game master

Chapter 195 - The Undersea Labyrinth Has Many Treasures

Chapter 195 - The Undersea Labyrinth Has Many Treasures

Eternity|Zi Ye led the way seriously, and a group of people followed him.

In the absence of a strategy, letting Eternity|Purple Night lead the way is undoubtedly the wisest choice.Because among Eternal|Ziye's life skills, in addition to the [Exploration] skill used to detect babies, it also comes with the [Pathfinding] skill, which is specially designed to deal with various complex mazes.

A group of people walked forward for a while, only to see a few mobs appearing in front of them.

Qin Haonan used [Beast Controlling Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to quickly look at the other party's attributes, and found that these mobs were all elite-level mini-bosses.There are many similarities between this place and the place where the white tiger seals.

Level 70 - Enchanted Coral Demon (Little Elite)
"The ones in front are not mobs, they are all small elite-level bosses." Qin Haonan immediately reminded everyone.

"All small elites?!" Everyone couldn't help being surprised when they heard this.

After all, the front is level 70, a small boss that is much higher than their level, and there are still a group of them all at once, it seems that it is not easy to deal with.A few clever team members have already taken out the triple experience talisman, just tore it open and used it.

Seeing someone use the triple experience talisman, others also reacted.The experience value here is estimated to be quite a lot, and everyone is unwilling to let go of this good opportunity to upgrade.

Qin Haonan immediately used [Sword Intent Level 10] and summoned 4 shadow wolves at the same time.

【Cut Wind and Extinguish Demon Blade】, Qin Haonan didn't care about 21 and [-], and started to open monsters directly.Several small bosses were hit by Qin Haonan's skill attack at the same time, and rushed over with strange screams.

4 phantom wolves and Erbai stood in front together, [Baihuduanban kills level 10], [Mute sound kills level 10], [Tiger Roaring level 10]... After Erbai's several attacks, the little bosses one by one All of them were miserably abused, and none of them had more than 20% of their health.

As soon as the other team members and the contracted beasts assisted, the little bosses hung on the sand one after another, bursting out a lot of equipment and items.

At this time, most of the team members were promoted to a level in the light.It has been promoted to level 1, and individual players have reached level 61.

Qin Haonan is now level 71, and this experience point is still too little for him.

Everyone divided the equipment together and continued to move forward.

"Master, I think this underwater maze is simply a treasure trove!" Eternal|Ziye sighed while walking, "Do you know, I used [Exploration] skills to search under the seabed, and the distance is just within a hundred meters. , there are so many bright spots.”

"Eternal|Zi Ye, then you can take us there to find treasures, I think our operation this time can be described as a bumper harvest." Qin Haonan nodded happily.

Eternal|Zi Ye continued to lead the way, and all the small elite-level small bosses appeared along the way.Qin Haonan and the others have now become familiar with killing the small boss. They didn't encounter many obstacles along the way, and they quickly reached the first destination.

This road has come to an end, and I saw a big octopus of level 70 sleeping on several huge treasure chests.

Qin Haonan looked at the opponent's attributes with [Beast Taming Suit: Mithril Thousand Magic], and found that it was a level 70 elite boss, and its HP, attack and defense were not very high.After reading this data, Qin Haonan was curious, a level 70 boss shouldn't be so weak, would it have any special skills?
"This boss is a level 70 elite demonized octopus. I've seen its attributes, and it's not very high. I suspect it has very powerful skills, so we must fight quickly!" Qin Haonan turned to meet his teammates behind him road.

"Okay, boss." The others nodded in agreement.

This time, Hou Yue was responsible for opening the monster. He drew his longbow and shot out with a [Flying Feather Arrow], hitting the demonized octopus in the eye.

The demonized octopus immediately woke up from sleep, a pair of scarlet eyes fixed on Hou Yue, its claws moved, and it quickly crawled towards this side.

Qin Haonan had already commanded the contracted beasts and phantom wolves to pounce on them, and the two boxers Nuomi Yingying and Hong Zhaodi blocked the monsters in front. The skill colors of the 20 people were different, and the demonized octopus was quickly submerged in the skill attacks one by one.

[Frozen Sword Dance], [Soul Eater Slash], [Lightning Sword Jue], [Sword Overlord], [Sunset Meteor], [Wind and Demon Blade], [Mechanism Wolf Call], [Phantom Rain Fairy Dance] 】……

Qin Haonan rushed forward, hit with a blow from [Illusion Hidden Kill], and even delivered a critical blow.

The health of the demonized octopus dropped rapidly, and soon dropped to 14%.The demonized octopus got angry, it twisted its body suddenly, and spit out balls of ink from its mouth.

The ink spread rapidly along the sea water, and Qin Haonan instantly felt that his eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see anything.The other people are in the same situation as Qin Haonan, and no one can attack at this time.

At this critical moment, Linglong suddenly chanted a spell, and Linglong's level 70 skill [Shuiyue Jinghua Curse Level 2] was activated in an instant, and the black ink was quickly removed by pieces of purifying light.

The demonized octopus didn't expect the opponent to have such a skill, and was taken aback for a moment.

Qin Haonan seized the opportunity and rushed forward quickly.After the move of [Level 10 Mie Lei Sword Art], followed by the move of [Cut Wind and Demon Blade], the boss died with a scream.

For the rest of the time, everyone started to share the treasures.In addition to the treasures that burst out from the boss, there are also treasures in the treasure chest.

Qin Haonan and Charlotte were the first to go to the treasure chest and looked carefully. There are 5 treasure chests here.

In the first treasure chest, there is a level 60 clothes and a level 60 pants.Moreover, these two pieces of equipment are still in the same set, [Dream and Vientiane Set: Zhenyuan Daoxin Robe] and [Dream and Vientiane Set: Mysterious Talisman Trousers].

These two pieces of equipment are both growth-type sacred weapon suits. Qin Haonan looked at the attributes, and they are completely the suits of the spell master profession.There was no one else in the team except Xiaomeng Liunian as a charmer. Qin Haonan didn't even think about it, and gave Xiaomeng Liunian these two pieces of [Sun Luo Vientiane Suit].

"Am I dreaming? This is a sacred weapon suit?!" Xiao Mengliunian was holding these two pieces of equipment, her hands shaking a little with excitement.

"It's not a dream, hurry up and equip it." Qin Haonan said with a smile.

Xiaomeng Liunian clicked on the equipment in a daze, and then bound them.At this time, her attribute value skyrocketed in an instant.The other teammates were still very envious. They didn't expect equipment of the level of the holy artifact to appear in an underwater maze.

Qin Haonan also sighed in his heart. At this time in the last life, the comprehensive combat power of the players in China was not as strong as it is now.In this life, it was Qin Haonan who changed many things based on his previous experience.

"Master, why do I feel that I, a spellcaster, can go to the front to block monsters." Xiao Mengliunian put on these two holy artifacts, and saw that his defense was much higher than that of a boxer.

"Well, so you are now a high-defense spell master. PK is also very advantageous." Qin Haonan couldn't help but admire.

"Guild Master, Guidance Master, quickly look at other treasure chests to see if we can get our equipment." Ban Tang Du Zun urged excitedly.

Looking at this seabed maze, Charlotte couldn't help but marvel: "This place shouldn't be called a seabed maze, it's just a treasure maze!"

 The first update of the new year, I wish you all a happy new year!
(End of this chapter)

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