game master

Chapter 184 - The Frozen Snow Region Dungeon

Chapter 184 - The Frozen Snow Region Dungeon

Qin Haonan comforted: "It's okay, after this wave, it should be almost done."

"I hope so." Charlotte sighed.

At this time, everyone increased their firepower together, and the attack became more violent.Qin Haonan rushed to the front. The attacks of several contracted beasts and summoned beasts were superimposed, and the attack power was very strong. Basically, two skill attacks could kill a mob.

After a while, everyone worked together, and all the mobs were cleaned up.

"Let's attack the tower as soon as possible, and try to knock down the tower before the next wave of mobs spawn." Qin Haonan said, turning around and running towards the tower behind him.

[Illusion and Hidden Kill], normal attack, [Soul Eater Slash], normal attack, [Thunder Sword Art], [Wind and Demon Blade]...

After a series of attacks, the tower continued to shake, and was quickly knocked down by everyone.

With the crash of the last tower, in front of the gate of the Ice and Snow Palace, a huge BOSS Ice and Snow Lion King was summoned.I saw that it was all white and had wings.

Level 56 - Ice Lion King (Elite)
"The boss has appeared, everyone can attack with all their strength later, we don't need to form a special formation." Qin Haonan shouted, "The attack of this boss is a single attack, but it will be launched several times in a row, and the skill attack will choose the team The player with the lowest health in the game, so everyone pays attention to their health."

"Oh okay, I know."

At this time, Qin Haonan summoned 4 phantom wolves again and asked them to rush forward to block the boss's attack.This time the team has more sword immortal professions, several sword immortals attack together, after a few rounds of [Lightning Extinguishing Sword Art], the speed of the boss being paralyzed by lightning has dropped a lot.

There are ten people in this team, Mechanism Master, Hunter, Swordsman, Sword Fairy, Shadow Killer...all are some main attacking professions, throwing a series of gorgeous skill attacks, the amount of blood loss on the boss side is very large .

But the BOSS is a BOSS after all, the Ice Lion King roared, and four level 4 Frost Wolves were summoned.

Linglong's [Lei Yin Jue Level 8] was released in conjunction with Daji's [Meteor Fire Rain Level 8], and these two large-scale attack skills were intertwined, turning the entire theater into a hell of thunder and fire.

The mobs that had just been summoned hung up after a while, and the health of the Ice and Snow Lion King had dropped to 65%.At this time, I saw the Ice and Snow Lion King's wings fluttered, turned around and flew into the sky.

"The boss is about to launch a skill attack." Qin Haonan saw the situation, and hurriedly reminded, "Linglong, Feimeng, open your defense!"

Both Linglong and Feimeng were very obedient, and immediately released [Ground Array Level 10] and [Liuguang Immortal Shield Level 10].The two layers of defense instantly protected everyone.

The Ice and Snow Lion King flew into the sky, flapping its wings, and a string of ice bombs fell from the sky, hitting the defensive circle.All the attacks were absorbed, and no one in the team lost blood.

The Ice and Snow Lion King's attack was over, and it landed quickly.

Qin Haonan led his team and immediately started to counterattack.The Ice and Snow Lion King's health continued to drop, and it took off to attack a few times in the middle, but the effect was not great.

In this dungeon, because Qin Haonan's level is relatively high, it is relatively easy to kill the boss as a whole.

Soon, the level 56 Ice and Snow Lion King BOSS was killed with everyone's concerted efforts, revealing a lot of equipment.Qin Haonan and his teammates picked up the equipment together, and when they were about to leave the dungeon, they shared a point.

"Guard Master, can we enter the Ice and Snow Palace now?" Huanxue Fengkong said before going to push the door.

Qin Haonan nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, after entering the hall, there will be more mobs there. The level will be a little higher than that outside, as long as you go up the stairs to the top of the hall, defeat The second boss can crush the ice and snow crystals in the entire ice and snow palace."

When Huanxue Fengkong heard what Qin Haonan said, he opened the door without hesitation.

The gate made of ice and snow was slowly opened, and inside was a huge palace hall like ice crystals.In the hall, the level 56 mob "Ice and Snow Guard" stood aside with an ice skate in his hand.

"The interior of this palace is so gorgeous and beautiful!" Fang Mengjie exclaimed in admiration.

As soon as all the mobs saw someone coming in, they immediately stood up and rushed up.Qin Haonan led the team and started killing mobs.A team of people killed mobs, walked up the stairs, and marched while fighting monsters.

At this time, the blessing effect of drinking the herbal porridge for a group of people has passed, Qin Haonan immediately reminded everyone to drink another bowl.After finishing the medicated porridge, a group of people continued to walk up the stairs.

At first the mobs were 56 ice and snow guards. When the stairs were halfway up, many level 57 ice and snow generals rushed out.They blocked the way forward.

[Magic Arrow], [Soul Eater Slash], [Lightning Sword Jue], [Phantom Hidden Kill], [Sword Control Jue], [Sunset Meteor], [Wind Slashing Demon Blade], [Mechanism Bear Summoning], [Lightning Extinguishing Sword Art], [Returning Wind Sword]...

A series of attacks were launched, and a team of people quickly cut down the level 57 Ice and Snow General.The entire staircase is revolving, one floor after another, and the top floor of the ice and snow palace is the third floor.

Going down the spiral staircase to the second floor, a large number of ice and snow generals have already occupied this place.

"Linglong, Daji, release your skills." Qin Haonan directed the Shadow Wolf to rush to the front, then turned to Linglong and Daji.

Linglong and Daji understood, and immediately began to chant the mantra.

Linglong's [Lei Yin Jue Level 8] combined with Daji's [Meteor Fire Rain Level 8] was released again.Qin Haonan likes the superimposed attack of thunder spells and fire spells very much, every release will cause powerful damage to mobs.

"There are more than 100 mobs here, right? I think there is still one little elite." Charlotte looked ahead and pointed with his finger.

"That's the little elite monster Ice Snow Prince at level 57." Qin Haonan said, "His HP is not very high, but his skill attacks are very powerful. Each player's HP must be above 95%, otherwise his one-stroke skill Get down, and those who are hit will go back and be resurrected."

"Oh, so violent!" said Charlotte.

"Everyone, be careful." Qin Haonan instructed again, and led the team over.

At this time, the little boss obviously saw everyone, and he waved the staff in his hand, leading all the remaining ice and snow generals to rush over.Qin Haonan immediately asked Linglong to open the [Ground Formation Level 10], and he said 4 phantom wolves charged forward.

"Everyone stay in the formation, don't come out. Use long-range attacks to kill the little monsters first, and then hit the firepower to attack the boss later." Qin Haonan said, and a move of [Wind and Demon Blade] has already struck up.

Rows of ice and snow generals fell quickly, and after a while, only the little boss was left fighting alone.

At this time, the Ice Prince waved the staff, and strands of light blue light lit up from the staff, and a huge ice block sealed Charlotte.

At this time, the effect of the [Earthborne Formation] just passed, Qin Haonan hurriedly looked at Charlotte's health, and saw that Charlotte's health, which was frozen in the ice, plummeted, but fortunately, his previous health was almost full value, and finally dropped to 5% before stopping.

The ice cube lasted for 5 seconds and then slowly melted.

Linglong and Feimeng hurriedly healed the thawed Charlotte, bringing his dangerous health back up again.

(End of this chapter)

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