game master

Chapter 200 - Green Dragon Seal

Chapter 200 - Green Dragon Seal (4)

At this time, Qinglong was lying there weakly, and the ground where he was sitting was densely drawn with complex runes, like a formation.Layers upon layers of magic breath came out from the runes, condensing into chains, sealing Qinglong inside.

The magic circle of this chain is exactly the same as the one that sealed the white tiger.

"Wow, this is the legendary green dragon?" Du Zun Bantang was shocked when he saw the green dragon.

"Muqing..." Erbai murmured when he saw Qinglong.

Qinglong's eyes were originally closed, but when he heard Erbai's voice, he opened them slightly.Qin Haonan can be sure that the current Qinglong has been seriously attacked by demonization.

"Is it the white tiger? How did your level become so low?" Qinglong barely opened his eyes and said weakly, "Why did I feel the breath of God Nuwa just now? Besides you and God Nuwa, there are nine other people here. Tailed Fox and Nightmare Tapir?"

"I was also sealed. In order to escape, I signed a contract with humans. God Nuwa, Nine-Tailed Sky Fox and Nightmare Tapir are also the master's contract beasts." Erbai explained.

Qinglong was obviously a little shocked when he heard it, but he didn't have the strength to make a sound.Over the years, he has been fighting against demonization with all his strength, and he barely persisted until now.It is very difficult for the current Qinglong to maintain a clear consciousness.

Seeing Qinglong waking up from a coma, Dragon Girl Wushuang hurriedly said: "Shenjun Qinglong, I have already prepared the materials for curing demonization, and now I will remove the demonization for you."

"Wushuang, I've said it many times, I don't need this kind of material obtained from the blood of the evil formation." Although Qinglong was weak, he answered firmly.

"Qinglong Shenjun, but this is the only way to heal you. The blood beads have been extracted, please give it a try. I don't want to see you be demonized like this, and then lose yourself and die in the seal." Dragon Girl Wushuang Said a little sadly.

"Even if I remove the demonization, I can't escape from this seal." Qinglong sighed.

"Mu Qing, don't say that. If you are captured and turned into a pet egg, and your level is changed back to level 1, you can be freed from this seal. I have tried this, and you see, I am now free " Erbai hurriedly interjected after hearing this.

After hearing this, Dragon Girl Wushuang nodded quickly: "Shenjun Qinglong, you see that Baihu Shenjun said so, why don't you try it, why are you so self-defeating?"

Qinglong's huge head moved, his expression was very sad, but he didn't speak.

Seeing that her persuasion had no effect, Longnu Wushuang turned to look at Qin Haonan and Erbai, hoping that they could help to think of a way.

When Qin Haonan saw this situation, he was also thinking about it.How can Qinglong let go of his worries, remove his demonization, and then successfully win his contract.

"Qinglong Shenjun, I am the master of the white tiger, and my name is Floating Life Rumeng. The blood bead that I just extracted was donated voluntarily by my brother. So you don't need to worry about it. Dragon Girl Wushuang also has a heart , you might as well give it a try." Qin Haonan thought for a while and said.

After hearing this, Qinglong opened his eyes again. He looked at Qin Haonan, then at Charlotte, and said slowly, "Shunlonghunshen, is it you who donated blood?"

Seeing Qinglong talking to him, Charlotte nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I voluntarily, so you can try it with confidence."

Charlotte didn't even blink her eyelids, and just rounded up the lie.If it wasn't for Longnu Wushuang's promise to pay, he wouldn't be prepared to donate blood!
Longnu Wushuang didn't expect this little devil with a poisonous mouth to speak for her, so he turned his head and smiled gratefully at the other party.

"Okay then, since that's the case, I'll give it a try. Wushuang, thank you, now help me de-demonize." Qinglong agreed at this moment.

After talking about Qinglong, the next work of demonization and elimination depends on Longnu Wushuang.I saw that she took out all the materials prepared before, blood beads, geranium, purified water, purple gold gourd...

"What is the function of these materials? Can using them completely remove the demonization?" Er Bai was not at ease, and looked down at the materials in front of him.

"Shenjun White Tiger, you can rest assured that these materials are theoretically no problem. I have investigated and studied this matter for many years. Geranium grass and purified water are auxiliary materials used to dispel demonization. Purple gold gourd can absorb And hold all the substances in the world. After a while, I will use blood beads together with auxiliary materials such as geranium, purified water, etc., to drive the demonized blood from Qinglong Shenjun's body to the claws, and then let the blood from the claws, use Zijin gourd absorbs." Dragon Girl Wushuang said seriously.

"Okay, then you can try it." Erbai nodded, making way for her

Longnu Wushuang clasped her hands together, put them on her chest, and muttered something.I saw a light blue light emanating from her body, and several materials for dispelling demonization were immediately suspended in the air. With the blood bead as the center, several materials continuously rotated in the air and flew towards the blue dragon. .

Originally, Qinglong lay quietly on the ground, but at this moment he seemed to be attacked and affected by power, and suddenly let out a painful roar, and the sound of the dragon's chant shook the entire hall.But the power of the blood bead didn't weaken with the Qinglong's resistance, on the contrary, its power became stronger, and the blood-red light flourished.

Qinglong's huge body was still struggling in the seal, Qin Haonan and others could not help but take a lot of steps back, because as soon as they approached, they would be shaken by the sound of Qinglong's dragon chant.

After a while, Qinglong's struggle weakened, and the black and red runes on Qinglong's body were gradually weakening and gradually gathering towards the claws.Dragon Girl Wushuang took a sharp knife and cut Qinglong's claws, and drops of black blood were absorbed by Zijin Gourd.

Qinglong's expression has obviously improved, the dragon scales on his body have turned into a single and bright blue color again, the shiny dragon scales are very shiny, not as dark as before.

"This method of getting rid of demonization seems to be correct, Mu Qing, how do you feel now?" Er Bai asked with concern.

"It's much better. It seems that the demonization has been cleared. It's a pity that I still can't break free from the seal. Maybe if I want to be free, I have to use the method you used, Baihu." Qinglong looked at his claws and analyzed it seriously. .

Erbai was very happy when he heard that, and nodded his head to help. "This is easy to solve, master, you can turn the green dragon into a pet egg."

"No, how can Qinglong, a majestic divine beast, become a human contracted beast so easily!" Dragon Girl Wushuang immediately stood up to object.

"Wushuang, what you said is wrong. Aren't God Nuwa, Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, Nightmare Tapir, and my white tiger all contracted beasts of the master? Our level is the same as Qinglong, and Goddess Nuwa is still a super beast What?" Erbai immediately corrected the other party's erroneous views.

"Yes, your master is very good, Qinglong, you can rest assured that the master will turn you into a contracted beast!" Linglong laughed.

Qinglong looked at Qin Haonan, he knew that he had no other choice at this time. "Wushuang, in fact, it's okay to become a contracted beast. In this way, I can always be with God Nuwa and Baihu. Life is like a dream, let's start!"

"Okay." Qin Haonan said, then walked forward, ready to use the [Pet Capture] skill.

"Ding dong~ System prompt: Because the player's life skill level of Floating Life is insufficient, the pet capture failed. Increase the experience value by 1 point."

"Ding dong~ System prompt: Because the player's life skill level of Floating Life is insufficient, the pet capture failed. Increase the experience value by 1 point."


Qinglong lay there quietly for Qin Haonan to capture, but Qinglong is a 999-level beast after all, and the chance of success in capturing it is relatively small.Still cooperating with Qinglong, after capturing the 10th time, Qin Haonan finally heard the long-lost system sound.

"Ding dong~ System prompt: Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have successfully captured the mythical beast Azure Dragon. You have obtained 'Pet Egg - Azure Dragon (Divine Beast)'."

(End of this chapter)

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