game master

Chapter 175 - Back in time

Chapter 175 - Back in time
Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi formed a team and soon arrived at the residential area of ​​the East Imperial City.The number of players here is as expected, much less.According to the address given, Qin Haonan quickly found the designated street. After turning a corner, Qin Haonan saw an ancient gate.

It looked like a courtyard here, Qin Haonan knocked on the door, and soon a man with a level 48 sword fairy came out and opened the door for them.

Qin Haonan sized up the man in front of him, his ID was Jian Chi.Qin Haonan felt that this man looked very familiar just now. After thinking about it carefully, isn't this the male bodyguard who came to pick up Old Uncle Yang at that time?
"You are living like a dream, right? Elder Yang is waiting for you." Jian Chi greeted Qin Haonan, turned around and saw Yao Ruoxi, slightly surprised, "Miss Enchanting, why are you here?"

"She is my good friend, and we have been doing missions together before." Qin Haonan explained.

"It's okay, Miss Yaoluo is not an outsider, you come in together." Jian Chi said and led the two of them in, Jian Chi led the way, and everyone walked into the yard together.

This is indeed a courtyard house, and it is the kind of rich people's family in ancient times.Qin Haonan has always liked this kind of retro architecture, and it feels particularly beautiful to be there now.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were very quiet and did not speak along the way.They followed Jian Chi, walked through the outer courtyard, passed through a door, and entered the inner courtyard.The scenery along the way is more elegant, Qin Haonan observed carefully.

"Mr. Yang is waiting for you in the living room, so I won't go in." Jian Chi stopped at the door and saluted.

"Thank you." Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi said and walked in.

Uncle Yang has white hair in the game and is a level 49 swordsman.Beside Old Uncle Yang, there is also a 48th-level female medical fairy, who buried Die Ge Hen Xi.This woman looked like the female bodyguard who picked up old man Yang last time.

Zandie Ge Henxi saw Qin Haonan and the others coming in, so he bowed to Old Uncle Yang and slowly backed out.

"Xiao Qin, Ruoxi, little girl, come and sit down." Uncle Yang immediately waved to them enthusiastically, and pointed to the chair next to him.

"Hello, Uncle Yang." Yao Ruoxi greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Uncle Yang, this house is so big and beautiful!" Qin Haonan said, walked over and sat down.

"Haha, I designed this house myself. I used to like courtyards very much, and now I can finally try it in the game." Uncle Yang smiled and filled them with tea.

Yao Ruoxi took the teacup and asked, "Uncle Yang, you also have real estate in the game?"

"Yeah, there are still a lot of content in this game that you don't know. Later players can buy houses, land, build shops, and even build cities in the game. As a developer of the game, I just enjoy it in advance This kind of treatment." Old Man Yang said with a smile.

"Wow, I didn't expect this game to have so many functions!" Yao Ruoxi exclaimed.

Qin Haonan is relatively calm because he has memories of his previous life.He knows the future trend of the game, and he also knows how much the online game "Century" has brought to everyone's original game concept.

"Uncle Yang, I wonder why you came to me this time?" Qin Haonan asked.

"It's not a big deal. I want to open a store in the game later, and I want to find someone to cooperate with. So I thought of you, Xiao Qin, and wanted to discuss cooperation with you." Old Uncle Yang said frankly.

At this moment, Qin Haonan saw that Yao Ruoxi was always looking down at his information board.

Uncle Yang also noticed Yao Ruoxi's strangeness, and hurriedly asked, "Ruoxi little girl, is there something wrong with you?"

"There are a lot of things in the guild that I need to deal with. Aqua Rose and the others have been sending me messages just now." Yao Ruoxi said helplessly.

"You and I have been out on missions for a while. As the leader, you must have a lot of things to deal with. If things are urgent, you can go back first. Thank you for doing missions with me today." Qin Haonan said.

"It's okay, it's okay, Ruoxi little girl, if you have something to do, you can go back first. Come to Uncle Yang's place to play some other day, I'm very welcome." Old man Yang said.

Yao Ruoxi thought for a while, and apologized: "I'm really sorry, there are a lot of things in the guild, and many things are still waiting for me to decide and deal with them."

"It's okay, you can go back. The guild's affairs are important, so don't delay." Qin Haonan comforted.

Seeing that everyone expressed their understanding, Yao Ruoxi sent a message to Shuise Qiangwei, and Old Man Yang asked Jian Chi to send her away.

Seeing that Yao Ruoxi had left, Qin Haonan suddenly said, "Uncle Yang came to me today, I'm afraid it's not about cooperation."

"Xiao Qin, you are very smart, and I want to talk about cooperation, but the most important thing today is a research I am doing." Old man Yang said, "When this game was just running, I discovered Some data has been changed. This change even affects the balance of the game, and the instigator of this data change is you."

"Uncle Yang, I'm just an ordinary person. I didn't change the data, and I don't have the ability to change the game data." Qin Haonan explained.

"Don't worry, Xiaoqin. I understand what you said, but how do you explain Nuwa Super God Beast? Where did you get it, and how did you get it?" Old Uncle Yang continued to ask.

Qin Haonan was thinking about how to answer.

Old man Yang said again: "Don't say you got it from doing tasks, and don't say it's the rewards at the beginning of the game. I checked all these in advance. The only conclusion I got is that it suddenly appeared out of thin air, and this kind of appearance out of thin air , was even recognized by Mastermind Century."

"Uncle Yang, what else did you find?" Qin Haonan asked.

"Xiao Qin, in my eyes, the development of everything has a certain law, including the operation of the game. The data will not change inexplicably, and everything has a reason. You must know that the original background design of the "Century" game It is determined that the final boss at level 1000 in China will be God Nuwa, but on the day the game was officially launched, God Nuwa disappeared from the entire game."

Hearing this, Qin Haonan couldn't help being surprised.

"When I found the existing data of God Nu Wa based on the original data, I discovered a very miraculous thing. He turned out to be your contracted beast. I have been studying the code for this kind of data change for a long time. After I got the confirmed information, I went to your community to find you according to your information I found before."

"Uncle Yang, what is the code you mentioned?" Qin Haonan couldn't help being curious when he thought of his time travel.

"Back in time." Uncle Yang took a breath and said solemnly, "The meaning of this set of codes is to go back in time. Five years ago, the state organized and conducted an experiment on going back in time. I was also involved in it, so this There is absolutely nothing wrong with the code."

"So you came to me just to confirm this matter, Uncle Yang, do you think I'm right?"

"Yes, that's right. You have to know that the main brain in the game has fully realized artificial intelligence. They operate and work according to certain rules. We developers have discovered that in many cases, they don't need human brains at all. Participating and intervening, the work can be completed perfectly. In the later stage, we actually generated our own thinking. This discovery makes us very happy, but sometimes even feels terrified.”

Qin Haonan thought about it for a while, and felt that what Old Man Yang had said covered this point, and there was really no need to keep concealing it. "Would you believe me if I said I came back from the future?"

"I completely believe it, Xiao Qin. Let me assure you first, I will keep the words you said a secret for you, and I will not do anything to hurt you. We have been observing you for a while and found that you are playing games You can always know a lot of things in advance. Raiders of dungeons, triggers of hidden missions, locations of mission items...all of these show that you are different."

Qin Haonan sighed, feeling that what he had been hiding all this time had been completely discovered.

"Does your sigh mean that I have guessed everything correctly?" Old Man Yang asked after observing the opponent's movements.

"Well, Uncle Yang, if you have anything else you want to ask, just ask me! I will tell you as much as I know."

"Xiao Qin, can you tell me the ins and outs of this matter? I want to know how you got Nuwa, and how did you get back to the present?"

In the eyes of old man Yang, Qin Haonan didn't see any concealment or deceit. On the contrary, his eyes were very sincere.Qin Haonan made up his mind, and then opened his mouth slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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