game master

Chapter 176 - Shop Planning

Chapter 176 - Shop Planning
Uncle Yang listened quietly to Qin Haonan's story, and his expression became more and more solemn.

"Uncle Yang, what's wrong with you?" Qin Haonan felt that the other party's expression was wrong.

"I'm fine, I just thought of something."

"Uncle Yang, I even told you my most important secret, so don't you keep anything from me?"

Old Uncle Yang sighed, and said, "Well, recently I discovered some abnormalities in the game. But it's not a big deal, I just guessed that Century Mastermind has its own thinking."

"Uh...Uncle Yang, don't you scare me? You can't joke about this kind of thing."

Uncle Yang nodded very cautiously. He stood up, walked back and forth in the room, thought for a long time, and then replied: "I'm not kidding, but this is just our preliminary guess, and there is no [-]% proof. , except for a few core members of the R&D department, no one else should know about it."

"how do I say this?"

"That is to say, the Mastermind of the Century created a character account, mixed in the player group, and played games with everyone in the appearance of a human being. After I found out that the data was wrong, I investigated secretly, and found that these wrong data were quickly taken by the Mastermind Century. It was hidden." Old Man Yang said analyzing.

Qin Haonan was shocked by Uncle Yang's deduction, that such a thing still exists.

"Xiao Qin, this is just an initial inference, so don't make wild guesses. Judging from the current situation, there is no real threat."

"Oh." Qin Haonan nodded.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter for now. This matter still needs to be investigated and followed up in the later stage. It may also be that our deduction is wrong. I want to talk to you about the store today." Old Man Yang said .

"Uncle Yang, please tell me."

"It's like this. My job in the game is an appraiser. The upgrade of this job requires appraising a lot of treasures. It's very slow to collect a little bit by myself. I want to open an appraisal shop myself. , which can not only make money but also help other players identify equipment items.”

When Qin Haonan heard it, he agreed very much: "Uncle Yang, your idea is very good, but you can also build a store yourself, why do you want to cooperate with me?"

"You don't understand. To build a store requires a certain amount of reputation. I checked that the minimum value required is 8500 reputation. So far, you are the only player in China who has reached such a reputation." Old Man Yang said.

Qin Haonan hadn't paid much attention to his reputation value. Hearing what Uncle Yang said, Qin Haonan quickly opened the attribute bar and looked at it. As expected, the value had really been reached.

Qin Haonan recalled repeatedly, remembering that when he founded the guild, he already had more than 2000 reputation points.When the guild was established, the system gave another 1500, and after the siege of Dream City, the system rewarded another 5000.In this way, the prestige value is even higher.

"Xiao Qin, if our R&D personnel want to make big moves in the game, such as establishing a guild or building a store, we must apply to the higher authority. I think this is more troublesome, and my reputation is far behind. It’s really far away. You want to make big progress in the game. I don’t think it’s better for the two of us to cooperate. I’ll be an employee, and you’ll be the boss. Don’t you think it’s a good idea? Establish a store in the early stage of the game, and in the middle and late stages Make a lot of money in the game."

"To establish a store, you need to choose the corresponding city. The prestige value must meet the requirements, and you must establish a corresponding friendship with the city. After the approval of the city owner, you can pay a large fee before you can open a store." Qin Haonan said.

"Xiao Qin, don't worry about this, I have already made a plan. I am going to open the shop in Ziyun City, after all, that is the main city for later development. Don't worry about the coins in the game, I also have a lot of them here The game currency deposit can be given to you as a fund for joining the gang." Old Man Yang said seriously.

When Qin Haonan mentioned the issue of development, he immediately became cautious and said, "Uncle Yang, we can actually buy the shops in the game, so that we don't have to pay rent every month. At the beginning of the game, the purchase price is not very expensive. Wait until the big When some players want to buy shops, the price will soar at that time.”

"Well, Xiao Qin, you have experience in this area, and you deserve to have the memory of your previous life. In terms of store management, I need to listen to your opinion more."

"Uncle Yang, since this is the case, let's go to Ziyun City now and choose the location of the store!" Qin Haonan is a man of action, and since he has made a decision, he will implement it immediately, "After the store is purchased, it is necessary to decorate it. It can be opened. Now many players have reached level 48 or 49, and when we finish decorating the store, players will almost reach level 60."

"Okay, then let's go to Ziyun City now. Xiao Qin, but I have to trouble you to form a team to take us, because our level is not enough. If you don't take us, we can't enter Ziyun City." Old Uncle Yang explain.

"Okay, no problem." Qin Haonan said, he built a team and pulled Uncle Yang into the team.

"Wait a minute, I'll call Jian Chi, Zan Die Ge Hen Xi, and Hunshi Xiaoyao, and I'll let them help as staff." Old Uncle Yang said, and brought Qin Haonan to the yard, and joined the other three. Come in.

On the way to Ziyun City, Qin Haonan chatted with Old Man Yang for a while before he roughly knew the identities of the other three.

Jian Chi and Zan Die Ge Hen Xi are both bodyguards sent by the superior to protect Old Man Yang, and they are very skilled.The two of them worked as bodyguards and assistants beside Old Man Yang, exploring new missions and maps in the game, looking for loopholes in the game.

And Hunshi Xiaoyao is a graduate student of a prestigious university, a 48th-level mechanical engineer, and this is the first time Qin Haonan has seen him.He came to work as an intern next to Uncle Yang.

Qin Haonan chatted with them, and soon came to Ziyun City.Qin Haonan felt that he should do some tasks to improve the friendship of Ziyun City as soon as possible, so as to buy shops faster.

"Xiao Qin, do you know where you can buy it?" Uncle Yang followed Qin Haonan to the commercial street east of Ziyun City.

This street is not very prosperous yet, because there are not many shops in business.And these shops are all opened by game NPCs themselves.

Qin Haonan replied: "Yes, this street was originally designed as a commercial street. You can see that the roads here extend in all directions, and this avenue leads directly to the center of Ziyun City. Uncle Yang, you can take a look, which location is more suitable?"

"I feel that this place is really good. We can choose a shop that is more open and bright." Jian Chi said.

"There is also a commercial street on the south side of Ziyun City. I will take you there to take a look later. But now we can only take a look at the outside of the store to get a general understanding, so that we can get a good idea. If we want to know the specific situation , we have to wait until the friendship level is enough, let the city lord send someone to show us the shop." Qin Haonan said.

"Yeah, we understand." Old Man Yang said.

"Everyone choose slowly, and when the decision is almost done, we will go to the task and check the friendship with Ziyun City." Qin Haonan added.

 The first update, ask for tickets, please collect!
(End of this chapter)

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