game master

Chapter 206 - Gossip

Chapter 206 - Gossip
"Ruomeng, are you talking so much just to make me happy?" Only then did Yao Ruoxi understand Qin Haonan's intentions.

Qin Haonan smiled: "Not all, in fact, I also want you to hear my story."

"Anyway, I want to thank you today. I feel much better now. Ruomeng, let's do the task together." Yao Ruoxi felt that she was resurrected with full blood, and she pulled Qin Haonan to stand up together.

"Okay, now we're halfway up the mountain, and we'll be able to reach the top of the mountain if we go a little further." Qin Haonan began to summon Sword Slave and Shadow Wolf as he spoke.

When talking with Yao Ruoxi just now, he asked Linglong and the others to fight monsters by the side. During the whole process, Qin Haonan just chatted, and he and Yao Ruoxi still had experience.

A group of people continued to move forward, and soon pavilions appeared in front of them.The small waterfall next to the pavilion is relatively turbulent, and the spring water under the waterfall is very clear.

There is a small wooden bridge here, and an old man with white hair is standing on the other side of the wooden bridge.He was wearing a white robe and looked like a fairy.

"He is the Drunken Immortal NPC, and I am here to hand in the mission to him." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

"Well, then I'll give you the captain, and you go and hand in the task." Qin Haonan said, and then changed the captain of the team.

"Okay." Yao Ruoxi took over the captain and went to hand in the task.

Qin Haonan then followed, watching Yao Ruoxi talking with the drunken fairy.

Yao Ruoxi's task is to take the token obtained from Immortal Huanwu and learn the skill of Immortal Huanwu's profession [Qianying Luoyue Dance] from Immortal Drunken. The whole process is very simple.

"After learning, the attack area of ​​this skill is quite large." Yao Ruoxi looked at the skill and said sweetly, "Let's go to the little monsters to try the effect."

"Well, good!" Qin Haonan said.

Yao Ruoxi walked into the mob group, cooperated with Qin Haonan's summoned beast, and activated [Qianyingluoyuewu].I saw the pink cherry blossom petals fluttering, Yao Ruoxi's two-handed fan was dancing among the mobs, her figure was very beautiful.

Seeing such a beautiful skill, Qin Haonan watched quietly, and couldn't help but marvel, because the attack range of [Qianying Luoyuewu] is very large.To be precise, once this skill is activated, everything within 10 meters is within the attack range.There are about 30 mobs just attacked.

"You magic dancers have more professional group attacks." Qin Haonan said.

"Yes, Magic Dancer belongs to magic attack. There are many group attack skills, and the damage is relatively powerful. Magic Dancer is a branch of Magic Dancer, and its attack area and critical strike rate are much higher than Magic Dancer's." Yao Ruoxi explaining.

"I was thinking, if there are many illusion dancers in a guild, two rows of illusion dancers in the rear will be quite powerful in combat. Especially when the guild fights in groups." Qin Haonan said.

Yao Ruoxi nodded hurriedly: "Yes, our Fairy Demon League is a gang with many magic dancer professions. I am very confident in this gang battle. Have you also signed up for Mengran Jiangshan?"

"I signed up, and the list will come out in a few days. I don't know how many gangs will participate in the end, and who will be the opponent in the first round?" Qin Haonan chuckled.

"I investigated this morning, and there are already 20 gangs participating in the competition. At that time, we will draw lots first. Two gangs will fight each other, and half of them will be eliminated first." Yao Ruoxi said seriously, "It is said that the second round of the competition seems to be an outdoor competition. Kill the BOSS, I really want to cooperate with you Mengran Jiangshan!"

"Cooperation? Is it possible to cooperate in gang battles?" Qin Haonan was taken aback.

"Yes, it is said that only 4 bosses will be placed on the designated map at that time, and gangs will also be able to fight and eliminate gangs at that time. The 4 gangs that finally kill the boss and get the "hunting heart" will advance So when the time comes, I hope that the Fairy Monster League and Mengran Jiangshan will not fight on the map, and the loss outweighs the gain." Yao Ruoxi said softly.

"Of course this is possible, but Ruoxi, did you get the news from your uncle? Even if the list is not listed, you know the specific events of the competition?" Qin Haonan couldn't help asking.

"Well, what I inquired in private may not be completely accurate, but it is true that you can fight by yourself in the second round." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Okay, I'll go back and talk to the guild members about this matter, we will be friends by then. But if we really fight for the same boss, Mengran Jiangshan will not be ambiguous!" Qin Haonan said.

"I know this well, wouldn't it be fine if our Fairy Demon League doesn't grab the same boss as you?" Yao Ruoxi laughed.

"Okay, that's it. If necessary, we can cooperate to destroy the hostile gangs." Qin Haonan nodded.

"Yes, yes." Yao Ruoxi also agreed.

"Ruoxi, do you have any gossip about gang circles? If there is, can you disclose it."

Yao Ruoxi shook her head, and said earnestly: "No, I only know this. After all, these things are confidential, and my uncle will not let me know too much. This is all I can do."

At this time, the two continued to march towards the top of the mountain, in order to get the lotus in the water.

However, since the mobs along the way were all cleared up by Qin Haonan's contracted beasts and summoned beasts, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi didn't need to fight at all to gain experience points.So the two of them confidently and boldly chatted while climbing the mountain. At this time, there were only a few days before the gang battle, and the topic that Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were most concerned about was also here.

"I heard that Longzhan Tianxia and Yaoyue Guild are hurrying up to level up recently, and they are all planning to participate in this competition with teams above level 60." Yao Ruoxi talked about her information.

Qin Haonan listened carefully, and then analyzed: "Then what will be the combat effectiveness of your Fairy Demon League then?"

"It should be about the same as them. The minimum level of 200 members is 60. We can't compare with your gang in terms of level."

"I've been leading the gang members to level up for a while, and there are quite a few of them above level 60, but it's really not enough for all 200 people to be above level 60." Qin Haonan sighed.

"Ruomeng, do you have any good leveling treasures to recommend? I also want to bring my guild members to improve my level these few days." Yao Ruoxi suddenly asked.

"Yes, it's good to go to Bishui Villa for leveling above level 60. There are fewer players and more mobs over there, so you can level up quickly." Qin Haonan immediately opened the map and pointed Yao Ruoxi to the location.

"Well, thank you." Yao Ruoxi said and recorded it.

Chatting with Yao Ruoxi, Qin Haonan had reached the top of the fairy mountain before he knew it.At this moment, the two of them had already seen a pool of clear spring water on the top of the mountain, and a pale pink lotus flower, emitting a little silver light, floating gently on the surface of the water.

"We've arrived at our destination so soon. This lotus should be 'Water Lotus', right? It's so beautiful." Yao Ruoxi exclaimed.

"Well, yes, that's it. But I haven't seen the Huayue Beast guarding the 'water lotus' here." Qin Haonan looked at the surrounding environment and said softly.

"It's also possible that he will appear when we approach or collect water lilies?" Yao Ruoxi guessed.

(End of this chapter)

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