game master

Chapter 159 - Under the Clear Water Qilin

Chapter 159 - Under the Clear Water Qilin

The light dissipated, and the little unicorn grew up a lot at this time, much larger than an adult bull.

Qin Haonan opened the mount interface, besides Qingguangju, there was already a second mount, Bishui Qilin.Qin Haonan looked at the attributes of the Bishui Qilin, and found that the attribute blessing of this 10th-level mount was high.

Mount: Bishui Qilin (level 10), level 1.Up to 2 people ride, running speed 300.

Master HP +5000
Master's True Qi +5000
Master attack +500
Master Defense +500
Master speed +320
The accompanying skills of the clear water unicorn: passive skills [Kirin Blade], [Kirin Rage], [Kirin Armor], [Kirin Wings], [Kirin Blessing], [Kirin Secret Words], [Kirin Concentration], [Kirin Immunity] and active skills Skills [Kirin Roar], [Bibo Mad Wolf].

[Kirin Blade], every time the mount is upgraded, attack +20.

[Kirin Rage], every time the mount is upgraded, attack +10, defense +10.

[Kirin armor], every time the mount is upgraded, defense +20.

[Kirin Wing], every time the mount is upgraded, the speed +20.

[Kirin Blessing], every time the mount is upgraded, life value +100, true energy value +100.

[Kirin Secret Words], every time the mount is upgraded, mana +20.

[Kirin Concentrates], every time the mount is upgraded, spirit +20.

[Kirin Immunity], every level of mount, poison immunity +0.5%, spell immunity +0.5%, illusion immunity +0.5%.

[Kirin Roar] Active skill, a huge unicorn roar, which can cause 10% damage to all targets within 140 meters, and make all attacked targets attack -10%, defense -60%, speed -60 within 60 seconds %.

[Bibo Mad Wolf] active skill, which can cause 30% damage to 250 targets at the same time.

It seems that the attribute blessing of the 10th-level mount is powerful, and the active skills are also relatively easy to use.Not only that, Qin Haonan remembered that when Qingguangju reached the 8th level, its running speed only reached 180. The running speed of the 10th level Bishui Qilin 300 is really impressive, which can save a lot of time.

Not only that, but the number of riders of the clear water unicorn is one more than that of ordinary mounts.

"I'm leaving here, and I will bring him back to see you often in the future." Qin Haonan was about to leave at this time, and raised his head to Bishui Qilin's mother.

"You go, the children of our Bishui Qilin family have to go through this kind of experience. I am very pleased that he can make a contract with you." Bishui Qilin's mother can afford it and let it go.

Qin Haonan asked the little Qilin (he should be called Bishui Qilin by now) to say goodbye to his mother, then got on the horse, turned around and waved, and walked outside.

Tick, tick, tick... The crisp voice echoed in the corridor, and Qin Haonan rode out of the Kirin Pavilion on a clear water unicorn.When he walked out of the gate, the old man outside also stood up.

This old man is the Supreme Elder of Bishui Villa, and he said with great satisfaction: "Haha, that's great, Bishui Qilin has finally recognized its master. The future generations are awesome!"

"Senior, I'm leaving now." Qin Haonan said respectfully.

"Go, go, young people should go out and roam around." After the elder Taishang finished speaking, he sat down cross-legged again, closed his eyes and began to practice.

Qin Haonan rode a clear water unicorn all the way out of the Qilin Pavilion, and was going back to Ziyun City to find Yuelao to restore the love ring.With this mount, the traveling speed has been greatly improved, and soon Qin Haonan came to the teleportation array.

Back in Ziyun City, go straight to Yuelao Hall.On the way, Qin Haonan bought the "Heart Keeping Ring" and "Heart with Thousands of Knots" in the mall while rushing, so that all the materials were gathered together.

In the fiery red Yuelao Hall, Yuelao stood in the center of the hall.When Qin Haonan arrived, Yuelao actually took the initiative to say hello: "Floating life is like a dream young hero, have you collected all the materials?"

"Yes. Please help me repair the ring, thank you." Qin Haonan said and gave all the materials to Yuelao.

"Haha, that's great, a pair of superb rings is about to be born." Yue Lao said as he took the materials, combined them with the original pair of dragon and phoenix rings, and a dazzling light burst out.

After the light passed, the appearance of the pair of dragon and phoenix changed dramatically, and at the same time, the name also changed.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the task of 'Repairing the Ring of Love' and received the final reward: +8000 experience points, 1 gold coin, and a pair of 'Eternal Promise' rings."

Qin Haonan didn't pay much attention to the ring of love in his last life. Now that he observes it carefully, he never thought that the best ring in the online game "Century" is so beautifully designed.

This pair of rings is set with diamonds and is dotted with stars around the perimeter.The silvery-white ring is engraved with tiny patterns, sparkling yet restrained, elegant yet luxurious.The rays of light shone down, emitting a mysterious light, with a fairy air that seemed to have passed through the spirit.

After receiving the repaired ring, Yuelao also sent a pair of ring boxes by the way.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, if you meet a girl you like in the later stage, you can give this ring to her." Yue Lao said with a smile on the side.

"Um...thank you." Qin Haonan put the ring away, thinking that the ring might not be needed in the short term, so it's better to put it in the warehouse first.

Qin Haonan was thinking, when he suddenly heard someone calling himself.

"Ruomeng, are you doing missions in Yuelao Palace?" A beautiful female voice sounded from behind, "Hey, what are you holding in your hand? This box is so beautiful!"

Hearing the voice, Qin Haonan was wondering who would be able to come to Ziyun City at level 60 at this time. He turned his mount around to look at the person, and the box in his hand almost fell to the ground. "Enchanting... Ruoxi, why are you here?"

"I received a special mission, and I want to come to Ziyun City to deliver a message. The mission is completed, and I was thinking about going back. I just passed by the Moon Palace, and I saw a player from a distance. I guess it is you, so I came here." Yao Ruoxi road.

"Oh, what a coincidence!" Qin Haonan laughed, and hurriedly put the box away.

"Do you need to be so nervous when you see me?" Yao Ruoxi has already seen Qin Haonan's small movements, "What were you hiding just now? I saw a very delicate jewelry box... Ruomeng, your mount is so beautiful!"

Qin Haonan was very fortunate that Yao Ruoxi's attention was finally attracted by the mount. "This mount is the Bishui Qilin, which I got from a mission just now."

When Yao Ruoxi heard this, she hurriedly opened the mount ranking list, and she couldn't help but marvel: "A 10th-rank mount is indeed a great god, I admire it!"

"'s just luck." Qin Haonan said modestly, seeing that Yao Ruoxi was already at level 48, he couldn't help asking, "Since we met, do you want to do a mission together?"

"Mission? Well, Ruomeng, the mission you recommended should not be bad." Yao Ruoxi readily agreed.

Qin Haonan directly set up a team and brought Yao Yao in.The two teamed up, and Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi saw the exclamation mark on Old Yue's head at the same time.

Qin Haonan remembered that there was a post in his last life saying that Yuelao had a unique mission, and the rewards were very generous, whoever got it first would get it.

Male and female players are required to form a team, and the captain's level must exceed level 63.Not only that, the intimacy of male and female players must exceed 300.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi have teamed up and cooperated several times, and their intimacy has just reached 301.Qin Haonan wanted to take this opportunity to take down this lucrative Yuelao mission.

Because of this task, you can get a lot of money and money.

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(End of this chapter)

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