game master

Chapter 194 - Sacred Tree Holy Land

Chapter 194 - Sacred Tree Holy Land (4)

We walked along this road for a while, and saw the beach and the sea in the distance.

This is the easternmost part of the map of China. When Qin Haonan led the team out of the forest, the first thing he saw was this intoxicating scene.

The sandy beach is flat and vast.The golden soft sand neatly covers the ground like a thin layer of gauze.Qin Haonan and others stepped on it, feeling soft and very comfortable under their feet.

The sandy beach is infinitely wide, and you can't see the edge at a glance.Small colorful shells are inlaid on the beach, shining dazzling light.

The sea in the distance is changeable.That piece of azure, when the sun rises, sparkles on the sea, like bits of gold sprinkled by the gods from the sky.Rows of waves came rushing in, rushed to the shore, and retreated again.

"The scenery here is so beautiful, have we left the sacred wood holy land?" Nuomi Tangtang and Xiaomeng Liunian had already rushed to the beach at this time, admiring the beautiful scenery of the seaside.

"Well, this is the territory of the East China Sea." Charlotte echoed.

Su Yi Yaoxin directly took off the equipment on her feet, and stood barefoot on the beach, feeling the sea breeze.

Qin Haonan admired the beautiful scenery here, and then began to observe the surrounding environment.Erbai seemed to have discovered something, it was running on the beach, as if looking for something.

"Master, let's go and have a look at Erbai." Linglong and Erbai had been together for a long time, and she was quite concerned about the big white tiger's abnormal behavior today.

"Okay." Qin Haonan nodded, leaving the other members of the team to enjoy the sea view on the beach, and he walked towards the sea with the contracted beasts.

Erbai ran for a while and then came back, arched Qin Haonan with his big head, and said eagerly: "Master, there is a whirlpool on the other side of the sea, I just went to see it, and that whirlpool should be the place where Qinglong seals."

The news from Erbai was very important, Qin Haonan immediately took the contract beast and ran in the direction Erbai pointed.The place Erbai led was a group of strangely shaped reefs in front of the beach.The reef here is very high and huge, and the waves hit it, stirring up layers of white waves.

Qin Haonan climbed to the reef, and along several reefs, he could go all the way to the sea.Standing at the end of the reef, you can look down and see the blue sea below your feet.But the sea water here is relatively turbulent, and a huge vortex appears on the sea surface under the feet.

"Master, this is the place." Erbai looked down at the whirlpool and said.

"Master, I can also feel the aura of divine beasts here. It's just that this aura is very strange, with a hint of demonic energy mixed in it, which is somewhat similar to the demonized animals before." Linglong looked at the whirlpool and murmured .

Erbai hastened to speak: "It must be Qinglong, Qinglong was attacked by demonization before it was sealed."

Qin Haonan thought about it, and deduced that if he wanted to find Qinglong, he should jump from here.But what would happen if he jumped, he had no idea at all.

He and Nuomi Tangtang jumped to the bottom of the cliff and discovered the place where the white tiger sealed last time, so the two even died once.I don't know what kind of scene this green dragon's sealed place is like.

"I'm going to call everyone over and discuss it together." Qin Haonan said, and returned along the road with the contracted beast, bringing the others along.

The 20 players stood together on the huge reef, looking at the huge vortex under their feet, listening to the crash of the waves, and thinking for a while.

Thirteen is usually reticent, and looks very cold.But at this moment, he was the one who spoke first: "Guangzhu, will you die if you jump from here?"

Xiaomeng Liunian is familiar with Shisan's character, knowing that his words are relatively concise, so he quickly added: "Thirteen should mean that if we jump from here, we should reach the bottom of the sea. I don't know if there is sea water there, and will we appear?" Difficulty breathing? After all, we have never fought in the sea, can we fight, talk, and breathe in the water?"

"You can rest assured about this. I got a 'Millennium Royal Water Bead' when I was hunting treasures. Before, I wondered what this bead would do, but now it seems that it can come in handy." Eternal|Zi Ye said Then, he rummaged in the backpack for a while, and took out a small transparent blue bead.

Everyone knows Eternal|Ziye's treasure hunter profession, so he always has a lot of strange treasures with different uses.At this time Eternal|Zi Ye took out the blue bead, he showed everyone the bead, and handed it to Qin Haonan directly.

"Master, I can lend you this bead first, remember to return it to me when you're done using it." Eternal|Zi Ye laughed.

Qin Haonan took the Millennium Royal Water Bead, held it in his hand and looked at its properties.

[Millennium Royal Water Bead], a special item, worn by the captain, can make the whole team move normally underwater.

"Thank you, I'll replace it with you when I'm done using it." Qin Haonan said, taking off an accessory on his body and replacing it with this Millennium Royal Water Bead.

"With this magical bead, we can go to the bottom of the sea." Charlotte sighed.

Duzun Bantang looked at the whirlpool under his feet, and couldn't help saying: "I just heard from the leader that this is the place where Qinglong seals. I'm very curious, what kind of scene do you think it will be inside?"

"There will definitely be adventures. The last time I went to the place where the white tiger was sealed with Brother Ruomeng, we got two fairy beast pet eggs. Brother Ruomeng also contracted the white tiger with the mythical beast there." Nuomi Tangtang talked about the seal of the white tiger. experience of the place.

Hou Yue looked at the vortex and said, "Then Qinglong should be in here, Ruomeng, you can consider contracting Qinglong as well."

"Everyone stop chatting, let's go down quickly." Erbai urged anxiously when he thought of his long-time friend Qinglong.

Qin Haonan was the first to take the lead and jumped off the rock.Erbai didn't think too much, and followed closely behind.

Only two "plop plops" were heard, Qin Haonan and Erbai had already entered the vortex.


Qin Haonan stood on the bottom of the sea and looked at the sand under his feet.Surrounded by many small fish, countless corals grow on both sides of the sand, forming paths on the bottom of the sea.At this moment, the other teams also jumped down one after another and landed beside Qin Haonan.

The sun shines on the tranquil blue seabed, as if it is light that is analyzed by twists and turns through the spectrum, which is too beautiful to behold.Even the rocks, aquatic plants, shells and corals that grow on the seabed are also dyed with the colorful colors of the sun, which is surprising.

Everyone can clearly feel the flow of sea water beside them, which is a very gentle feeling.

"This is the bottom of the sea, it's so amazing. Xia Ming, look, there are a lot of fish here. Wow, there are also this color... @#¥ (a bunch of words are omitted)" Charlotte was excited, and started again chatter.

Although Xia Ming was helpless, there was no expression on his face, his face was still paralyzed.He said in a flat tone: "Brother, I saw it, you don't have to keep sighing."

"Talking to you is really boring." Charlotte turned around helplessly, and simply went to chat with Ban Tang Du Zun.

Qin Haonan looked ahead and found that this is a magical maze.Since it was the first time for Qin Haonan to come here, and because he didn't have a guide here, he didn't know how to move forward for a while.

"Master, can I lead the way here? I just used [Explore] skills and found a lot of treasures." Eternal|Zi Ye suddenly spoke, solving Qin Haonan's embarrassing dilemma.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Qin Haonan nodded as he said, and handed over the power of leading the way with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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