game master

Chapter 157 - Weeping Grass

Chapter 157 - Weeping Grass

This mission was very fruitful, and Qin Haonan couldn't get the experience points given by the mission because he couldn't share their mission.Eternity丨Zi Ye and the others all rose to level 47 after completing this mission.

Everyone came to the tree hole of the dead tree, pulled out all the treasures, and prepared to share.

There are many high-quality equipment, gold coins, crafting materials, and skill books of more than 50 levels here...

Qin Haonan felt that these things were of no use to him, so he didn't want them.Eternity丨Zi Ye felt a little sorry, among the many treasures, finally found a 66-level Shenxue ring (Zijin weapon, attack +860, defense +850, speed +766, health +1200, true energy +1200).

So Eternal丨Ziye gave the ring to Qin Haonan, Qin Haonan looked at the attributes, it was indeed good, it was the level of Zijin, so he accepted it.After being equipped, the attribute value has increased a lot.

"Thank you." Qin Haonan smiled.

"Guangzhu, you are really too polite." Eternal丨Ziye also smiled.

At this moment, Fenghuaxueyue exclaimed: "Boss, leader, come and see, is this the weeping grass? The weeping weed that the gang leader is looking for!"

Qin Haonan rushed over when he heard this, and saw a lush green grass with dewdrops sealed in a small glass bottle.

Fenghuaxueyue directly put the small bottle in Qin Haonan's hands, Qin Haonan took a closer look, and it was a coincidence that the Weeping Grass was actually found by himself.In this case, the task of the pair of rings can also be completed by Yuelao.

[Weeping Grass], quest item, materials needed to repair the love ring.

"Great, thank you all this time, otherwise I don't know when I will be able to collect all these materials." Qin Haonan was still very happy to get the weeping grass.

"Guangzhu, the task has been completed, we are going back to the East Emperor City. What are your plans?" Wan Hun asked Qin Haonan while looking at him.

"I still have a mission in Bishui Villa, and I won't be going back in a short time." Qin Haonan said.

"Okay then, boss, let's go back to Bishui Mountain Villa first." The cool man said.

Eternity丨Zi Ye was checking his inventory right now, when he suddenly raised his head and said seriously: "Master, we will sort out the waste equipment after we go back, and we will pack it up and send it to you later."

"Well, okay. In the later stage, we are all members of the same gang. If you need help with anything, just ask me." Qin Haonan was very straightforward.

"Well, okay, boss."


Qin Haonan formed a team with the others, killed the snow bear monster all the way, and returned to Bishui Villa along the original road.

After saying goodbye to Eternal丨Zi Ye and others, Qin Haonan checked the time, it should be almost there, so he returned to the Zhuangzhu Mansion.As soon as he walked to the gate of the owner's mansion, he saw a young man standing there looking around.

When the boy saw Qin Haonan approaching, the expression on his face instantly became very excited.He hurried over and said eagerly and happily: "Floating life is like a dream young hero, you are finally back. Miss has been found, and the owner is looking for you!"

"So soon, okay, I'll be there right away." Qin Haonan responded, and quickly followed the boy into the mansion of the owner.

"Life is like a dream young hero, thank you very much this time. The owner and his wife have not been so happy for a long time. They have just met each other. They are really the eldest lady who has been separated for many years." The servant was also overwhelmed by this joy. Infected by the atmosphere, he talked more.

"It is my honor to help the owner of the villa," Qin Haonan said.

While the two were talking, the servant brought Qin Haonan to the hall.At this time, the owner was standing in the center of the hall, seeing Qin Haonan coming, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, you are finally here. I want to thank you very much, you helped me find my daughter." The owner said excitedly, and held Qin Haonan's hand as he spoke.

Mrs. Zhuang Zhuang and Miss Sheng'er were hugging each other at this time, and the mother and daughter were in tears.They burst into tears with joy, telling each other their experiences after being separated for these years.

Seeing Qin Haonan enter the hall, the owner's wife also took Miss Sheng'er's hand, wiped each other's tears, and walked over gracefully.

"Life is like a dream young hero, please accept our worship!" Mrs. Zhuang Zhu and Miss Sheng'er said and bowed.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Finding Daughter Mission' and received the final reward: +6500 experience points, 15 gold coins, and +600 friendliness in Bishui Villa."

"Get up, get up, I can't bear the owner's wife and miss." Qin Haonan hurriedly pulled them up.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, you are welcome too. I have just heard from my third brother that he has accepted you as a disciple. I will call you nephew from now on, and you can come and go from our mansion at will." The manor said happily .

Qin Haonan bowed his hands to the owner.

"By the way, the guardian beast of our Bishui Villa gave birth three months ago. That little unicorn is a tenth-rank mount. Many disciples of our Bishui Villa have tried it, but none of them have been recognized by it. "The owner said helplessly.

After hearing this, the deputy owner Shui Ye hurriedly said: "Yes, apprentice, you are also a disciple of our Bishui Villa, and your strength has also met the requirements. Why don't you give it a try?"

"System prompt: Floating like a dream, you have triggered the 'Clear Water Kylin Mission', go to the Kylin Pavilion in the Bishui Villa, and get the approval of the Bishui Kylin. The final reward of the task: experience value +86000, 3 gold coins, and a tenth-order mount, a Bishui Kylin .”

"Okay, then I'll give it a try. Thank you owner and master for giving me this opportunity." Qin Haonan said respectfully.

The owner of the villa immediately arranged for a servant to lead Qin Haonan to the Qilin Pavilion.

Speaking of Qilin Pavilion, it is really a holy place in Bishui Villa.Ordinary disciples can't get close at ordinary times, and even the owner and others have to ask for instructions in advance.

The guardian of the Qilin Pavilion is the 100th-level Supreme Elder of the Bishui Villa. Because the guardian beast of the village lives here, the Bishui Qilin, the entire Bishui Villa attaches great importance to this place.The design of Qilin Pavilion is magnificent and the courtyard is extremely spacious.

Stairs, pavilions, ponds...all the architectural decorations are much larger than the general garden design, perhaps to take care of the size of the Bishui Qilin.After all, this place is not for people to live in, but for unicorns to live in.

Qin Haonan followed the boy to the gate of Qilin Pavilion.I saw the boy holding a token, knocking on the door, and talking to the boy in the pavilion through a small window for a long time.

After a while, the door opened slowly.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, please keep quiet when you come in. The villain can only be sent here, and the next route will be taken by this boy. The villain waits here for the young hero to come out." The servant carefully instructed.

"Okay, I see." Qin Haonan nodded.

After the boy finished speaking, he stood under the big tree and waited. Qin Haonan was led in by the boy.

Qin Haonan followed Xiaotong up the long stairs.The little boy didn't speak along the way, very quiet.Qin Haonan looked at the sky from here, and suddenly felt that this place was so close to the sky, as if the sky was close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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