game master

Chapter 163 – Yuelao’s Supplies

Chapter 163 – Yuelao’s Supplies
Qin Haonan packed the gold coins, followed Feng Jiangling's treasure-hunting mouse, and quickly found the innermost corner.


"Xiao Jin said that it is at the bottom of the pile of gold coins." Feng Jiangling said that he was already picking up the pile of gold coins.

Qin Haonan went up, and together with him, he searched for gold coins.After a while, I found a big wooden box from the pile of gold coins.The box is carved with exquisite patterns, which looks very expensive at first glance.

"There is a lock on the box, so it can't be opened." Qin Haonan checked it, and then said.

"It's all right, there's Xiaojin, he's a little expert at picking locks." Feng Jiangling said as he hugged the Treasure Explorer Mouse and let it touch the box with its little paws.

"Squeak..." The treasure-hunting holy mouse cried a few times, and its little paws shone with golden light.When the light on the claw hits the position of the lock, the lock opens automatically.

"This little guy is amazing!" Yao Ruoxi couldn't help but praise.

Qin Haonan and Feng Jiangling pushed the box out together. After opening the box, they found that there were really many good things inside.

[Mount Column Expansion Scroll] 3 pieces, [Pet Column Expansion Cheats] 4 pieces, Pan Xinguo 24 pieces, Crystal Fruit 21 pieces, Life Fruit 30 pieces, a set of level 70 purgatory set design drawings...

"These treasures are difficult to obtain in the game, and you can't buy them even if you have money. Brother Ruomeng, I'm curious, how do you know that there are other treasures here besides gold coins? Could it be that you also rely on Nose..." Feng Jiangling made a gesture of sniffing with his nose as Feng Jiangling said.

"He is a big fan of money, as long as it has something to do with treasure and money, he can perceive it." Yao Ruoxi said this out of nowhere.

Qin Haonan didn't expect Yao Ruoxi to explain it to him, and he explained it so straightforwardly.

"We are indeed in the same league, we are destined to become good friends!" Unexpectedly, after hearing Yao Ruoxi's words, Feng Jiangling laughed even happier.

"Hehe..." Qin Haonan also smiled.

The three of them divided the contents of the treasure box together, and Qin Haonan got 1 [Mount Column Expansion Scroll], 2 [Pet Column Expansion Cheats], 8 Palm Heart Fruits, 7 Crystal Fruits, and 10 Life Fruits.Yao Ruoxi and Feng Jiangling shared everything else.

When walking out of this stone gate, Feng Jiangling had made an appointment with Qin Haonan and the others to meet up in the Eastern Imperial City later.Then, Feng Jiangling teleported out through a special teleportation skill of the Holy Rat.

"Let's go and finish the task." Yao Ruoxi reminded.


Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi back along the original road, and soon returned to the original corridor.Qin Haonan found the gate with the "Yuelao" mark on it, and with a slight push, the gate opened.

There is nothing superfluous in this room, and there are neatly stacked layers of wooden boxes.

As soon as he entered the room, Qin Haonan saw three large wooden boxes placed in the most conspicuous positions.Qin Haonan put three large boxes into his backpack, and he tried to take other boxes, but all to no avail.

[Materials of Yuelao] Quest item.

After reading the introduction of the box, it seems that there are only these supplies.

Qin Haonan said: "Let's go back, that's all the supplies should be. Let's go back and hand in the task first, and then go to East Imperial City to meet Brother Feng Jiangling."

"Well, okay." Yao Ruoxi said and followed Qin Haonan out of the material storage room.

After returning to the forest in Shadowmoon Valley, Qin Haonan directly summoned the Bishui Qilin, and quickly left Shadowmoon Valley with Yao Ruoxi.The journey went very smoothly, and the Bishui Qilin ran very fast with all its strength.

Soon arrived at Ziyun City, Yuelao Hall.

This time Yuelao didn't stand in the center of the hall, he was walking back and forth at the gate of Yuelao Hall.Seeing Qin Haonan rushing back, Mr. Yue took the initiative to talk to them.

"Floating Life Like a Dream Young Hero, Enchanting Heroine, you are finally back. I want to ask if you got the supplies? Was the journey smooth?" Yuelao asked hastily.

"Don't worry, Yue Lao, all the supplies have been obtained." Qin Haonan said and handed over the three large boxes.

Yuelao was very happy to see it. "Great, great, these are the supplies. I am relieved to have them for emergencies. Thank you! This is a small gift, and I hope you two can accept it as a token of gratitude!"

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the task of 'delivering Yuelao's materials' and received the final rewards: +92000 experience points, 20 gold coins, 5 Tianxinyao Mengguo, and +500 intimacy of team members."

"Thank you Yuelao." Yao Ruoxi accepted the gift as she spoke.As soon as the experience points were added, Yao Ruoxi was directly promoted to level 49.

Qin Haonan looked at his experience value, and the distance to upgrade, the difference in experience value is not much.

After using "Tianxinyao Mengguo", attribute points will be permanently increased, life value +50, true energy value +50.

"The reward this time is not bad, especially this fruit." Yao Ruoxi praised, and then put a fruit in her mouth. After eating, the life value and true energy value really increased.

Qin Haonan also directly ate the 5 fruits.As for the palm heart fruit, crystal fruit and life fruit that he obtained in Shadowmoon Valley, Qin Haonan was going to take them back and share them with Hou Yue and the others.

"The task is also completed, let's go back to the East Emperor City? I'll ride the clear water unicorn with you, which will be faster." Yao Ruoxi said, but did not summon the mount, and waited for Qin Haonan to summon the clear water unicorn.

Qin Haonan was startled, then smiled and said, "Okay, then I guess I'm about to become famous."

A ray of light flashed, and the Bishui Qilin was summoned from the magic circle on the ground.Qin Haonan rode up, and then pulled Yao Ruoxi up.

"Ruoxi, I plan to go back to my guild friends first, and then go to Brother Feng Jiangling. Are you going to come with me, or should I send you back to your guild?"

"Well... Ruomeng, let me go with you. Anyway, there is nothing to do in my guild, and we will meet many interesting things with you." Yao Ruoxi stretched on the back of Bishui Qilin while talking.

Qin Haonan led the clear water unicorn, instead of taking the teleportation formation, he rushed out along the gate of Ziyun City, and galloped in the direction of the East Emperor City.He wanted time to stop at this moment, he wanted to be alone with Yao Ruoxi for a while, even for a while.

After returning to the Eastern Imperial City, there are a lot of players here.Qin Haonan's clear water unicorn could not run at the fastest speed, so Qin Haonan had to slow down.

"Hey, look, what a beautiful mount!" A player exclaimed suddenly.

"This mount should be a unicorn, it looks very similar!"

"What I care about is not the mount, but how the Fairy Queen and the God of Floating Life are together. And they also ride the same mount, my goddess! 555"

"555...don't do this, I'm so sad."

"I think I must have read it wrong. I must have read it wrong. It must not be the leader of the enchanting gang... It must not be the leader of the enchanting gang."

"Don't hypnotize yourself, okay?"


(End of this chapter)

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