game master

Chapter 196 - Treasure Hunting Under the Sea

Chapter 196 - Treasure Hunting Under the Sea
Under everyone's expectant eyes, Qin Haonan opened the second treasure chest.This time, there was no equipment in the treasure chest, but 5 design drawings of the tailor profession, including a lot of crafting materials.

After everyone's discussion, Hou Yue got 2 design drawings and a small amount of production materials.The blue sprite and Su Yiyaoxin, who are also tailors in the team, were also assigned design drawings and production materials.

Qin Haonan opened the third treasure chest, which contained 4 skill books.Qin Haonan took it out and looked at it briefly, the skills here are very domineering.The skill book "Sword Qi Slash Combo" for the sword hero profession, the "Heart Piercing Arrow" skill book for the hunter profession, the "Flame Dragon Wushuang Fist" skill book for the boxer profession, and the last space hunter's "Ultimate Moment" skill book Book.

Standing aside, Hou Yue was very surprised. He even created a skill book for all his hidden professions. This luck is really good.

According to each person's occupation, Qin Haonan directly gave Hou Yue the "Heart Piercing Arrow" and "The Ultimate Moment". "Sword Qi Slash Combo" gave me the feeling of being quiet.There are two boxers in the team, and the red strokes are a gentleman, so they gave "Flame Dragon Wushuang Fist" to Nuomi Yingying.

Next came the fourth treasure chest. When Qin Haonan opened it, he found that there were pet eggs in the treasure chest.And it's not one pet egg, but three pet eggs neatly placed.

Pet Egg——Xuanhai Hades Snake (Fairy Beast)

Pet Egg—Phantom Sound Sea Snake (Fairy Beast)

Pet Egg - Frost Viper (Fairy Beast)

Charlotte has always wanted to have her own contracted beast, and seeing the pet egg now makes her extremely happy.But after he saw the detailed introduction of the three pet eggs, he felt very sad and disheartened.Charlotte lamented why her luck was so bad. These three fairy beasts were all snakes, and through the introduction, they were not suitable for the profession of shadow killer.

The first pet egg "Xuanhai Snake" and the second pet egg "Phantom Sound Sea Snake" are both suitable for the luthier profession.And there is a special introduction in "Frost Viper", the power of the master who encounters the use of ice skills will be doubled.

There is no suspense in this way, the two luthiers in the team, Taxue Xunmei and Suyi Yaoxin, each have a pet egg.Taxue Xunmei got the Phantom Sound Sea Snake, while Su Yi Yaoxin got the Xuanhai Hades Snake.

The Frost Viper didn't have any disputes. If you use the ice profession, just give it to Thirteen.His Ice God profession is a combination of Sword Immortal and Xuanbing skills.

After distributing the pet eggs, Qin Haonan did not forget to pat Charlotte on the shoulder, and comforted him: "It's okay, maybe we will meet better contracted beasts later."

"Well, thank you Brother Ruomeng, I think I'm just unlucky." Charlotte was a little depressed.

Now the last treasure chest is in front of everyone, and everyone is looking forward to it.The treasures from the first 4 treasure chests are all very extraordinary, and the last treasure chest should not be too bad.

I saw Qin Haonan slowly opening the treasure chest, and there were actually 2 job transfer scrolls inside.A job-changing scroll of the hidden life profession "Alchemist", and a job-changing scroll of the hidden profession "Longhunting God".

A few players stared wide-eyed, and everyone felt that they had made a lot of money today.Qin Haonan looked at the introduction of the job transfer scroll. The Dragon Hunting God belongs to the branch of the Shadow Killer, and this job transfer scroll was directly handed over to Charlotte.As for alchemists, they don't know how to divide them.

Charlotte excitedly looked at the job transfer scroll in her hand. She didn't expect that she also got a hidden job, and the name was so domineering.

"Who is interested in the alchemist's career?" Qin Haonan asked everyone while showing the job transfer scroll.

In the end, after deliberation, everyone gave the scroll of the alchemist's job transfer to the style.

The work here is over, Eternal|Zi Ye leads the way, and the group of people headed for the next destination.Every treasure is guarded by a level 70 elite boss, and with Qin Haonan around, every match goes smoothly.

After killing several bosses in a row, the team members also rose to level 62 and 63 one after another.

The treasures I got after that were not as many as here, but the quality is really good.

Especially Nuomi Tangtang's medicine king set, in the next treasure chest, he got a second piece, a level 60 immortal artifact medicine king fairy clothes.

And Qin Haonan opened the blacksmith's design drawings and production materials in the treasure chest.Not only that, he also got a skill book "Sword Slave Summoning" for a comprehension summoner.Qin Haonan immediately clicked to learn.

[Sword Slave Summoning] The comprehension summoner uses skills, a total of 12 levels, to summon a sword slave of the same level as himself to join the battle, which can last for 20 seconds and consumes 100 points of true energy.

After that, I got some equipment in bits and pieces, but most of them were purple-gold and gold-level.

Qin Haonan felt that this trip to the bottom of the sea was a treasure hunt.Thinking of the many treasures that the players of his own guild got here, Qin Haonan became more confident in the subsequent guild team battles.

Erbai shook his head, looked at everyone's expressions of joy after getting the treasures, and said, "Qinglong is the one who likes to collect treasures the most among our four great beasts, so it's not surprising that he has many treasures in the sealed land."

"Then the sealed place of Suzaku and Xuanwu, there will be a lot of treasures, right?" Qin Haonan couldn't help asking after hearing what Erbai said.

"Well, it should be quite a lot. But it won't be as rich as Qinglong's here." Erbai replied after thinking for a while.

"Guild Master, we should have finished taking all the treasures here. From now on, as long as we keep walking along this road, we will be able to get out of this underwater labyrinth soon." Eternal|Zi Ye pointed forward as he spoke.

"Well, okay. Then let's go out quickly." Qin Haonan said hastily.

Everyone followed Eternity|Ziye and walked forward along the sandy land full of corals on both sides.After walking for a while, I cleaned up a few small elite monsters at level 71, and saw the gate of the Dragon Palace appearing in front of me.

"Wow, this isn't the Undersea Dragon Palace! It's so spectacular!" Charlotte and Ban Tang Du Zun exclaimed.

Qin Haonan also looked at the scene in front of him in shock, only to see a majestic blue palace appearing in front of him on the blue seabed.This retro design, with fairy-like decoration, makes people attracted and shocked.

Just when Qin Haonan was about to open the door and go in with everyone, the whole seabed suddenly started to vibrate.The sea water was violently surging, Qin Haonan hurriedly shouted: "Everyone pull your hands up, so as not to be washed away later!"

Qin Haonan yelled, and hurriedly took his contracted beasts back to the pet space.

The 20 team members hurriedly pulled their hands together, the sea water violently oscillated, and a group of people were washed up from the ground by the sea water and floated up.As soon as the feet left the ground, they felt uncontrollable. A group of people were rolling and turning in circles in the sea, feeling dizzy for a while.Fortunately, I pulled my hand up before, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

As soon as the water flow stabilized, Qin Haonan saw a huge creature swimming in the sea.It has a snake body, crocodile head, lizard legs, eagle claws, snake tail, antlers, fish scales, and whiskers at the corners of its mouth... When the water flow became more stable, Qin Haonan could see clearly that this is not a legendary dragon.

This is a blue dragon with a very beautiful body.The shiny scales shone in the water, and the huge and flexible body was swinging in the water.

Qin Haonan looked at the other party's attributes with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic], and was quite frightened.

Level 950 - Demonized Dragon Girl Warriors (Divine Beast)
"I feel dizzy, what level of monster is this, so domineering when he comes out?" Ban Tang Du Zun said sadly, his head hurting from being shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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