game master

Chapter 174 – A Lone Tree Does Not Make a Forest

Chapter 174 – A Lone Tree Does Not Make a Forest

Feng Jiangling didn't talk too much nonsense with everyone, so he summoned the treasure-seeking holy mouse.

"Xiao Jin, use the teleportation skill to go back to the Eastern Imperial City." Feng Jiangling said, and disappeared in the teleportation array established by the treasure hunter.

"This skill is powerful, and it can be teleported anytime, anywhere!" Charlotte couldn't help but marvel after seeing it.

"This skill is indeed practical and useful!" Ban Tang Du Zun also echoed.

Not long after Feng Jiangling disappeared, the teleportation circle on the ground lit up again, and Feng Jiangling walked out of the circle with a petite loli.

"Brother Feng Jiangling, is this your sister?" Qin Haonan didn't expect the other party's sister to be a beautiful little girl who looked 13 or 14 years old.

Feng Jiangling smiled and said, "Yes, my sister, Feng Piaoxue, isn't she cute?"

With that said, Feng Jiangling brought Feng Piaoxue over and introduced everyone.It turns out that Feng Piaoxue is a level 42 medical fairy professional player, who is about to celebrate her 14th birthday. As a good brother, Feng Jiangling wants to give her the beautiful Holy Snow Spirit Fox as a birthday present in the game.

"Hello everyone, my name is Feng Piaoxue. Thank you big brothers and big sisters, thank you for helping me find birthday presents." Feng Piaoxue smiled sweetly, and she thanked everyone.

"You're welcome, we are friends with your brother." Yao Ruoxi smiled.

At this time, the holy snow fox came slowly, and it sniffed the wind and snow with its nose.Little girls don't have the willpower for beautiful and cute pets, so they can't help but put their arms around each other's necks.

The holy snow spirit fox also seemed to like Feng Piaoxue very much. It rubbed its head against each other, looking very close.

"Little fox, will you be my partner? We will be together forever." Feng Piaoxue said cheerfully.

The holy snow spirit fox nodded, and a huge magic circle appeared from under its feet.At the same time, a similar magic circle appeared under Feng Piaoxue's feet.

The contract was established, and the holy snow spirit fox became Feng Piaoxue's mount.

Feng Piaoxue was very happy.

"Okay, the task has been completed in this way. We can go back." Feng Jiangling said.

Qin Haonan Mashan stopped everyone: "Everyone, don't worry, it's rare for us to come to Shengxue Mountain, why don't we take a look around, maybe we can find a new treasure?"

"Oh, that's it! This is also very good, following Brother Ruomeng, you will have a new experience in the game all the time." Charlotte said.

In this way, Qin Haonan asked everyone to continue to explore the way.In Qin Haonan's memory, the entire Holy Snow Mountain is a huge treasure house.There are many, many treasures here, which is why he brought Eternity|Zi Ye here this time.

Eternal|Zi Ye's life occupation can be treasure hunting.

On the snow-capped holy snow mountain, a large group of players are looking for treasures together.Qin Haonan was able to search on the snow-capped mountains according to the memory of his previous life.There are many precious ingredients and rare herbs on this mountain, which can be used by Fang Mengqi to make medicinal meals.

There are also a lot of equipment making materials, suitable for blacksmiths and tailors. Qin Haonan is collecting them carefully.

Qin Haonan also found a lot of ingredients for making pet rations here, and Qin Haonan put them all in his backpack.

Feng Jiangling found that he and Qin Haonan were really the same kind of people, and they had great enthusiasm for treasure hunting.

The trip to the Holy Snow Mountain is basically over here.Everyone has gained a lot here, and Qin Haonan's backpack is full of production materials.

Everyone returned to Bishui Mountain Villa all the way, and returned to the East Emperor City in the teleportation array.Along the way, Qin Haonan saw that his friend column was always on, and he opened it after returning to the city. It turned out that someone was applying to be a friend.

A lone tree does not make a forest

When Qin Haonan saw this name, he always felt familiar.I seem to have seen this name somewhere.

After thinking for a while, Qin Haonan clicked OK.

Soon, a message came from Lone Tree Not Cheng Lin.

"Xiao Qin, I'm your Uncle Yang. I've been waiting for many days, but I haven't seen you add me as a friend. Did you forget about this? It's okay. I'll add you now." ——A lone tree does not make a forest "

When Qin Haonan saw this information, he immediately remembered, isn't this the old man he met in the community the day the online game "Century" was upgraded for the first time?This old man Yang is also a game developer.

Speaking of which, Qin Haonan also found it quite strange.How did Uncle Yang know his game ID? Remember the last time he didn't tell the other party that he was just a dream?The old man Yang said last time that he is the game developer of "Century", and it seems that his status is not low.Uncle Yang should have found Qin Haonan's ID in his own way?

Qin Haonan shook his head, don't think too much, just reply to the message and ask if it will be clear?

"Ruomeng, what's wrong with you, why are you shaking your head?" Yao Ruoxi stood beside Qin Haonan, saw his expression, and asked curiously.

"It's okay, it's just an old man who added me as a friend." Qin Haonan explained with a smile.

"Old man?" Yao Ruoxi couldn't help being surprised, "There are not many old men who play the online game "Century". What's his name?"

"A lone tree doesn't make a forest, why do you react so strongly?" Qin Haonan asked back.

"Um... it's Yang Zhenqing, Uncle Yang. He is an old professor in the R&D department with a high status. I have met him several times. I heard from my uncle that there are many research lunatics in the R&D department. Uncle Yang The leader." Yao Ruoxi immediately put on the same expression as soon as she heard it.

"Ah... so it's him!" Qin Haonan was also quite surprised.

Speaking of the game ID, Qin Haonan may not know it, but this person's name will be very famous in the future. The father of the "Century" online game is talking about this old man.

"Ruomeng, you actually asked Uncle Yang to add you as friends, I'm curious, how did you know each other?" Yao Ruoxi asked.

Qin Haonan briefly told Yao Ruoxi about the coincidence in the community at that time, and Yao Ruoxi thought for a while after listening.

Then he analyzed: "That's it, but with Uncle Yang's personality, he wouldn't go to your community for no reason! I think you must have something special that the R&D department noticed."

"Well, it's useless to guess now, why don't I contact Uncle Yang. He will definitely tell me if he has anything to ask me." Qin Haonan sent a message to Lone Tree Buchenglin while speaking.

After Yao Ruoxi knew that Uncle Yang had contacted Qin Haonan, she had been thinking about it.She was thinking, what is so special that made this research lunatic notice Qin Haonan?
"Okay, you don't have to think so much, it's fine. Uncle Yang has already replied and wants to meet me." Seeing Yao Ruoxi's expression, Qin Haonan patted Yao Ruoxi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Then I'll go with you." Yao Ruoxi said immediately.

"Okay, he sent an address, and asked us to meet at this address in the north of Donghuang City." Qin Haonan said, and looked at the address again.This location belongs to the area with the fewest players in the Eastern Imperial City.

Because this is a residential area in the Eastern Imperial City, with a large area of ​​residential buildings, there are very few tasks and few shops.However, Qin Haonan knew that at the later stage of the game, players could buy houses and land, and after opening their own shops, this area would become extremely prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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