouldn’t have ventured into an area above level 45 at level 60.”

"That's right, our boss's job in life is a treasure hunter. Some time ago, he obtained a mysterious map in the treasure hunt, so this time-limited task was triggered." A shadow killer named Elegant Soul in the team spoke.

After listening to their narration, Qin Haonan understood the ins and outs of the matter.It turns out that Eternal丨Zi Ye, whose life profession is a treasure hunter who can detect mysterious treasures, triggered a treasure hunting mission during the treasure hunting process.Unfortunately, this task has a time limit, if it cannot be completed within 36 hours, the task will fail.

Eternity丨Zi Ye saw the generous reward, so she called a group of her friends to help.Although he knew that the level of the map of Bishui Mountain Villa was more than 15 levels higher than theirs, it was really impossible for Eternal丨Ziye to make him give up without trying hard.

Qin Haonan felt that this Eternal丨Ziye's personality was somewhat similar to his own, and he was the type who was brave enough to try and take risks.

"Floating life is like a dream, God, I worship you. Since we can meet on the map of Bishui Mountain Villa, it is considered destined. Could you please do me a favor and bring us in, so I can share some mission rewards with you?" Eternal丨Zi Ye asked.

"You don't need to call me a master, you can just call me by my name. I wonder what I can get?" Qin Haonan thought this group of people were cute, so he decided to help them.But the other party has already offered to pay, how could Qin Haonan refuse.

"Hmm... gold coins, potions, crafting materials..." Eternal丨Ziye counted with her fingers.

Qin Haonan listened roughly, and didn't have anything he needed at all, so he said: "Forget it, you should keep these rewards for yourself. If you really want me to help, you can give me some of the waste equipment you have left over. The more you use, the better." good."

What Qin Haonan is most in short supply right now is the equipment for upgrading super artifacts. Just thinking about it gives Qin Haonan a headache. He doesn't know what to do with the upgrade when the level is higher in the future.Seeing that this group of people are also game veterans among casual players, it is not an exaggeration to point out waste equipment.

"Hey, scrap equipment is fine? I have quite a few here!" A player named Xi Xi Cool Man in the team said.

"Sigh cool man, all the preparations he replaced in the past are stored in the warehouse, and they are said to be kept as souvenirs." Elegy couldn't help joking.

"My equipment, if you want to use it, just take it. It doesn't matter if you commemorate it or not." Said the cool man.

Qin Haonan smiled and said, "You just need me to lead the team to lead you into the inner area of ​​Bishui Villa?"

"Yes, I found out in advance that there are mobs guarding the exterior of Bishui Villa, but the interior is a regular villa, there are no monsters, and it belongs to the safe zone." Eternal丨Zi Ye added.

"Okay, then you disband the team and join my team." Qin Haonan said and established a team.

Eternity丨Zi Ye and the others added it all in.

Qin Haonan looked at the list of team members. This team of players, among the general casual players, is definitely considered to be of high level, all of them are level 45.

The eternity of the sword fairy profession丨Zi Ye, the soul-hunting of the shadow killer profession, the cool man of the archer profession, the wind and clouds of the charmer profession, the wind, flowers, snow and moon of the luthier profession, and the Langya twin swords of the sword fairy profession.

Qin Haonan was secretly surprised, you know, this team of players is really not easy.Captain Eternal丨Zi Ye has a hidden occupation in life, and Qin Haonan is even more surprised by the professional archer who is a cool man.

You know, Qin Haonan has never heard of the hidden profession of archer in China.

But Qin Haonan knew very clearly that in European and American countries, one of the 12 basic occupations was an archer.I don't know what kind of adventure this cool man had to get this job.

"Sigh, cool man, your profession looks so good." Qin Haonan didn't ask explicitly, but looked at the list of team members and sighed.

"Haha, people who don't know about his profession think it's a hidden profession. In fact, it's very troublesome for him to learn professional skills every time." The soul-hunting and Xixi cool man have a good relationship, so they opened the mouth first.

"I remember that among the 12 occupations in the American section of "Century", there is an archer occupation." Qin Haonan said.

The cool man couldn't help being surprised and said: "As expected of a great god, I know this. I am in the United States now, and I learned my profession there."

"Ah?!" Even Qin Haonan was surprised this time, "You are in the United States? Then how did you cross the border and come back? The border has not been opened yet?"

Qin Haonan asked, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart. The online game "Century" is really amazing. Although I have lived my whole life, there are still too many things that I don't know.There are indeed many masters in the game, and each player has his own adventure, and this kind of cross-border adventure has actually happened to him today.

 Recommend an author's book, "The Supreme System of League of Legends", game articles, friends who like it can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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