game master

Chapter 164 - The Brick That Runs Away

Chapter 164 - The Brick That Runs Away
Qin Haonan originally expected that the two of them entering the city like this would attract the attention of a large group of players.Qin Haonan didn't care too much, and sent a message to Hou Yue, asking him to meet at the center of the East Imperial City, and planned to send them the treasure obtained from Shadowmoon Valley.

When he rode the clear water unicorn to the center of the East Emperor City, Hou Yue, Xia Luo and Xia Ming were already waiting for him in the center of the square.

"Brother Ruomeng, we are here." Charlotte waved to this side from afar.

Seeing Charlotte say hello, Qin Haonan led the Bishui Qilin and walked over.Get off the mount, and hand over the things obtained from Shadowmoon Valley to Hou Yue: "Monkey, Charlotte, here are 2 [Cheats for Pet Column Expansion], palm heart fruit, crystal fruit and life fruit, just these things, you look at them Divide."

"Well, okay, your reward for this mission is too generous." Hou Yue smiled and took the things over and put them in his backpack.

Charlotte pulled Qin Haonan over directly, and said mysteriously, "Brother Ruomeng, why are you with the Fairy Queen? The world chat channel just now is almost swiping the screen!"

"We went on a mission together, okay, I'll tell you later." Qin Haonan said while tapping Charlotte on the head.

"...Well, I'm also quite curious." Hou Yue also interrupted abruptly, "We have been good brothers for so long, and I didn't know that you and my idol have such a good relationship... Sad..."

"Oh, Brother Ruomeng, I went over to sign with the leader of the enchanting gang." Charlotte said and ran away.

"Charlotte, I want an autograph too." Hou Yue added.

"Hey... hey..." Qin Haonan scratched his head helplessly, he really couldn't do anything with these loyal fans of Yao Ruoxi.

At this time, Charlotte was already asking for an autograph.

After Qin Haonan said goodbye to Hou Yue, he turned around and returned to Yao Ruoxi's side. "You are so charming, we have helped many of your fans, have you signed an autograph for Charlotte?"

"Signed, I have always been very gentle to my fans." Yao Ruoxi smiled and pulled Qin Haonan onto the Bishui Qilin, "Don't just talk about me, in fact, you are in the game "Century" now, and you have a lot of fans. You Sweeping the top of the major rankings, there are very few players in "Century" who don't admire you!"

"Okay, let's go to Brother Feng Jiangling, he just sent me a message."

"Sent a message? What did he say?"

"Brother Feng Jiangling said he has a mission and wants to make an appointment with us to form a team to complete it, and invite us to meet at the west gate of the Eastern Imperial City." Qin Haonan read the message again, and then said seriously.

Yao Ruoxi thought for a while before answering: "What task is it? Can't the members of the Freedom Sea Gang complete it by themselves?"

"I don't know, he said that we will talk face to face after meeting." Qin Haonan said.

"Then let's go and have a look. I'm thinking, with Feng Jiangling's treasure-hunting ability, the task he wants to complete with our team must not be easy." Yao Ruoxi analyzed.

At this time, the Bishui Qilin was heading west all the way, and it was already close to the position of the west gate.When Qin Haonan arrived, Feng Jiangling hadn't arrived yet.

At this time, a team of 10 players just happened to come from outside the west gate.Judging from the dazzling effect of their appearance, their equipment is at least above the silver level.The game has progressed so far, and a group of players with such strength must be masters.But this group of people has been quite arrogant along the way, and the surrounding players have also chosen to give way when they saw them.

"The runaway brick, the leader of the Yaole Guild." Yao Ruoxi had already seen the other party's ID clearly.

The shareholder of Yaole Game Group is one of the top rich second generations, 46% rich.After Qin Haonan saw the ID, he immediately remembered everyone's evaluation of this person in the previous life.The runaway brick, whose occupation is Sword Immortal, is at level [-] at this time.

Qin Haonan casually scanned the guild rankings at this time, and found that the Yaole guild's ranking was not low.

Guild leaderboard:
Gang 1: Dragon Fights the World, Guild Level 5, Long Xingtian

Gang 2: Yao Le, guild level 5, runaway brick
Gang 3: Dream dyed Jiangshan, guild level 3, living like a dream
Gang 4: Fairy and Demon League, guild level 3, enchanting
Gang 5: Shengshi Shengge, Guild Level 3, Fallen Leaf Shengge
Gang 6: Assassin League, Guild Level 2, Listening to the Rain at Night
Gang 7: Tyrant Dynasty, guild level 2, Tyrant @天浪
Gang 8: The realm of the gods, guild level 1, god-level guild leader
Gang 9: Sea of ​​Freedom, Guild Level 1, Feng Jiangling

As of now, there are only 9 gangs in China.However, the ranking of the Yaole Gang has already ranked second, and it is close to Long Zhan Tianxia in terms of gang level.

"Rampaged Brick" is a rather handsome young man, he is wearing a snow-white sword fairy robe, handsome and unrestrained in appearance.It's just that there is a slight trace of hostility in his temperament, which destroys the original perfect Dixian style.

Brick who ran away only started playing this game 8 days ago. I heard that the reason why his level has been upgraded so quickly is thanks to the masters of his family's Yaole studio who took him in turns to level up.It is also for this reason that he did not participate in the ranking competition of the PK list.

The runaway brick walked in front of Qin Haonan, with an evil smile on his face: "Sister enchanting, your unicorn is so cool, it looks like it can ride two players! Sister, can you let the kid behind you come down? Take me for a walk outside the city?"

Yao Ruoxi was not angry either, and smiled secretly: "This mount is not mine, and I was also lucky with Ruomeng, so I was able to ride around the city on the clear water unicorn. Also, I don't know you well, don't call me so Mushy."

"Sister enchanting, why do you keep cheating on me? I just bought a new mount. Do you want to ride with me?"

Yao Ruoxi didn't say anything, and chose to ignore the runaway brick.

Qin Haonan could see that this runaway brick didn't look at him at all.Or it could be said that he had clearly seen Qin Haonan, but he had to treat him as air and get close to Yao Ruoxi in front of him.

The berserk brick continued to provoke, Qin Haonan directly affected the Bishui Qilin, and took a big step forward.Bishui Qilin's nose suddenly snorted, and his head hit the top of Brick who was running away.

"Hey, what are you doing? What do you mean, didn't you see anyone in front of you?" Brick who ran away was a little angry.

"Is anyone there? Why didn't I see it?" Qin Haonan looked around pretendingly.

At this time, the other players of Yaole Guild were unwilling, and "Meteorite Meteor" who followed behind "Rampaging Brick" snorted coldly: "Life is like a dream, don't just rely on your high level to be domineering! "

"It's you who are domineering." Qin Haonan turned back with one sentence.

"Sister enchanting, get out of the way, don't hurt my sister when you fight later. I don't believe that this kid dares to be so arrogant in front of me." The rampant brick said that he had drawn out the long sword in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face. Ironic smile.

Qin Haonan took a general look at the other party's attributes with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic], no wonder the rampant Brick was so arrogant, it turned out that he had another piece of equipment at the level of a divine weapon. Apart from this divine weapon, other equipment on him The lowest level is also gold level.

Sometimes Qin Haonan also finds it strange, because of his time travel, there are obviously more masters in the "Century" game in this life than in the previous life.The fairy equipment in the previous life was all produced by the Long Zhan Tianxia Gang when the game was two months old.

But in this life, not long after the game started, Charlotte possessed fairy-level equipment.Qin Haonan also got all of the Super God Beast, God Beast, and Super Artifact Set within a month of starting the game.

 Sorry, today's update is a little late, the first update is delivered, please ask for tickets, please collect!

(End of this chapter)

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