game master

Chapter 197 - Green Dragon Seal

Chapter 197 - Green Dragon Seal (1)

"Don't mess with her, that's a 950-level beast, and we'll all be resurrected after she breathes out!" Qin Haonan hurriedly reminded in a low voice.

"Mythical beast?! Oh my god!" Ban Tang Du Zun was dumbfounded.

"...What should we do? If the beast attacks us, won't we go crazy?" Charlotte said helplessly.

Just when everyone thought that the sea had calmed down and was about to land slowly.The Demonic Dragon Girl turned over suddenly in the sea water, her tail swung vigorously, and the sea water was stirred up again.

"I XX you OO, you're dizzy." Ban Tang Duzun said dizzily.

"Be careful, don't talk nonsense, if the beast hears us, we will die." Xiaomeng Liunian reminded.

The sea water was violently churning, and a group of people were all mixed up by the sea water.At first, they held hands, but some people were scattered away for a while.

"Charlotte! Charlotte..." Qin Haonan shouted.Because Charlotte was swept away by the sea at that moment just now, and then a group of people were scattered instantly.

Qin Haonan felt dizzy for a while, and his consciousness was a little unclear.

When he opened his eyes again, Qin Haonan found himself lying at the gate of the Dragon Palace.Other teammates were also lying not far from him, Qin Haonan hurriedly looked at the attribute bar.Fortunately, I didn't hang up just now, and there was no downgrade.

"Guild leader, deputy gang leader, are you all right?" Ban Tang Duzun got up from the ground and hurried over to ask.

At this time, Yue, Fang Zhen and others also stood up from the ground, looked around, and then looked at the attribute column, indicating that they were fine.The wave of impact just now was really violent, and everyone dispersed.

Qin Haonan looked at the members of the team and sent messages to each of them one by one.Everyone was near the Dragon Palace, and they came to gather after receiving Qin Haonan's message.After waiting for a while, almost everyone arrived, except Charlotte.

"Where did my brother go? I sent messages and he didn't reply." Xia Ming was rarely in a hurry.

"I didn't reply to the message I sent him, and he didn't answer the message I sent." Qin Haonan looked at Xia Ming and said worriedly, "The game shows that he hasn't disconnected, so I don't know what happened?"

A group of people waited for a while, and seeing that there was no news of Charlotte, Qin Haonan said: "The mobs in the seabed area are all too high-level, please don't separate, let's look for him nearby."

"Okay, maybe Brother Charlotte is somewhere in the corner, but he hasn't woken up yet, so nothing will happen." I want to quietly pat Xia Ming on the shoulder and say comfortingly.


At this time, Charlotte was lying on the ground of the Dragon Palace Hall. The icy ground was chilly, and a beautiful woman with long blue hair tied him up with chains.Charlotte only felt his head was dizzy. He saw his information bar kept flashing and flashing, so he guessed that it was a message sent to him by his teammates.

What should we do now?Charlotte tried to break free, but the chains were so tight that she couldn't break free at all.

Charlotte saw that she had been dragged by chains by the blue-haired beauty, walking towards a huge stone pillar.He had no choice but to say, "Hey, smelly woman, can you let me go?"

The blue-haired beauty was immediately angry when she heard it, she turned her head, it was a face that was all over the world. "Little ghost, shut your mouth, if I didn't need the blood of the Dragon Hunter, I would have killed you with one blow."

"It's better for you to kill me than to be tied up like this." Charlotte yelled angrily as she struggled, "What do you want my blood for? I just changed to a hidden profession, so I'm so unlucky? Damn woman, Let me go, I'll tell you... @#¥ (omit a bunch of words)"

Charlotte turned on his chattering mode again. The blue-haired beauty was so annoyed by him, she turned her head and pointed her right hand, and threw out the skill [Forbidden Speech], and Charlotte stopped talking immediately.

"..." Charlotte couldn't make a sound, very angry.

"You just wait here honestly, wait for your blood to dry up, and then go back and resurrect." The blue-haired beauty dragged Charlotte to the stone pillar at the destination, and tied him to it with chains.She cut off the wrists of Charlotte's left and right hands with a knife, and the blood dripped slowly to the ground along the pillar.

At this time, Charlotte discovered that there was a strange magic circle drawn on the ground of the hall.

"..." Charlotte couldn't speak, and could only stare at her with her eyes.But looking face to face like this, Charlotte found that the blue-haired beauty in front of her was not ordinary.Her snow-white skin was flawless, and she had blue eyes, but a black-red magical rune appeared on the right cheek, adding a touch of enchantment to her originally elegant and refined face.

Although the other party hid his name and level, Charlotte judged that this was a very high-level NPC.He had to think of a way. Although the pain in the game was very low, he couldn't wait here for his health to be cleared. At least he had to send a message to his teammates.

At this time, the words -1, -1, -1... will float above Charlotte's head after a while.

Seeing that the bloodletting ceremony was completed, the blue-haired beauty turned around and left the hall.Before leaving, I still didn't forget to turn around and say: "Little ghost, I know you players can't die. I just need your blood. When the blood is drained and your life value returns to zero, you can leave here naturally."

Charlotte glared at her angrily, and when she saw the other party leave, she stretched out her right hand desperately, and finally clicked on the information bar.Unable to control so much, I opened a message sent by a teammate and tried my best to reply.


"Brother Ruomeng, my brother replied to the message!" Xia Ming saw that his message bar was lit up, opened it and hurriedly called Qin Haonan.

"What's the matter? Where did Charlotte say he was?" Qin Haonan hurriedly turned around and asked.

Xia Ming frowned, and said doubtfully, "Just four words 'trapped, Dragon Palace'."

Qin Haonan was also quite strange when he heard it. Charlotte was a chatty person, and usually typed a lot of words when sending messages.Qin Haonan remembered that once, for a very simple collection of information, this kid abruptly typed an 800-word composition and sent it to him, leaving Qin Haonan speechless.

"Trapped, Dragon Palace?! What does this mean? Could it be that brother Charlotte is in Dragon Palace?" Nuomi Tangtang analyzed.

"It's possible. We searched outside, but we couldn't find him." Qin Haonan thought for a while, and then said, "I think Charlotte might be in some trouble. Let's go to the Dragon Palace to have a look."

"Okay, let's go in quickly." Xia Ming quickly echoed.

Qin Haonan led the team back to the entrance of the Dragon Palace. At this time, the gate was tightly closed.Qin Haonan pushed hard, but the door couldn't be pushed at all.In this way, it really becomes very troublesome.

"There may be a mechanism." Eternal|Zi Ye said, and he had already walked to the right of the gate of the Dragon Palace, looking for the mechanism with his hands.Not on the right, he went to the left again.

Qin Haonan also analyzed that the mechanism might be near the door, and he was also constantly searching around.Soon, Qin Haonan and Eternal|Zi Ye found a movable brick on the left.

"It should be it." Eternal|Ziye said while pressing the brick down.

Sure enough, the sound of mechanism activity was heard immediately, and the door slowly opened.

A group of people walked through the gate very carefully and entered the Dragon Palace.Inside the Dragon Palace is an atmospheric palace, the walls are all blue, as transparent as crystal.The main hall is decorated with coral and starfish. Walking along the long corridor, you will see the images of dragons carved on the pillars on both sides.

There were no mobs in the corridor, except for the sound of Qin Haonan and his group moving forward, there was no other sound, and it seemed very quiet.As he walked, Qin Haonan felt that something was wrong, because there were strange runes faintly appearing on the floor of the hall.

Qin Haonan was worried, so he summoned Erbai, Linglong, Daji, and Feimeng.

As soon as Erbai came out and saw the runes on the ground, he couldn't help being shocked: "This is... this is a blood-sucking magic circle?!"

"It's the magic circle drawn by blood-sucking runes, that's right, this hall is very strange." Linglong and Daji also felt the slightest crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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