game master

Chapter 191 - Sacred Tree Holy Land

Chapter 191 - Sacred Tree Holy Land (1)

After Qin Haonan made a move of [Cut Wind and Extinguishing Demon Blade], he followed up with a move of [Sunset Meteor Level 10], and all the mobs have been eliminated.

4 phantom wolves, together with Erbai, fought against this level 63 boss demonized war wolf king.After Erbai's level exceeds level 70, his attack power has been greatly improved. After several rounds of attacks, the boss's health has dropped to 22%.Demonized Wolf Warrior King felt hopeless, and his fighting power was not at the same level at all.

Qin Haonan and the players behind him assisted several times, and the demonized wolf king was wiped out without even using his ultimate move.

Erbai went over to pick up equipment habitually, Qin Haonan patted Erbai's big head, and said with a smile: "Erbai, let other people pick up the equipment this time, the level is relatively low, and we won't need it."

Erbai nodded immediately after hearing this, walked around behind Qin Haonan, and followed him to see the treasure chest.

There are three big treasure chests in the place guarded by the demonized wolf king.Qin Haonan walked over to open it, and saw in the first treasure chest was a level 60 celestial artifact "The Scepter of the Medicine King". fairy artifact.Exclusively for the medical fairy profession.

Qin Haonan looked at the specific attributes of the Yaowang Scepter, and found that the experience required to upgrade the fairy-level upgrade suit was three-quarters less than his own.But considering the level of equipment, this is also very normal.

The second treasure chest was opened, and there were two job transfer scrolls inside.Qin Haonan looked at the introduction, the first one is the job transfer scroll of the hidden profession "Good and Evil Doctor", and the second one is the job transfer scroll of the hidden profession "Slaughter God".

The Doctor of Good and Evil is a branch of the Poison Master profession, a profession that can both attack with poison and heal teammates.Qin Haonan remembered that in his last life, an elder of Ba Tu @天浪组会 had this hidden profession.The kung fu of using poison is really good, and it can also play the role of a medical fairy at critical times.

Slaughter God belongs to the branch of Ba Dao profession, and it is an upgraded version of Ba Dao's tyrannical attack power.Not only has the attack power been enhanced again, this class has also made up for the lack of stun skills of the Ba Dao class, which is really extremely tyrannical.The domineering way @天浪 of the previous life, but relying on this profession to kill the Quartet.

Qin Haonan walked to the last treasure chest, and when he opened it, he found a magic weapon "Cloud Piercing Arrow".This magic weapon is suitable for hunter professional equipment. It can not only improve the hit rate and critical strike rate, but also greatly increase the speed of the wearer.

"Come and have a look, all of you here. We will share one point for the treasures here." After reading the specific attributes of these items, Qin Haonan signaled everyone to come over and take a look at the things in the treasure chest.

"The baby guarded by this BOSS should be extraordinary. What's there?" Charlotte was the most curious child, and was the first to run over.

"Wow...these items look shiny, they must be extraordinary!" Ban Tang Du Zun also came over at this time.

Hou Yue, Nuomi Tangtang, Fang Mengjie, Taxue Xunmei and others followed closely behind.

Qin Haonan put 4 items in front of everyone and began to distribute them: "This scepter of the medicine king is a growth-type immortal weapon of level 60, which can only be equipped by the medical immortal profession. There is only one medical immortal in our team, Nuomi Tangtang, so it is not difficult to get rid of it." Don't argue, take it, Tangtang."

Nuomi Tangtang took the staff, looked at the attributes, and exclaimed: "Brother Ruomeng, this staff is still a part of the suit, so amazing. If the suit is assembled in the future, wouldn't it be very majestic! "

"Quickly equip it and see, the effect must be good." Hou Yue looked at the King of Medicine's scepter, and said hastily.

"Well, okay." Nuomi Tangtang said and equipped the Medicine King's Scepter. She couldn't help being happy when she saw her rising attributes.This piece of equipment also comes with a skill [Medicine King's Curse], which can greatly replenish the blood of 20 players continuously, and can also be used in combination with other blood replenishing skills at the same time.

"Sister Tangtang's equipment is domineering, we won't worry about increasing blood anymore. Haha..." Charlotte laughed and joked with Nuomi Tangtang.

"Master, what about the other items, what are their attributes?" I wanted to ask quietly and eagerly.

Qin Haonan was not in a hurry, picked up two job transfer scrolls, and said seriously: "These are two job transfer scrolls for hidden professions, one is a branch of Poison Master, and the other is a branch of Ba Dao. In our team As for a Poison Master Ban Tang Du Zun, Ba Dao’s job is Sword Song Ta Tian Xia. Therefore, Ban Tang Du Zun is assigned to Good and Evil Monster Doctor, and Sword Song Ta Tian Xia is assigned to Slaughter and Killing God, right?”

Qin Haonan also specially shared the job transfer scroll for everyone to read, and everyone in the team expressed no objection, after all, they are not related to the profession, and they cannot be transferred.

Ban Tang Du Zun didn't expect that he would get a hidden job when he came to Shenmu Holy Land, and he was very happy.After he took the scroll, he immediately clicked to use it.Then he thanked: "Master, thank you!"

Fang Zhen took the scroll from Qin Haonan, and immediately chose to use it, and his career changed immediately.

Ban Tang Du Zun and Fang Zhen were still immersed in the joy of getting a hidden job, and Qin Haonan had already picked up the magic weapon "Cloud Piercing Arrow". "This magic weapon is equipped by the hunter profession. In our team, the monkey fishing for the moon is a branch of the hunter profession. I gave it to the monkey fishing for the moon."

"Okay, boss, we have no objection." Everyone agreed.

Hou Yue successfully obtained the magic weapon "Cloud Piercing Arrow". He equipped the new magic weapon and felt that the attributes had obviously changed.This magic weapon is very suitable for him. Hou Yue's speed is already very high, and with this magic weapon, his speed is even more impressive.

"Guild Master, there should be no hidden treasures around here." Eternal|Ziye observed the surroundings before speaking.

"Okay, then let's continue to the original path." Qin Haonan said, and then led the team back to the original path, continuing to move in the direction of his memory.

To be honest, Qin Haonan didn't expect that there were so many high-quality treasures in this sacred tree holy land.He hesitated in his heart, just don't follow his own route, let Eternity|Ziye lead the way for everyone, first hollow out all the treasures in this forest, and then start the task.

It's not easy to come here once, if you can't dig three feet into the ground, Qin Haonan will regret that he won't be able to sleep at night.

Thinking of this, Qin Haonan simply stopped in his tracks, turned around and said, "Eternal|Zi Ye, I will give you a difficult and glorious task? Can you guide us?"

"Sect Leader, what's wrong? Have you lost your way?" Eternal|Ziye was taken aback by Qin Haonan's words.

"No." Qin Haonan hurriedly explained, "There are too many treasures in this sacred wood holy land, and I may miss many if I lead the way. You are a treasure hunter, and I will let you lead the way. I don't worry. Let's come this time. I swear to loot all the treasures here."

"Brother Ruomeng is amazing, we are here to clean up, right?" Charlotte booed.

"Okay, this is no problem, I will take everyone to find treasures in the forest! I am really curious, do you think there will be equipment and applicable items for all of our 12 professions here?" Eternal|Zi Ye said.

"I think it's possible." Ban Tang Du Zun interrupted.

Qin Haonan smiled and said, "The possibility is very high, so everyone should act quickly."

"Okay!" Everyone responded, and Eternal|Ziye led the way, starting their treasure hunting journey.

(End of this chapter)

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