game master

Chapter 178 - Office expansion

Chapter 178 - Office expansion

Qin Haonan has been busy in the game for a long time, and at night he still chooses to log off on time.Qin Haonan walked out of the game room, and when he came to the living room, everyone else was already sitting in the living room waiting for him.

"Brother Qin, I heard that today's meeting is very important, I'm looking forward to it!" Fang Mengjie said with a smile.

"Anan, let's start the meeting?" Hou Yue said as he took out his notebook and pen.

Qin Haonan saw that everyone was quite serious, with a correct attitude, as if they were holding a meeting, and they all had notebooks and pens ready.Qin Haonan just sat down, looked at the items listed in the notebook, and officially started the meeting.

"Today's meeting mainly talks about two things. First, it is about building shops in the game. Second, it is about the expansion of our studio's enrollment."

Qin Haonan paused, and continued: "Today I bought five shops in Ziyun City, one of which is to cooperate with others and open an appraisal shop. I would like to discuss with you about the other four shops and see if you have any What a good idea."

When it came to opening a shop, Fang Mengjie's eyes suddenly lit up.She spoke positively: "I think it is possible to open a gourmet restaurant. Now players who live as chefs are very popular. With the upgrade of the game, the hunger level appears, and players have to buy food that reduces hunger level every day. Some time ago I sold After eating a lot of medicinal food, I made a lot of money from it.”

"Well, that's a good suggestion." Qin Haonan wrote it down carefully in his notebook as he spoke.

"Anan, you can open an equipment shop. Your blacksmith profession and my tailor profession can cooperate to create a complete set of equipment. The good equipment that is not used in the usual tasks or the good equipment that has been eliminated can be put away. Sell ​​it in the store. I remember that Anan’s super artifact set needs to be upgraded, and our store can sell the equipment immediately, and at the same time recycle the waste equipment at a low price.” Hou Yue said.

Fang Zhen had been quietly listening to everyone’s speeches, and only now did he speak: “I think Monkey’s equipment store has a good suggestion, and Xiaojie’s gourmet store, I have some additions. I think there are two ways to sell food, one It is batch production, and players directly buy ready-made food in the store. The other is to open a restaurant. Like the small town style, order dishes and make them now."

"If we want to open a restaurant, we need a lot of manpower. We really don't have enough manpower now. In addition, everyone's living occupation level is relatively low, and the types of meals that can be prepared are relatively small. I'm afraid they can't support the operation of a restaurant." Fang Mengjie Replenish.

Qin Haonan thought for a while, and expressed his opinion: "We must open a restaurant in the later stage, because restaurants are more profitable in the game. There are three solutions to the shortage of manpower. First, we can hire NPCs. There are special NPCs in the game. Characters can be hired, but they are paid every month. Second, we can encourage players in the guild to see who wants to develop into life players. The third is that the gang recruits some life players from outside."

"Yeah, that's not bad. We can recruit more chefs and provide them with funds so that they can quickly raise their occupational level." Fang Mengjie agreed, "Before everyone's occupational level is raised, the chefs they made A large amount of food can be used to sell goods in gourmet stores."

"This idea is really good. The equipment store also needs to increase some manpower. I just relied on Anan and I to make the equipment. Let's not talk about whether we have time to make it. There are too few people, and the two of them can't keep up. I'm afraid the supply is in short supply." Hou Yue said.

Fang Zhen nodded: "Our guild is now level five, and the members of the guild are still dissatisfied. We can recruit a large number of life professional players in the future."

Qin Haonan found that everyone's thinking was quite clear, and he was very happy. "We have recently recruited some players whose living occupations are chefs, blacksmiths, and tailors. We will organize the shops first. Now we will open an equipment store first, and the plan for a food store has been set. I will reserve a store for the restaurant, after all Renovation will take some time."

"Anan, I think we can consider selling game guides. You have cleared so many copies before, you can sort out some dense, maze maps, combat skills, etc., and sell them when the time comes, just for you, the floating life like a dream god Name, I believe many players will come to buy it." Hou Yue said.

"You can have this, so that's the initial decision. The last store will be used to sell these game guides and cheats." Qin Haonan made the decision directly, "The kind of store to open has already been decided, so who wants to be in charge of the store now? block management and operation?”

"Brother Qin, I want to try it. I have always dreamed of opening a store, can you let me try it in the game first?" Fang Mengjie immediately raised her hand to sign up.

"OK, no problem, it's up to you. I'll allocate the funds to you later!" Qin Haonan agreed without even thinking about it. Fang Mengjie was in charge of this in his previous life, and he did it well.Fang Mengjie has a natural talent in business.

Speaking of this, Qin Haonan thought of something again, and added: "You are too tired alone, I will find someone to help you."

"Brother Qin, who is he going to ask to help me?" Fang Mengjie asked curiously.

"I want to be quiet in our guild. This man is a rich man who donated a lot of money to our guild. I heard that he has a storefront in real life. You can ask him for his experience." Qin Hao said immediately.

When Fang Zhen heard Qin Haonan's arrangement, his expression was a little depressed.He shook his head and protested: "Can't you change someone? I can also assist Xiaojie, or another girl. There are so many girls in our gang, and they have a common language together."

"Uh...Brother Fang, why did you change people? Could it be that I want to quietly offend you?" Qin Haonan pretended to be puzzled and asked, but in fact, he knew in his heart that it must be Brother Fang's sister-controlling attributes.

Brother Fang is good in every way, but the sister control is too strong.Anyone of the opposite sex who wants to get close to his sister is an enemy in Brother Fang's eyes.When Qin Haonan first went to the chaos stall to eat, he often received his cold eyes.

"This kid has been hanging around Xiaojie these days. I'm afraid he's plotting something wrong." Brother Fang said depressedly.

"Brother, can you stop thinking about others with that kind of thinking?" Fang Mengjie was speechless after hearing this.

"Brother Fang, you can help Xiaojie if you want to. I think Jingjing is just helping Xiaojie with ideas. I think you are thinking too much." Qin Haonan and Hou Yue sniggered at the side, and the matter was left as it is. up.

After discussing the matter of the store, the next step is to start talking about the expansion of the studio.

"Our studio has gone to the relevant department to register the company, and we have obtained the business license a few days ago. Our company can be regarded as operating legally, and we plan to put everyone's insurance on next month." Qin Haonan solemnly announced that he saw this After the news was announced, everyone's eyes were obviously lit up.

"Wow, boss, you are so kind!" Fang Mengjie praised.

Although the others did not speak, it could be seen from their eyes that they were also very happy.

"Now that the company is on the right track, I think we should expand our recruitment." Qin Haonan said, "There are two recruitment plans. The first is to select from among our existing gang members. The second is to choose from the real network Post recruitment information on the website. Regarding recruitment, I would like to hear your opinions?"

"Our studio should be divided into departments. After the number of staff increases, we should have corresponding financial departments, personnel departments, and game departments..." Hou Yue said.

"I think that after this enrollment expansion, the number of staff in our studio will not reach that much. It can be said that all members are professional gamers in the game department, and some people take part-time positions in finance, personnel, and publicity." Fang Mengjie said.

Fang Zhen thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Anan, the company has been expanding recently, do you have enough funds?"

"It's okay in the near future. I plan to go to the bank to apply for a loan later." Qin Haonan said.

(End of this chapter)

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