game master

Chapter 177 - Buying a Shop

Chapter 177 - Buying a Shop
Qin Haonan took Uncle Yang and others around Ziyun City, and initially settled on a few shops.

The next thing to do is to accept the task of city friendliness and brush up the friendliness of Ziyun City.

Qin Haonan thought about the experience of his previous life, and led Uncle Yang and others to work hard for 5 hours before finally reaching the minimum requirement for friendship.

In the center of Ziyun City is the majestic City Lord's Hall.The architectural style here is a combination of luxury and solemnity, with a slight sense of immortality.The city lord is sitting in the hall, waiting for the players to come to pick up the quest.

When we came to the City Lord's Mansion in Ziyun City, Qin Haonan walked up to greet the City Lord: "Hello, City Lord, I am a dreamer, and my friends and I want to buy a few shops in Ziyun City. Do some business later."

"Floating life is like a dream, young hero, hello! We have a lot of commercial streets in Ziyun City, and now there are as many as 10 shops that can be sold. You are very welcome to join. I wonder if there is any place that young hero is optimistic about?" the city owner laughed.

"We have generally looked at the locations of several stores before, but we still want to hear the recommendation of the city lord before making a decision." Qin Haonan said.

As soon as the city lord heard this, he immediately found the map of Ziyun City from the table, and pointed it to Qin Haonan: "There are three most important commercial streets in Ziyun City, and the commercial street on the east side is the largest in Ziyun City. A commercial street is also good. According to their geographical location and store size, the price of sale and lease is not the same. Now it is the early stage of the game, and the prices of shops in various cities are still in the preferential stage.”

"Well, I like this commercial street on the east side more. Can the city owner briefly tell us about the rent and selling price here?" Qin Haonan pointed at the map while speaking.

Uncle Yang and the others were also listening carefully.

"The price of the commercial street on the east side is the most expensive in the whole process. If the Floating Life Ruo Meng Shaoxia wants to rent, the shortest lease term here is one year, billed annually, 20 purple gold coins a year."

The city lord paused for a moment, and then said, "If you choose to buy, we will send someone to take you to see the shops, and the prices of different shops are completely different. The average price of the shops in the east commercial street is 8 purple coins. One square meter of gold coins."

"Okay, City Lord, wait a moment. I will discuss it with my friends first, and I will reply to you later." Qin Haonan said immediately after hearing this.

The city lord was not in a hurry, he waved his hand slightly, nodded with a smile.

Qin Haonan already had an idea in mind, to be honest, the current price is really not expensive.Qin Haonan didn't know anything else, but the sales and rental prices of shops in the online game "Century" in three years' time would be more than three times higher than it is now.

"Xiao Qin, I think the current price is not bad, and the lease and sale will definitely increase in the future. I have 50 purple gold coins here, and I have saved them all. If you need them, I can give them to you." After listening to the city lord's introduction, Old Man Yang, Seriously.

"Uncle Yang, you are welcome. I have enough funds. I still want to buy the store. The price is not expensive now, and it will definitely appreciate in the middle and late stages of the game. We will let the city lord send someone to take us after a while." Let’s go and have a look at the shops, if it’s suitable, I can buy a few more.”

Qin Haonan wanted to buy these shops in his own name, and he didn't plan to use other people's funds if the funds were sufficient.

"Well, yes, your idea is good." Jian Chi said.

"I don't have any big opinions. I thought the locations of the sixth store and the eighth store in the East Commercial Street are quite good. I'll go and see the interior design of the store later, and finalize the final version." Uncle Yang Said quickly.

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll go and reply to the city lord." Qin Haonan said and turned to the city lord.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, have you discussed it?" the city lord asked.

"Yes, we have discussed it. Please ask the city lord to send someone to show us the shops on the east commercial street. If there is no accident, we are going to buy it." Qin Haonan said.

The city lord's work efficiency was very fast. He waved to the guard NPC next to him and told him to go down to find someone.After a while, a commissioner in charge of shop sales was found.

"Floating life is like a dream young hero, I have already found a special person in charge for you. You can follow him to see the shop later." The city lord called an official surnamed Cheng over to introduce everyone.

"Thank you, Lord City Master. If that's the case, we'll go to the store now." Qin Haonan said politely.

"Okay, no problem. Our Ziyun City very much welcomes people like you who participate in commercial construction!"


After bidding farewell to the city lord, Qin Haonan and the others followed the official surnamed Cheng and strolled around the commercial street east of Ziyun City for a long time.

After some bargaining, as the first player to buy a store in Ziyun City, Qin Haonan also got a certain discount.He finally bought five shops on this street, and Qin Haonan paid 15 crystal coins at a time.

Then Qin Haonan followed the official surnamed Cheng to go through the formalities. When everything was finalized, Qin Haonan looked at the time in the game, and it was already 7:00 in the evening.

Everyone went offline to rest for a while, and then gathered in the game at 7:30 to discuss the operation and decoration of the store.

Qin Haonan knows that in this game, compared with rent, the operation and management of shops is the biggest investment.

The cooperation between Qin Haonan and Old Man Yang, after some negotiation, all the expenses for store decoration and later maintenance will be borne by Old Man Yang and the others.Uncle Yang is going to open an appraisal shop, and the required floor area of ​​the appraisal shop is not very large, so Uncle Yang only chose a small shop of 30 square meters.

Uncle Yang is in charge of the operation of the entire identification shop.Although Qin Haonan is nominally the store manager, he doesn't need him to manage it at all.So Qin Haonan planned to charge old man Yang a small fee every month, and the other profits had nothing to do with him.

To be on the safe side, Qin Haonan also signed a contract with Old Man Yang, which would benefit both parties.

Qin Haonan now has to focus on the other shops.The equipment made by yourself in the later stage, the medicinal food, food, clothing, etc. made by the guild players, can be considered for sale in the store in the later stage.

Qin Haonan didn't expect that he would build a store in the game so early.But thinking about my current capital, resources, and contacts, it is more than enough to set up a store.

Thinking of this, Qin Haonan sent Hou Yue a message.Ask him to notify Fang Zhen and Fang Mengjie to go offline at night and hold a group meeting in the living room.

The construction of shops and the expansion of studio personnel must all be arranged on the itinerary.

"Anan, what happened, you are so anxious to call everyone for a meeting? And it's so formal?" Hou Yue felt that something big was going to happen, so he sent a voice message directly.

Qin Haonan took a look, and simply dialed the communication with Hou Yue: "Monkey, I just bought five shops in Ziyun City. I want to talk to you about our business development in the game, as well as the reality of the studio. construction."

The voice from the monkey was obviously surprised: "Anan, why did you make such a big decision all of a sudden? Has the store been bought? All the procedures have been completed?"

"Yes, everything has been done. Next we will have a big move, so the recruitment of the studio must also be surfaced." Qin Haonan said.

"Anan, to be honest, I still feel like I'm dreaming. I can't imagine that our development in the game will be so fast and it will be so big."

"Monkey, all of this is not a dream. I will tell you about the specifics at the meeting tonight."

 The second update is here, readers are sorry, the author is not feeling well today, so the update is relatively late.The update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, according to my physical condition, I will try my best to keep updating.Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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