game master

Chapter 190 - Registration for Guild Team Battle

Chapter 190 - Registration for Guild Team Battle
Qin Haonan's task for the past few days is to help everyone practice leveling, and then collect waste equipment to prepare for the upgrade of his super artifact suit.

Fang Mengjie's store decoration is progressing smoothly, and the recruitment of gang members is also in full swing.

The internal news of the runaway brick was very accurate. The official website of "Century" announced the news of the gang competition the next day.

This time the competition is named "Guild Team Battle PK". The competition requires the gang leader to submit registration on the official website in advance, otherwise he will not be eligible for the competition.The minimum requirement for the gang level to participate in the competition is level one, and the gang members must not be less than 200.

The class meeting that won the top three at the end of the competition will receive corresponding game rewards.

There are two types of team battles in the competition, one is a small team battle with 60 people, and the other is a large team battle with 200 people.On the day of the competition, each gang will conduct a round of elimination rounds according to the lottery.As of now, there are more than 20 gangs in the game.

I don't know how many gangs can be established in China and how many gangs will participate in the competition on the day of the competition.

The competition is scheduled for the beginning of November, so Qin Haonan can give him time to prepare.He went to the official website to sign up without hesitation, and when the time came, the competition list came out.

Qin Haonan has also been preparing for the mission of the Holy Wood Holy Land for a long time. Over the past few days, the 19 teammates he selected have all reached level 60, and this mission can finally be completed.

After making an appointment with everyone to gather, everyone bought the medicine, Qin Haonan led the team to the small fishing village through the teleportation array.

Then starting from the small fishing village, walking the field map, and finally came to the outskirts of the sacred wood holy land.This place is also surrounded by fog, and large tracts of forest are shrouded in poisonous fog, making people afraid to take a step closer.

"Guild Master, is this task very powerful? This map is actually protected by poisonous fog." Taxue Xunmei couldn't help asking because he wanted to see the scene in front of him.

Qin Haonan nodded: "Yes, the forest here is called the sacred wood holy land, and there are a lot of treasures hidden in it. Eternal|Zi Ye, your life profession will play a huge role this time!"

"Yeah, got it, leader." Eternal|Ziye replied.

Qin Haonan took out the "Ling Fan" he had obtained before, and combined with the "Shenmu Token", when he brought them within the range of the poisonous mist, they suddenly floated up, emitting a dazzling light.

The two quest items were suspended in the air, and the poisonous mist in the forest was slowly absorbed.After a while, the poisonous mist here was completely absorbed.

The entire forest has returned to its original lushness. The ancient trees in the Shenmu Holy Land have grown tall and straight after experiencing too many years.Standing in this forest, human beings will feel extremely small.

"Let's go in now." Qin Haonan said, and led the team into the forest.

A team of 20 people walked into the forest slowly. At first, there were only a few birds chirping in the forest, and there were no monsters. Turn into a rabbit".

Qin Haonan summoned his contracted beast, Erbai pounced on it and hit the demonized rabbit, and the rabbit died after a few hits.

The other players also took out their weapons at this time and joined the battle.A few demonized rabbits were quickly dealt with.

"There are so many trails in this forest, I don't even know which one to take." Charlotte looked around at the fork in the road and couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the characteristic of the online game "Century". Whether it is clearing the dungeon or opening up a new map, walking through the small maze in the early stage increases the difficulty of the game." Taxue Xunmei said.

At this time, the number of demonized rabbits in front of them began to increase.Not only that, several level 62 "magic wild dogs" also jumped out of the forest.The number of mobs continued to increase, and Qin Haonan summoned 4 shadow wolves to join the battle.

Qin Haonan looked at the road ahead, and hurriedly said: "Clean up the mobs in front of you, let's take the middle road."

Hearing what Qin Haonan said, everyone launched a skill attack together, and the process of cleaning up the mobs was relatively quick.Fang Mengjie and No Lost Style are level 61 mechanics, and their summoning skills also showed their advantages at this time.

The mechanism wolf, mechanism bear, and mechanism eagle were all summoned, and the team was very large for a while.

[Magic Arrow], [Soul Eater Slash], [Lightning Sword Jue], [Phantom Hidden Kill], [Sword Overlord], [Sunset Meteor], [Wind Slashing Demon Blade], [Mechanism Bear Summoning], 【Returning Wind Sword】...

After cleaning up the mobs in front of him, Qin Haonan led the team to continue exploring the forest in the Holy Wood Holy Land.

Eternity|Zi Ye suddenly stopped while walking, he turned his head to look around, and suddenly said: "Guard Master, please wait a moment, there seems to be a baby in the road on the right."

Eternal|Ziye's Life Skill Treasure Hunter, has a life skill [Exploration], which allows you to see treasures that other players cannot see.For example, the small green bag hidden in the grass, the small hidden treasure chest behind the boulder, the mysterious creature hiding in the waterfall... This skill is so practical, it can find many hidden treasures.

Qin Haonan stopped immediately after hearing what Eternal|Zi Ye said.

"Is it the road on the right? Okay, let's go over there and have a look." Qin Haonan responded, and led the team to the right side of the forest.

Eternity|Zi Ye led the way ahead, and soon saw three giant stones engraved with runes, surrounded by several large boxes from three directions.A huge level 63 elite monster "Demonized Wolf King" was lying there, and beside it were 4 level 62 "Demonized Wolf Beasts", and they guarded these treasures together.

"Wow, Zi Ye, your [Exploration] skills are awesome, you were so far away just now, and you discovered all of this." Charlotte looked at the BOSS in front, and couldn't help giving Eternal|Zi Ye a thumbs up.

Eternal|Zi Ye couldn't help but smile when he heard the compliment from the other party, and said: "My [Exploration] skill has only reached level 10, and the full level is level 14. When I can practice to level 14, it will be even more powerful."

"Everyone, get ready, I'm going to open the monsters. After a while, I will first hit the firepower to kill the 4 little monsters, and then kill the boss." Qin Haonan said that he had added [Sword Intent Level 10] , summoned 4 shadow wolves.

In 4, the phantom wolf and the contracted beast walked in front. After Qin Haonan got close to the boss, he threw a move [Royal Sword Art Level 10] at the little monster next to him. The illusory long sword directly stabbed the monster on the far side. The wolf beast, the health of the demonized wolf beast dropped to 2%.

Erbai pounced forward and grabbed lightly, and the little monster died.

The level 63 elite boss "Demonized Wolf Warrior" never imagined that in this short 1 second, one of his subordinates would be wiped out so easily.It stood up and roared to the sky, then rushed towards Qin Haonan.

At this time, Hou Yue, who was standing at the back, had already opened his longbow, and together with several players from the ranged attack class, he killed another mob.The battle has just begun, and a string of gorgeous attack skills are constantly being thrown over.

(End of this chapter)

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