game master

Chapter 201 - Green Dragon Seal

Chapter 201 - Green Dragon Seal (5)

The originally huge green dragon suddenly disappeared from the seal.In the center of the sealing formation, a chubby pet egg lay there.The chains that originally maintained the seal gradually disappeared and disintegrated after the existence of the sealed thing could not be felt.

Erbai signaled to Qin Haonan to go over and contract Qinglong's pet egg.

Dragon Girl Wushuang stood aside with a gloomy expression on her face. How could the majestic beast Qinglong become a contracted beast so easily?

Qin Haonan was not hypocritical, he hurried forward, picked up the pet egg and looked at it.After confirming that there was no problem, he bit his finger and dripped blood on the pet egg.

After that, in a dazzling white light, a small cyan dragon came out from the light.At this time, he was only the size of a small snake, without the slightest aura of a beast, just like Erbai back then, looking extremely cute.

Qin Haonan didn't even think about it, he remembered that Erbai had always called him Mu Qing, so he didn't change his name, and just called him "Mu Qing".

Qin Haonan took a general look at Qinglong's attributes, and found that he was similar to Erbai, a contracted beast with relatively high attack power.In addition, Mu Qing's mana value is also good, only the spiritual value is relatively low.

Erbai looked at the little Mu Qing under his paws, he didn't quite get used to it for a while.Mu Qing herself looked at his small body, rolled her eyes, and was speechless.

"A new partner has joined, congratulations master for getting another beast." Linglong smiled and clapped her hands.

Daji and Feimeng also ran over to see the shrunken Qinglong.

The other members of the team were still very envious when they saw it. After all, the beast is not a Chinese cabbage, and you can get it if you say it.Only a great god like Qin Haonan can obtain so many divine beasts, and he doesn't take them seriously.

Longnv Wushuang was the most helpless at this time, Qin Haonan just turned to look at her at this time, Longnv Wushuang immediately understood that the other party was going to ask her for a reward.

"Wushuang, don't you need to remove your demonization?" Qin Haonan turned his head and asked.

"Yeah, Wushuang, how do you get your demonization done? Do you still have the materials?" Erbai asked with concern.

Dragon Girl Wushuang shook her head lightly, and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about me, my demonization is not very strong, as long as I have blood beads and purple gold gourd, I can get rid of it."

"That's great, Wushuang, you see, all of you Qinglong Shenjun have made a contract with me, and I will take him away later. You are quite lonely staying in this Dragon Palace by yourself. Didn't you promise to pay you before?" , how about you come to be Charlotte's contract beast?"

"...Ah?!" Longnu Wushuang obviously did not expect Qin Haonan to make such a request.

Charlotte, who was standing aside, was also taken aback. I couldn't imagine that Qin Haonan would ask for a contract with a divine beast.And the tone of the speech was as plain as asking the other party what you had for breakfast.

The members at the back of the line could not help but wipe their sweat.

"Brother Ruomeng, actually this..." Xia Luo tugged at Qin Haonan's sleeve, a little worried that if he continued, Longnu Wushuang would have a skill to bring everyone back to life.

But Longnv Wushuang didn't react so aggressively, she calmed down quickly after the initial surprise.She looked at Mu Qing who had made a contract, then at Charlotte, and finally nodded.

"Well, I don't know what's going on these days? Super beasts, god beasts, and fairy beasts all like to make contracts with you humans. Anyway, Qinglong Shenjun has also left here, so I will leave with the contract. Wait for me for a while, I will put my own After the demonization state is released, I will make a contract with him." After finishing speaking, Longnv Wushuang took out the blood beads and the purple gold gourd to remove the demonization for herself.

Qin Haonan didn't expect the other party to be so forthright. He just prepared a lot of rhetoric to persuade the other party.Now I can't see all of them, but it's good.

Charlotte was a little dazed, and it took a long time before she patted Qin Haonan on the shoulder and said, "Brother Ruomeng, thank you."

"It's okay, I told you earlier that I will contract a suitable contracted beast for you." Qin Haonan said disapprovingly, as if the dragon girl just now was just an ordinary-level contracted beast.

"Brother, I found out that your luck is invincible this time. First you got such a powerful hidden job, so strong that you were captured by the Dragon Girl to draw blood, and then you contracted the Dragon Girl." Xia Ming said expressionlessly.

"Xia Ming, are you praising me? Or are you hurting me?" Charlotte felt awkward for a while.

"Of course it's Brother Kua." Xia Ming said with his face still paralyzed.

A group of people chatted here, and the demonization of Longnu Wushuang had been lifted.She walked slowly towards Charlotte, and when she got close, a magic circle suddenly appeared under her feet.

At this moment, the same magic circle appeared under Charlotte's feet.The ceremony of the contract has already started, and with the flickering of light, Dragon Girl Wushuang keeps shrinking, and finally turned into a blue dragon.

Although it is a small dragon, it is still much larger than other creatures.

Charlotte is already over level 60 at this time, so Dragon Girl Wushuang has not become so small like Qinglong.At this time, she was like a giant python, hovering beside Charlotte.

"I actually have a beast, it feels like a dream." Charlotte couldn't believe his eyes, he looked at his pet bar repeatedly.

"Wushuang, you already have a master. I want to ask if there are any other treasures in the Dragon Palace? Let's take them together, shall we?" Qin Haonan naively asked Dragon Girl Wushuang for the treasure.

At this time, Mu Qing, who was only level 1, said calmly: "Master, there are not many treasures in the Dragon Palace. Go forward and there is a treasure house, and there are some gold coins in it. Apart from that, there is nothing else."

Longnu Wushuang saw that Mu Qing had already answered, so she didn't speak, and cast a big white eye at Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan completely ignored the other party's contempt, and led the team towards the treasure house.The team members behind him worshiped the gang leader, no wonder Qin Haonan was rich, it turned out that the money was collected in this way.

A group of people soon came to the treasure house, which was a small room filled with a lot of gold coins.Facing the golden scene in front of him, Qin Haonan felt his eyes sparkle.

"Gold coins, all of them are gold coins!" Qin Haonan rushed to roll in the pile of gold coins while speaking.

"Let's pick up gold coins together. There are so many gold coins, I don't know if I can put them in my backpack." Hou Yue was calmer now, and began to direct everyone to pick up gold coins.

The other team members had few chances to follow Qin Haonan out to do missions. Where have they seen so many gold coins? At this moment, everyone's eyes were shining, as if they were filled with money and money.

While picking up the gold coins, Fang Zhen said solemnly: "I picked up so many gold coins when I came out to do the mission this time, everyone should donate some of them to the guild. In this way, our guild can also be upgraded as soon as possible, and we can surpass Longzhan Tianxia early. .”

As expected of the vice-guild leader, even though he was collecting gold coins, he did not forget the development of the guild.

"Mu Qing, I remember everyone saying that you dragons prefer golden things, and you are especially good at collecting them." Qin Haonan got up from the pile of gold coins and began to pick them up, "Is this the only treasure house in your Dragon Palace? Won't there be a bigger one?"

At this time, the members of the guild couldn't help wiping their sweat, they didn't expect their guild leader to be so greedy!

(End of this chapter)

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