game master

Chapter 186 - Under the Ice and Snow Dragon

Chapter 186 - Under the Ice and Snow Dragon

"Linglong, Feimeng, hurry up and recover your blood." Qin Haonan was worried, although he closed his eyes, he still reminded him aloud.

A series of blood-replenishing skill lights were added. After the gust of wind passed, everyone opened their eyes, and the loss of health was not too great.Due to his relatively high defensive power, Qin Haonan basically didn't lose any blood.He rushed forward and launched an attack on the ice and snow phantom dragon again.

Fang Mengjie commanded her mechanism beast, and rushed over at this time, but she was attacking in the middle and long range after all. Standing at the back of the team, the hand crossbow in her hand launched the attack accurately.

Ning Ningshuang rushed to the front of the team, cooperating with Qin Haonan's attack, and gave subsidies from the side.

The Frozen Phantom Dragon swung its tail again, and then let out a long breath of frost dragon. At this time, the other players had adapted to the boss's attack mode. Everyone defended when it was time to defend, and attacked when it was time to attack. They had mastered the rhythm.

Qin Haonan couldn't help being happy when he saw that everyone had cooperated very tacitly.

It seems that he doesn't need a little bit of command, and he can let go of his hands and feet and have a good fight with the ice and snow phantom dragon beast.

Qin Haonan jumped up, and stuck the sword in his hand into the Ice and Snow Phantom Dragon Beast. With the power of the sword, he jumped directly onto the back of the Ice and Snow Phantom Dragon Beast. Kill] chopped down.Then there is [Level 10 Mie Lei Jian Jue] and [Zhan Feng Mie Demon Blade].

The ice and snow phantom dragon roared, and its HP was less than 45% at this time, and it was still declining.It flicked its tail frantically, its wings vibrated, and it rolled up one after another ice and snow storms.

Qin Haonan grabbed the Ice and Snow Phantom Dragon Beast's neck, but it fell from its back in vain.While it was attacking, it still activated its skills one after another.

The others resisted this round of attacks and launched a counterattack again.

The time didn't last too long, mainly because Qin Haonan's level was relatively high and his damage was relatively high.The health of the Ice Phantasm is like riding a slide.Qin Haonan just stayed on the opponent's back, attacking constantly.

When the ice and snow drake's HP fell below 20%, it let out an angry roar.Its wings vibrated and it flew up. Qin Haonan was still firmly on the opponent's back.

"The BOSS is about to amplify its moves. You should be ready to defend. Linglong and Feimeng, open the protective magic circle." Qin Haonan ordered worriedly, and continued to attack while staying on the dragon's back.

The ice and snow phantom dragon beast is activating its skills, and its health continues to decline.It soon dropped to 10%, and by the time the skill was released, the HP had dropped to 3%.

The sky was full of wind and frost, and everyone was ready for the big move, but the skills suddenly stopped.Everyone looked up and saw that the ice and snow phantom dragon's health had returned to zero. It turned out that it had been wiped out by Qin Haonan in the air.

The huge body of the ice and snow phantom dragon beast fell heavily from the air, and after falling, Qin Haonan jumped off the dragon's back.This big BOSS was tortured to death like this, and a lot of equipment exploded.

With the addition of experience points, most players in the team have been promoted to a level.

"We've won now? We've even upgraded!" Gao Xiaochen looked at the boss in front of him in disbelief. At this moment, its corpse was disappearing little by little.

"Everyone, pick up the equipment. Let's smash the ice and snow crystals first. After we go out, we will divide the equipment." Qin Haonan roughly looked at the fallen equipment and said.

"Okay." Xi Yanta asked in response.

After picking up all the equipment, Qin Haonan and everyone started to attack the ice and snow crystal.The life value of this crystal is relatively high, but without the hindrance of mobs, everyone works together to fight faster.

After a while, the life value of the ice and snow crystal cleared to zero, and the whole crystal shattered.As the ice and snow crystals shattered, the entire hall was shaking.The ice cubes began to melt, and everything in the hall was melting.

The vision of Qin Haonan and a team of players began to blur, and when they saw clearly again, they had already retreated to the door of the instance.

The first kill clearance this time is very easy to end.

Tian Huan looked around and couldn't help but excitedly said: "I also got the first kill, haha, it's the first kill!"

"It's also my first time to get the first kill, and following the gang leader means that there is a future." Xi Yanta asked and echoed.

Qin Haonan smiled and said: "I am very ambitious, we will take the first kill of all the dungeons in the game in the future! Everyone must work hard with me!"

"We absolutely support and help." Everyone said happily.

Qin Haonan found a place with relatively few players and asked everyone to take out all the equipment and items they just found.According to each person's occupation, everyone divided the equipment items into equal points.

After all, Qin Haonan is already at level 69. He doesn't need most of the equipment here, and he doesn't plan to waste the few pieces of equipment that were allocated to him, and save them as upgrade materials for super artifact suits.

"The experience of this dungeon is quite high for you, I'll take you to use up the remaining 4 dungeons." Qin Haonan said, and wanted to take everyone to brush the dungeon again.

"Okay, today I will brush the copy of the Frozen Snow Region 4 times, and with the triple experience talisman, I can go up to another level." Xi Yanta asked, looking at his experience bar, and said happily.

"Leader, let's enter the dungeon." Others said the same.

Qin Haonan said with a smile: "Everyone work hard to level up and quickly reach level 60. I still have an important task to do here, but unfortunately your level is not enough."

"Then let's really work hard." Gao Xiaochen said.

Qin Haonan led everyone and returned to the dungeon again. After more than 2 hours, a group of people finally completed the upper limit of 5 dungeons today and withdrew.

When entering, most players are level 51.When they came out, everyone's minimum level had reached level 53, and some had reached level 54.Qin Haonan looked at his experience bar, level 69 and 83% experience value.

With more effort, it is estimated that Qin Haonan can also rise to level 70.

After clearing the dungeon, Qin Haonan took everyone to the high-level area for leveling.A team of people chatted while leveling, and the day passed quickly.

At night, Qin Haonan went offline and turned on the computer.

After looking at the situation of online recruitment, I was surprised to find that there are quite a few people who submitted their resumes.Qin Haonan downloaded resumes one by one and looked at them carefully. There were about 50 resumes.

It seems that there will be a recruitment in a few days.Qin Haonan screened the resume, and when he saw a professional player named Wang Jun in the resume, he couldn't help but take a closer look.

Wang Jun, a professional player, game ID: No loss of style, occupation: Mechanism Master.

Qin Haonan just remembered, no wonder this person's name looks so familiar, isn't this the number one mechanism master in the whole server in the last life?That skilled game master, when he became famous, was 4 years after the online game "Century" was released.

At that time, without losing style, he led the mechanism division team of Longzhan Tianxia, ​​and achieved excellent results in siege battles and city defense battles again and again.In the following competitions such as the national war, he also played as the first organist of the national server without losing his style, and played on behalf of the international team.

When Qin Haonan saw him, he couldn't help being excited. Such a master must be drawn into his guild.In the future he will win higher honors for his gang.

(End of this chapter)

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