game master

Chapter 158 - The Blue Water Qilin Part [-]

Chapter 158 - The Blue Water Qilin Part [-]

After climbing the long stairs, Qin Haonan saw the magnificent building in front of him.At this time, an old man with a fairy air was sitting cross-legged at the gate. He opened his eyes and looked at Qin Haonan.The little boy walked up to the old man, leaned down and said a few words in the old man's ear, only to see the old man nodded slightly.

"You are Floating Life Like a Dream, Ye'er's new apprentice?" the old man asked slowly while holding his beard.

"Hi senior, I'm here." Qin Haonan bowed his head.

The old man looked Qin Haonan up and down, until the other party looked a little scared, and said: "It is a good material for practicing martial arts and immortality. The little clear water unicorn is inside, you can go in by yourself."

"Well, thank you senior." Qin Haonan said, and saw that Xiao Tong had already opened the door next to him.Qin Haonan didn't think much about it, so he walked in.

Inside the Qilin Pavilion, the first thing that catches the eye is the spacious long corridor.The pillars on both sides of the corridor are engraved with unicorn patterns, which are lifelike.Qin Haonan walked in along the corridor, and soon heard bursts of snoring.

The further you go, the louder the snoring.When Qin Haonan walked to the end of the corridor, he found that there was a huge round hall.The entire hall is as high as a 6-story building, and there is a circle of small windows at a height of 10 meters, from which the sunlight just shines down.A blue Qilin beast lay on the floor of the hall and fell asleep.

She has a dragon's head, antlers, lion's eyes, tiger's back, bear's waist, snake scales, horse's hooves, and ox's tail all in one, and her jagged cyan scales shine brightly in the sun.This unicorn is huge in size. Although it is lying on its stomach, it still feels mighty. It must be the guardian beast of Bishui Villa, Bishui Qilin.

Qin Haonan approached carefully, and found that in the arms of the clear water unicorn, there was still a little unicorn sleeping on his stomach.This little unicorn was carved out of the same mold as his mother, but it's a pity that he is only as big as a calf at this time, and he looks less powerful than cute.

Little Qilin seemed to sense Qin Haonan's approach, he opened his sleepy eyes and looked curiously at the young man in front of him.At first glance, he felt that this human was so ugly, but their great unicorns were more beautiful (Khan, unicorns and human beings have different aesthetics).

Little Qilin knew that this young man must be a disciple of Bishui Villa again, but this young man was much more pleasing to the eye than those who came before.Little Qilin nodded while thinking, and then stood up from his mother's arms.Slowly approach Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan looked at the little unicorn in front of him, and couldn't help but wonder, such a little guy really needs a contract, can he be a mount?When the time comes, will it carry itself on its back, or will it lead it by itself?
At this time, the sleeping Bishui Qilin's mother also heard the voice and opened her big eyes.But she didn't speak, just looked at her child lovingly.She knew that her child was about to grow up, so she would definitely choose a suitable owner, because this was the agreement between their Bishui Qilin family and Bishui Villa.

Back then, the owner of Bishui Qilin's mother was the first owner of Bishui Villa, the peerless sword fairy who was all-powerful.Thinking of the days when she and her master traveled the world together, Bishui Qilin's mother's expression became much gentler.

"Human, what's your name?" The little unicorn asked with its crisp voice.

Qin Haonan smiled and replied, "My name is Floating Life Rumeng, little guy, would you like to go to the outside world with me?"

Qin Haonan is still very confident in attracting contracted beasts and mounts.After all, his charm value is high. For NPCs, a high charm value will produce an innate favor.

At this time, Bishui Qilin's mother was also quietly observing Qin Haonan.

"I want to see the outside world. My mother often told me that I can only grow up if I go out and experience myself." Xiao Qilin said, and walked to Qin Haonan's side.

At this time, Xiao Linglong somehow happened, and she floated out of the pet space without being summoned.

"Master, this unicorn is so cute." Linglong said happily.

"Yes, yes, do we have a new partner again?" Erbai added.

Qin Haonan looked behind him at this moment, and found that several of his contracted beasts had all ran out of the pet space and surrounded the little unicorn.Suddenly, so many pets appeared, and the 3-month-old unicorn was so scared that he ran back to his mother's embrace.

Qin Haonan's previous contract Qingguangju's initial rank is too low, he can't speak at all, and it's not artificial intelligence.Erbai once complained to Qin Haonan, saying that this stupid little pony is too boring, let him contract a high-ranking pony who can talk next time, so that he can play with Erbai.

Linglong and Daji are girls. Under Linglong's leadership, they always like to make clay dolls.Although Feimeng has no human form, her gender is also female, and she often hangs out with Linglong and the others.Erbai was very lonely, and he was eager to find a male playmate with whom he could chat.

Qin Haonan was also quite speechless. Erbai was a contracted beast. He had just reached level 60. Now he had learned to pick and choose, and he was the master.

After all, the little unicorn is still a child, and his curiosity is greater than his fear.He slowly probed, and sniffed the noses of several contracted beasts who were about the same size as himself. From the smell, he felt that they could become friends.

At this time, Bishui Qilin's mother was lying on the back, her face was expressionless, but the inner shock was still great.With her old-fashioned eyes, how could she fail to distinguish the level of contracted beasts carried by the young man in front of her, the super divine beast Nuwa God, one of the four divine beasts, the White Tiger, the divine beast Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, and a divine beast Nightmare!
Bishui Qilin's mother secretly made up her mind that her son must sign a contract with the young man in front of her.With such a luxurious team, following this young man, his son will have a bright future.

Having made up her mind, Bishui Qilin's mother gave the little Qilin her head, signaling him to play with everyone.

"Life is like a dream, are you willing to take care of my son?" Bishui Qilin's mother asked Qin Haonan.

"I am willing." After saying this, Qin Haonan felt like saying a wedding vow.

"Then that's great, son, you can make a contract with Floating Life as a Dream." Bishui Qilin's mother directly made a decision for her son, "I think this young man is very good, and you will have a bright future if you follow him."

Little Qilin was stunned for a moment. You must know that the disciples from Clear Water Villa who came to make contracts before were all kicked out by his mother.My mother always said that they were ugly, their rank was too low, their combat effectiveness was not good, their clothes were tasteless... what happened today, and they agreed directly without testing it.

But the little Qilin was still very obedient, he turned his head to look at Qin Haonan, and saw that the other party nodded to himself, expressing his agreement.The little unicorn began to recite the incantation, and saw a magic circle rising from the soles of the little qilin's feet and Qin Haonan's feet at the same time, and wisps of cyan light floated up from the magic circle.

Under this light, the little unicorn continued to grow in size.

At this time, Bishui Qilin's mother suddenly stood up, raised her head to the sky and let out a Qilin roar.The huge roar echoed throughout the hall and spread throughout the entire Bishui Villa.

Hearing this voice, everyone in the Bishui Villa knew that the Bishui Qilin had recognized its master.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Clear Water Kylin Mission' and received the final reward: +86000 experience points, 3 gold coins, and a tenth-rank mount, the Clear Water Kylin."

(End of this chapter)

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