game master

Chapter 151 - Green Water Villa

Chapter 151 - Green Water Villa (2)

Qin Haonan led the team of players to fight monsters while marching in the snowman pile, and slowly found that the players in this team were more cheerful.Since their levels are quite different from those of the mobs, their attacks won't do much, so they chat while assisting in the battle.

Through their chat, Qin Haonan also got a general understanding of their situation.These 6 players are all enthusiasts of online games and classmates in college.After graduating from university, although they were far away from each other, they kept in touch in the game.

After the online game "Century" was launched, Eternal 丨 Ziye saw the unlimited business opportunities of this online game, so she contacted everyone to join this game.Xixi Cool Man is the only one among them who did not develop in China, and is studying for a master's degree in the United States.

Qin Haonan is not a person who is willing to inquire about other people's privacy. After hearing from the shady cool man that he obtained an item that can cross the border due to an adventure, he didn't continue to ask.

Chatting like this, Qin Haonan brought everyone to the inner area of ​​Bishui Villa.

Entering the Bishui Mountain Villa through the gate, you have entered the safe zone.Qin Haonan could see all kinds of NPCs in the villa. At this time, Eternal丨Ziye and others did not leave the team to do the task.

"God of Floating Life, let me be a friend with you. I don't have a lot of equipment on me today, I will go to the warehouse to get it later and then supply it to you." Eternal 丨 Zi Ye and others integrated the equipment in the backpack and handed it over to the Qin Haonan.

"Well, yes." Qin Haonan took the equipment and added several people's friend requests.

When Qin Haonan thought of Eternity丨Ziye's career as a treasure hunter, he must have heard of many strange treasures.So I asked: "Eternity丨Zi Ye, in your usual treasure hunting, have you encountered the two materials of agapanthus and weeping grass?"

"I have the love flower here. I just got it in a treasure hunting map the day before yesterday. I can give it to you now if the God of Fusheng needs it. It's in my backpack, and I don't need it anyway. As for the weeping grass, I I haven't heard of it yet, but I can pay more attention later, and I will give it to you if I encounter it." Eternal 丨 Zi Ye hurriedly said.

"Really, that's great. I'll buy it from you with the money. Agapanthus and weeping grass are both necessary items for one of my missions." Qin Haonan was very happy when he heard that. wanted answer.

It seems that Eternal丨Ziye's life skill is really good, he can collect these strange items.

"You don't need money, Master Fusheng, please don't ask me for money. I want to make friends with you. If you really feel bad about it, why don't you leave some places for us in the Mengran Jiangshan Guild?" Eternal丨Zi Ye hurriedly waved her hand, saying that she also traded the love flower for free.

Qin Haonan and the six players walked along the way, saw their game operation skills, and originally had the idea of ​​​​pulling them into the gang, but unexpectedly, the other party proposed it first.

Qin Haonan didn't think too much, and agreed immediately: "Okay, when our guild reaches level 3, we will immediately recruit you into the guild."

"Haha, thank you so much. It's an honor to be able to help the number one master in the whole server." Eternal 丨 Zi Ye couldn't help laughing.

Qin Haonan saw that everyone had nothing else to do, so he voluntarily withdrew from the team. "I still have tasks to do, so I'll take my leave first. You can go ahead and light up the teleportation array, so you don't have to fight monsters to get in and out later."

"Okay, thank you God Fusheng, let's get in touch later!" Elegant Soul waved goodbye.

Several other players also bid farewell to Qin Haonan.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Qin Haonan walked quickly to the owner's mansion of Bishui Villa.Because Qin Haonan knew that if he wanted to trigger the task of Bishui Qilin, he had to get the friendship with Bishui Villa first.

After the first upgrade of the online game "Century", in order to be more humanized, the attribute of friendship between the player and the city was added.If the friendliness between a player and a city is higher, the chance of obtaining hidden missions in the city is higher.

If the friendliness is negative, the city will refuse to enter. If the negative value is too high, you may be attacked by guard NPCs when entering the city.The friendliness between a player and a strange city will initially be set to 0.

Qin Haonan recalled the strategy of Bishui Villa in his mind, and he already had a plan in his mind.

When he reached the gate of the owner's mansion, Qin Haonan was directly stopped by the guards outside the owner's mansion.Qin Haonan knew that the lord's mansion on this map was not like the main city of the East Emperor City, where the lord's mansion could enter and exit at will, but not here.

Qin Haonan smiled, and pointed to the notice next to him as he spoke: "Brothers, I went in to do a mission. Didn't the city lord send out a notice recently, wanting to find his long-lost daughter? I have a clue here."

"Oh, so that's how it is, then please come in." The elder brother guard let him go immediately after hearing this.

Qin Haonan remembered the routine of this mission, he followed the guards, and quickly walked through the front hall and corridor, towards the innermost hall.

The scenery in Bishui Mountain Villa is still good. Although there is light snow in the scene design here, it does not affect the elegance and atmosphere of the whole Zhuangzi at all.

At this time, a middle-aged man with slightly gray hair, wearing a simple and elegant white robe, was sitting on a chair in the hall.He is the owner of Bishui Mountain Villa.

Qin Haonan was ushered in by the guards. When he saw the owner, he hurriedly said, "Hello, owner. My life is like a dream. I saw your notice outside the owner's mansion, so I came here to report to you."

"Oh, Floating Life is Like a Dream Young Hero, hurry up and sit down, do you have news about my daughter?" The owner of Bishui Villa was a little excited at this moment.

This hidden mission to find her long-lost daughter is one of the rare missions to gain favorability in Bishui Villa, and the favorability given is relatively high, so Qin Haonan chose it first.

This task is to find the youngest daughter of the owner of Bishui Mountain Villa who has been lost for 12 years, according to the description in the announcement outside the owner's mansion.The bulletin board indicated the reason for the separation at that time, as well as a portrait of the youngest daughter when she was 4 years old, and it was marked that there was an obvious birthmark on the left wrist of the youngest daughter.

Ordinary players would not accept such complicated tasks.You know, it is not that easy to find an NPC based on such a few clues on the big map of the entire China region.If a player does not know the strategy, it is impossible to easily complete this task like finding a needle in a haystack.

But Qin Haonan is different, he has the memory of his previous life.

"Yes, owner. I once met the girl depicted in your announcement in an ordinary family in Ziyun City. The girl is 16 years old today, and her nickname is Sheng'er." Qin Haonan replied seriously.

"That's great. I'll take someone to find her right away. Could you please tell me the address of that family's family. My poor child, if it wasn't for the invasion of the Demon Cult 12 years ago, how could she Are you going to suffer this kind of pain and be separated from us?" The owner of the village felt uncomfortable for a while, but he quickly ordered someone to bring the paper and pen.

Qin Haonan took the pen and paper and quickly wrote down the address, worried, and marked a simple map beside it.

"Okay, thank you very much. The young man will sit at the mansion for a while, and I will take someone to find this girl and bring her back to see if she is Sheng'er." The owner was very excited, and immediately arranged the arrangement, "Ah Fu , you go to the backyard to inform Madam, and say that someone has provided information on Sheng'er, and I'll set off right away."

"System prompt: Life is like a dream, you have triggered the 'finding daughter mission', the owner has set off to find his lost daughter according to the map you gave, and wait for him to come back to inform the result. The final reward of the mission: +6500 experience points, 15 gold coins , Green Water Villa friendship +600."

As the owner said, he began to prepare and plan to set off.Qin Haonan was treated as a guest and stayed in the owner's mansion.

You must know that the owner's mansion of Bishui Mountain Villa is absolutely inaccessible without special missions.Qin Haonan remembered that the owner of this mission would return within 8 hours after departure, and during this time, he could freely move in and out of the owner's mansion.

Qin Haonan watched the owner arrange everything and set off with the team.Instead of eating the tea prepared for himself on the table, he quickly walked out of the hall and wandered around the yard.Qin Haonan remembered that in the owner's mansion of Bishui Mountain Villa, Sword Immortal and Swordsman players could trigger a task for the deputy owner to accept disciples.Through this task, Qin Haonan can become a member of Clear Water Villa, and when the favorability reaches the requirement, he can trigger the final Clear Water Kylin task.

(End of this chapter)

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