game master

Chapter 199 - Green Dragon Seal

Chapter 199 - Green Dragon Seal (3)

Dragon Girl Wushuang obviously didn't expect a weak human being to make such a request. "Life is like a dream, do you think a small human being can bargain in front of me?"

Although the tone of Longnu Wushuang's speech was not very good, she still let Charlotte off the stone pillar.

"Hey... You can't say that. If Charlotte doesn't cooperate, she commits suicide and comes back to life. I'll see where you go to get blood." Qin Haonan fought persistently.

"...Do you believe that I will let you hang it up now? Don't come up with bad ideas here." Dragon Girl Wushuang said coldly.

Charlotte was listening. He had known Qin Haonan for a while, and he understood that Qin Haonan was trying to gain benefits.

Charlotte was about to say something, but at this moment, the entire hall suddenly shook, and a huge dragon chant came from the depths of the hall, and the entire Dragon Palace trembled violently.It seems that in the depths of this dragon palace, Wushuang is not the only dragon.

"It's Mu Qing." Erbai responded immediately, "Wushuang, I'm going to see Mu Qing."

"No, the blood-taking ceremony must be speeded up, Qinglong Shenjun can't hold on for too long." Dragon Girl Wushuang said with an extremely serious expression.

Qin Haonan was standing beside Charlotte at this time, and suddenly he raised his long sword and put it directly on Charlotte's neck.Charlotte was also taken aback by Qin Haonan's move, but out of trust, he still did not resist.

"Wushuang, if I kill him here, even if you kill us all, you won't get any more blood. And I did an experiment just now, Dragon Palace can be offline." Qin Haonan raised his head The sword began to threaten.

"I'm warning you, don't act recklessly!" Dragon Girl Wushuang was obviously angry, he couldn't think that a small human would dare to threaten her in this way.

And Qin Haonan also figured out that this divine beast cared about it, and Longnu Wushuang couldn't think quietly after hearing Qinglong's voice.If she can calm down now, she will find that Qin Haonan's threat has many loopholes.

Qin Haonan's level is much lower than Longnv Wushuang's, and his speed is much slower. Longnv Wushuang can use skills to find a way to grab the sword in Qin Haonan's hand.At this moment, Qin Haonan and Charlotte are still in a team relationship, so they can't kill their teammates at all.

But Qin Haonan was right about going offline. This Dragon Palace did not set a function for players to be banned from going offline.So as long as they go offline, Dragon Girl Wushuang will have nothing to do.

After listening to Qin Haonan's words, Xia Luo was still thinking in her heart, why didn't she think that she could go offline just now.

"Then you should think about my proposal just now. My brother provides you with blood, and you have to pay back accordingly." Qin Haonan said.

"Okay, I promise you everything. Don't do anything too much. Now let me finish the blood-sucking magic circle. Qinglong Shenjun won't last long. Otherwise, he will be completely demonized, and at that time he will Crazy and bloodthirsty, he will attack all of us regardless of friend or foe." Longnu Wushuang said anxiously.

"How can I trust you?" Qin Haonan remained calm.

"Our Dragon Clan has always kept our promises, not as cunning and fickle as you humans. I promise you, you can tell me what treasures you want afterwards, as long as I have them, I will try my best to satisfy you." Dragon Girl Wushuang said Thinking, at this moment, I really want to kill Qin Haonan, this human being insists on picking such an important moment to threaten her.

But at this time, she had no choice but to bow her head and obey because of the safety of Qinglong Shenjun.

Longnu Wushuang secretly thought, after taking the blood, he will save Qinglong Shenjun.This human named Fushengruomeng would greedily ask for gold coins, equipment, magic weapons and other shameful demands.

Haha, baby, they have a lot of these things in the Dragon Palace. When the time comes, give them to him, abide by the agreement, and tear him apart with one claw, let him go back to resurrection and drop his rank.Maybe the baby that was given just now can explode again!
Longnu Wushuang was still thinking about good things, she had no idea what Qin Haonan was thinking.

"Master, you can rest assured. I can guarantee this matter. The Dragon Clan is absolutely reliable in keeping its promise." Erbai wagged his tail, walked up to Qin Haonan and said.Erbai and Qinglong are old acquaintances, and they also know Qinglong's righteous sister Wushuang very well.

"Since my family's Erbai has said so, I believe you." Qin Haonan took the long sword from his hand as he spoke.

Dragon Girl Wushuang was very angry in her heart, but there was nothing she could do at this time.She compromised, in order to get blood, she compromised with a human being whose level was less than 100.

Charlotte's wrist was still bleeding, and Linglong had been helping him recover the blood.Charlotte's HP remained above 80%, which was very safe, and she couldn't die at all.

The other players in the team didn't know how to intervene at this time. After all, Dragon Girl Wushuang's level was too high, and she might drop a level and go back to resurrect at any time.In fact, everyone still admired Qin Haonan. Their leader never forgot to blackmail a beast that was nearly 900 levels higher than his own.

The blood-sucking magic circle on the ground is almost completed, and the runes on the ground of the entire hall have all turned blood red.Qin Haonan sighed in his heart, this is just a game, Charlotte can bleed like this without any worries, if it were put into reality, people probably would have finished playing it long ago.

The red magic circle has been activated, and the ground slowly emits a blood-red light.These rays of light became more and more intense, covering the entire blue hall in a blood-red radiance.

I saw that the blood red slowly condensed towards the pillar in the center, and the blood on the ground also began to transpire. The blood mixed with the red light and moved towards the pillar together.

After a while, the light and blood condensed together, and finally turned into a blood-red bead.

This blood bead floated into Longnu Wushuang's hand, and Longnu Wushuang, who had been keeping a cold face, also showed a hint of joy on his face.

"You set up this magic circle just to refine blood beads?" Erbai asked after seeing the beads, as if he understood something.

"Yes, this blood bead condenses the blood of the Dragon Hunting God. It is said that the Dragon Hunting God is a god who specializes in hunting demonic dragons and other demonized creatures. Their blood poses a huge threat to demonic dragons. I also collected With the geranium, purified water, purple gold gourd and other treasures, combined with this blood bead, it will definitely be able to get rid of the demonization of Qinglong Shenjun." Dragon Girl Wushuang said.

Hearing this, Qin Haonan understood something in his heart.If this demonization could be removed, Qinglong might not be in danger.

At this moment, Linglong had already stopped the bleeding for Charlotte, his HP had returned to full, and the wound on his wrist had healed.

Dragon Girl Wushuang was eager to find Qinglong at this time, her figure swayed, and she flew towards the depths of the hall at high speed.

"Let's follow and have a look." Qin Haonan said, and ran to the depths of the hall.

The other team members followed closely behind, Erbai ran at the front, and a group of people rushed into the underground palace deep in the hall like this.

There is an underground palace under the Dragon Palace. In the underground palace at this time, there is a blue dragon lying on the pan.Qinglong's body was covered with black and red runes, and he looked very weak.This green dragon is huge in size, even if it is lying cross-legged with its head drooping on the ground, it is several times taller than a human being.

(End of this chapter)

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