game master

Chapter 205 - Ruoxi's Thoughts

Chapter 205 - Ruoxi's Thoughts

"Ruoxi, this is the first time I've seen you so happy." Qin Haonan walked to Yao Ruoxi's side, and gently took Yao Ruoxi's hand.

"Well, Ruomeng, would you believe me if I said that I would leave the Fairy Demon League in the future?" Yao Ruoxi stood under the tree and suddenly said this.

"As long as it is what you say, I believe it. Why do you ask such a question? Have you encountered difficulties recently?" Qin Haonan asked.

Yao Ruoxi shook her head, with a bitterness in her original smile: "No, my elder brother is coming back from abroad. When I formed the Fairy Monster League, my family gave me a lot of financial support. To put it bluntly, The Fairy and Demon League is my father's property, not mine at all. One day, the Fairy and Demon League will become my big brother. Sometimes when I think about it, I'm really not reconciled."

Qin Haonan didn't expect that Yao Ruoxi would tell him about her family affairs at this time. Thinking that Yao Ruoxi would indeed leave the Fairy Demon League in the future, he couldn't help asking with concern: "Ruoxi, I can understand you. You can tell me what's on your mind in the future , just treat me like a tree hole."

"Thank you, Ruomeng." Yao Ruoxi seemed to have found a place to vent, and began to talk about her experience, "Children from a big family like me are envied by everyone, but who knows the pain we live in. I have no freedom since I was a child, and everything has been arranged since I was born. Learning piano, dancing, foreign languages, flower arranging... To go to school, you have to go to a designated noble school, and to make friends, you have to make friends from the same class... Really Is boring."

Yao Ruoxi paused, then continued: "My mother and father belonged to a commercial marriage, and they have no relationship. My father has many mistresses and mistresses outside... My elder brother is 2 years older than me, and he was the son of my father's ex-wife before his death. .I knew from a young age that everything in the house would belong to my eldest brother.”

Qin Haonan listened quietly to Yao Ruoxi's story, this was the first time he felt so close to Yao Ruoxi.

"When I was in school, I secretly fell in love with playing games. When others were still playing games for entertainment, I could make a lot of money by playing games. At first, my family was very opposed, but I insisted. My father saw the game later. The business opportunities in the market. He started to support my development in the game, and invested a lot of money for me. At first I was very happy, I thought the game would become my career. Until some time ago, I got the news that my elder brother was coming back from abroad , Father talked to me..."

"And then?" Qin Haonan asked softly.

Yao Ruoxi said: "Father said that the future development of "Century" is limitless, and my eldest brother will join my guild when he comes back. Let me take him for a while, at most 2 years, and let me hand over the leader of the Fairy Monster League to him. I know, After all, I am a daughter, and in the eyes of my father, I will be a tool for commercial marriage in the future. I will leave that family sooner or later, so everything is not mine. Ruomeng, I really want to resist and fight for it. "

"Well, I know. Then what are your plans for the future?" After hearing this, Qin Haonan understood the ins and outs of Yao Ruoxi's withdrawal from the gang in the future.

"My mother will support me, as well as my uncle. But I know that I can't win the Fairy Demon League. But at least I don't want to follow my mother's old path and marry someone who I don't love at all. Do you know? I My mother is at home, what color clothes to wear every day is arranged by my father. My mother can't have her own wishes at all, and my father is so domineering." Yao Ruoxi's eyes were full of determination when she said this.

"I may stay in the Fairy Demon League for 2 years, or a little longer. At that time, I will leave and build my own guild to start anew. As for marriage, I am also prepared to resist to the end."

Qin Haonan thought for a while, and asked seriously: "Will there be a lot of resistance? Your father won't let you go free easily."

"Yes, but fortunately my mother's family is quite powerful, so my father still has some concerns. I am ready to be kicked out at any time, even being blocked by my father." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Ruoxi, don't be so pessimistic. If you are not happy in the Fairy and Demon League, you can come to our dream and dye the country, and I will reserve a seat for you as the deputy leader." Qin Haonan hastily issued an invitation.

Yao Ruoxi was taken aback by Qin Haonan's invitation, and after a long time she smiled and said, "Ruomeng, do you know what you are talking about? If I quit the gang because I rebelled against my father, even Long Zhan Tianxia would not accept me. Because no one wants to offend my father."

"I'm not afraid. If you have any difficulties, just come to my guild directly. I will always reserve a place for you here, and you are welcome to join at any time." Qin Haonan said frankly.

"Are you really not afraid of my father?"

"What's there to be afraid of? I didn't have much at first, and everything I have now is still built in the game. At most, it's zero, back to the original point. Besides, how do you know if you don't try? If you want to resist, I will Just help you resist." Qin Haonan said seriously.

"Ruomeng, do you know that you are really cute sometimes." Yao Ruoxi suddenly laughed.

"Cute can't be used to describe a man." Qin Haonan was a little speechless, and squeezed Yao Ruoxi's hand tightly, "But seeing you smile, I feel very happy. There is no time limit for the mission, let's sit under the tree for a while."

After speaking, Qin Haonan pulled Yao Ruoxi to sit down, looked at the moon and stars in the sky, as if thinking of many things from the past.

"Ruoxi, I sincerely invited you just now. If you don't want to stay in the Fairy Demon League, you can come here anytime."

"Well, I get it. Ruomeng, I think you are very sincere to me, which is completely different from those of those big families." Yao Ruoxi said, and gently rested her head on Qin Haonan's shoulder.

"My family is very simple, but it is so ordinary among all living beings." Qin Haonan said softly.

Yao Ruoxi heard what Qin Haonan said, and asked softly: "I've never heard Ruomeng talk about family affairs, can you tell me about it?"

"Yes, there are only three people in my family, my parents and me. My parents and I have a very good relationship, but they are both working class. They love me more. When I was young, their wages were not high. They spent all their money Save it for me to learn painting and calligraphy... Later I took the art test, and then came to the university in the capital."

"And then?" Yao Ruoxi was very interested in Qin Haonan's affairs, and hurriedly asked.

"Later, I started my own business in the capital after graduating. Today, I really miss my parents. Our family is very united and harmonious. We used to go out for picnics every weekend. But there is an exception. "Qin Haonan said.

"What's the exception?" Yao Ruoxi asked.

"Dad and mom have to spend Valentine's Day and Qixi Festival together every year, and they don't take me with them every time. When I was young, I even raised my opinion on this, but the resistance was ineffective, and they are still the same." Qin Haonan smiled as he said .

"There was a joke about this matter. When I was in junior high school that year, I really wanted to eat barbecue after school. My father worked overtime that day, and my mother loved me so she took me to eat. Do you know? There were a lot of people in the barbecue restaurant that day, and the queue took a long time. I also asked my mother strangely, what happened today, there are not so many people usually? Guess what my mother said?" Qin Haonan stopped suddenly when he said this Come down and turn to look at Yao Ruoxi.

"How should I guess?" Yao Ruoxi thought for a while, "It can't be some special festival, right?"

"My mother said that today is Valentine's Day. I was so embarrassed at that time that I didn't dare to eat barbecue. Then my bad day came. My father knew that my mother and I spent Valentine's Day together after work, and he was jealous of me. I have been jealous for a long time, nagging in my ear every day, it is so annoying. Later, my mother accompanied him to make up a Valentine's Day barbecue before it stopped. Do you think there is a father who is so jealous of his son? It really hurts!"

"I'm quite envious of your parents, they have such a good relationship." Yao Ruoxi said, with yearning in her eyes, "Aunt and uncle still celebrate Valentine's Day and Qixi Festival every year?"

"Yes, it's like this every year. Now I'm working out of town, and they just live a two-person world without me, the third party, and they're quite leisurely. They go for a walk after work, climb mountains together on weekends, and travel domestically at least once a year. It's like going on a honeymoon. Now I feel that it's unnecessary for me to go back!" Qin Haonan said with a smile.

"After hearing your story, I suddenly feel that life can be so beautiful!" Yao Ruoxi sighed, with a smile on her face.

"How is it? Are you in a better mood?" Qin Haonan patted Yao Ruoxi's shoulder lightly as he spoke, the feeling was very soft.

(End of this chapter)

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