game master

Chapter 185 - Ice and Snow Magic Dragon Part [-]

Chapter 185 - Ice and Snow Magic Dragon Part [-]

At this moment, Qin Haonan had already rushed in front of the Ice and Snow Prince. The long sword in his hand was flying, and he had already slashed with all his strength with a move of [Phantom Hidden Kill], hitting the little boss's chest just in time.

At this time, Charlotte, who had been unfrozen, panted heavily: "I was so scared to death, I thought my life value was going to return to zero!"

Seeing Charlotte's situation, all players also felt the pressure brought by the level 57 "Ice Prince".Therefore, it must be resolved as soon as possible to minimize the number of times the opponent uses skills.

The skills of other people were also thrown up in turn, and the skills of various colors were mixed together, forming a dazzling brilliance.

The ice and snow prince's health continued to decline, mainly because Qin Haonan and his contracted beasts hit relatively high damage attacks.Seeing that the health of the little boss had dropped to 42%, the Ice Prince waved the staff again, and strands of light blue light lit up from the staff. Looking at this posture, he was about to use his skills again. .

A huge ice cube formed beside Qin Haonan, and soon sealed him up.Not only that, but this attack even hit a crit.

The teammates behind him couldn't help exclaiming, seeing the super high value floating from Qin Haonan's head, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.Qin Haonan was frozen in the ice and couldn't move. Looking at his life value, Qin Haonan couldn't help sighing. Fortunately, the attack hit him this time. If it was someone else, the critical blow would kill him [-]% .

Qin Haonan quietly waited for the ice to be lifted, and other players did not stop attacking at this time.

At the moment Qin Haonan was frozen, Ning Ningshuang and Thirteen had already rushed in front of the Snow Prince.

They chose to flank left and right.Ning Ningshuang belonged to the kind with a particularly strong sense of fighting. She jumped up and launched the [Lightning Sword Art], followed by the [Qinglian Sword Dance]. [Qinglian Sword Dance] is a skill learned by Ning Shuang when she was doing tasks, and the single-target attack is very lethal.

And Thirteen, the little boss who attacked from the other side of Condensed Frost, drew a huge arc of ice and snow sword in his hand, and fell heavily on the Snow Prince.A string of ice blades emerged from the ground, imprisoning the Ice Prince inside.

Qin Haonan finally lifted the freeze, and the first thing he did when he came out of the freeze was to recover his blood immediately.

At this time, the Ice Prince's HP was less than 25%. After Charlotte's blow just now, he was already poisoned and was still losing HP.

After Qin Haonan joined the battle, the life value of the little boss flowed very fast.After a while, its HP had almost bottomed out.At the moment when the health value was lower than 10%, the little boss burst out and waved his staff.

"He's about to release his skills again, everyone fill up your health." Qin Haonan shouted, rushing forward to give the boss the final blow.

A series of skills are issued towards the small boss, like a game against time.See if the small boss's skill attack is issued first, or its life value is reset to zero first.

In the end, there is strength in numbers.The moment the Ice Prince's spell was about to be finished, his health was reduced to zero.The Ice Prince fell to the ground with a bang, exploding all the equipment on the ground.

Qin Haonan picked up the equipment with everyone, and immediately began to prepare for the third floor.On the stairs leading to the third floor, there were very few mobs, and they were all cleaned up in a while.

Coming to the third floor, the hall here is very spacious and bright, in the style of a grand hall.The sunlight coming in from the rows of small windows swayed in the hall made of ice crystals, making the whole hall even more sacred.

The ice and snow crystal was placed right in front of the hall, and the entire hall was empty without a single mob.

"Where is the BOSS? If there is no BOSS, we can smash the ice and snow crystals directly." Feng Wuchen looked around and said.

"When you walk into the ice and snow crystal, the boss will appear. Don't be scared later!" Qin Haonan reminded with a smile.

"Oh." Several people responded.

"The attack, defense, and speed of this boss are quite high. It belongs to a boss with strong comprehensive abilities. It is stronger than every one encountered in the previous dungeon. Everyone should go all out!" Qin Haonan added.

At this time, Feng Wuchen has boldly stepped forward, ready to draw the boss out.

When he walked within 2 meters of the ice and snow crystal, he suddenly heard an earth-shattering roar from the ceiling. The roar was deafening and made everyone's hearts tremble.Even with Qin Haonan's previous reminder, Feng Wuchen who was walking in the front was still slightly taken aback.

When everyone looked up, they saw an ice and snow dragon flapping its wings and flying down from the ceiling.This hall was built very high, and the snow dragon whose whole body was made of ice crystals spit out clouds of cold air from its mouth, Feng Wuchen standing under it shivered from the cold, and his health dropped slightly.

"Back back quickly, or you will be attacked first." Qin Haonan ran over and pulled the opponent back.

After Feng Wuchen returned, he saw an ice and snow dragon land heavily in front of their eyes.This dragon is not very big, but it is several times bigger than an elephant.

Qin Haonan used [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to briefly look at the other party's attributes.

Level 58 - Frozen Phantom Drake Juvenile (Elite)

"Wow, this is a dragon! It's the first time I saw a dragon in "Century"!" Feng Wuchen couldn't help but start to marvel after being shocked.

"Yeah, it's indeed a dragon. It's just a dragon made of ice and snow. If it's a real giant dragon, its level is definitely not low." Qin Haonan looked at the "ice and snow phantom dragon beast" in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the giant dragon flying in the sky in his previous life. dragon.But that will have to wait until after level 800. Real giant dragons cannot be seen below level 800.

"Linglong, Feimeng, you two pay attention to everyone's health. Let's attack with all our strength. This boss's skill is a group attack with a relatively large range, so it can't be defended. Just attack with all your strength!" Qin Haonan shouted , add [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, summon 4 phantom wolves, and then fly forward.

The ice and snow phantom dragon stretched its neck, and spit out a long stream of frost dragon's breath. Qin Haonan immediately set up his long sword to wake up the defense, Linglong's [Tianxuan Curse Level 10] and [Tianyin Curse Level 10] immediately gave everyone Individuals added.

At this time, Feimeng also covered everyone with a [Level 10 Flowing Immortal Shield].

As soon as the Frost Dragon's breath passed, Qin Haonan slashed up with a move of [Phantom Hidden Kill], and was the first to attack the boss.

The Ice and Snow Phantom Dragon roared, and swept over with its long tail.Qin Haonan jumped up and avoided the attack.At this time, Thirteen also rushed in front of the Ice and Snow Phantom Dragon Beast. The long sword swung towards the boss, and a string of ice blades pierced the boss's body.

[Magic Arrow], [Soul Eater Slash], [Lightning Sword Jue], [Phantom Hidden Kill], [Sword Control Jue], [Sunset Meteor], [Wind Slashing Demon Blade], [Mechanism Bear Summoning], 【Returning Wind Sword】...

At this time, successive attacks surrounded the Ice and Snow Phantom Dragon Beast, and the BOSS's HP began to drop continuously.

The ice and snow phantom dragon vibrated its wings again, and the huge wind rolled the ice and snow, rushing towards everyone.The wind and snow danced wildly, making everyone unable to open their eyes for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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