game master

Chapter 217 - Substitute

Chapter 217 - Substitute
Qin Haonan was thinking, but the attack in his hand didn't stop.A move [Royal Sword Jue Level 15] was launched towards Drunken Dream Qingcheng, but the opponent cleverly dodged it.

Drunk Dream Qingcheng approached Qin Haonan again, and stabbed with the long sword in his hand, but was slapped away by Erbai's paw.After the attack was blocked, Drunk Dream Qingcheng was not discouraged.At this time, Qin Haonan saw the opponent's attack method clearly, and was ready to fight. He danced a sword flower, and attacked with [Sunset Meteor Level 10].

Since this skill is a group attack with a relatively large range, Drunk Dream Qingcheng did not dodge it and was directly injured.

Qin Haonan saw the numerical values ​​floating up from the opponent's body. Fortunately, there were not many numbers. The damage of the attack was relatively normal based on the defense value of an 80-level player.

[Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10], [Nine Elements Sword Formation Level 10], [Wind and Demon Slashing Blade], Qin Haonan activated three skills in a row, Drunken Dream Qingcheng more or less suffered a certain amount of damage.

At this time, Qin Haonan's health was full, and he only lost 6 sword slaves. The health of the four shadow wolves is less than half, and the contracted beasts are all full of blood.But Drunk Dream Qingcheng had already lost blood in the attack just now, and Erbai and Daji both caused him some damage.

Drunk Dream Qingcheng's health had dropped to 42% at this time, and he dodged and retreated quickly.

How could Qin Haonan let the other party escape at this time?He quickly caught up, and first activated [Concealment] to hide his figure.Immediately after, there was a move [Phantom Hidden Kill], which directly hit Zuimeng Qingcheng's back.

Erbai and Daji cooperated with Qin Haonan's attack, and had already blocked the opponent's way.

Linglong chanted the spell, and [Leiyin Jue Level 10] was released.Daji's [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10] combined with thunder and lightning directly consumed Drunk Dream Qingcheng's HP to 0%.

Seeing Zuimeng Qingcheng collapsed, Qin Haonan hurried over.But he was quite puzzled, during the period of the attack just now, Drunken Dream Qingcheng never used a skill attack from the beginning to the end.In other words, he has been using basic attacks all the time, so people can't see his profession.

Qin Haonan looked at the corpse lying on the ground, and suddenly felt that he had been cheated.

Level 80 - Drunken Dreams (Stand-in)
At this moment, the name on the corpse became a substitute, and the whole body was melting little by little.Qin Haonan recalled the battle between the two just now, he knew very well that the other party was testing him, and in the previous battle, Drunk Dream Qingcheng didn't use all his strength.

Qin Haonan sighed, he guessed that Zuimeng Qingcheng might have used the skill of a substitute at the moment of escaping, but no one noticed.Even now, Qin Haonan still can't figure out what is the purpose of Drunk Dream Qingcheng's sudden attack on him?
"Master, that person ran away just now." Linglong said with a frown as she looked at the corpse that had disappeared from the ground.

Erbai ran to the original location of the corpse and picked up the dropped items on the ground.Erbai picked it up and handed it to Qin Haonan, who patted Erbai's head.

"Well, I see." Qin Haonan said as he picked up the dropped item and looked at it, only to find that it was a mysterious map.

[Mysterious map], special items, can lead the way, and can open dungeons.

"Master, is there anything on this map? Why are you frowning?" Daji noticed Qin Haonan's strangeness.

Qin Haonan looked at the map repeatedly, thinking: "I don't know why, I always have the feeling that the other party gave me the map on purpose... Forget it, I don't understand. This map is marked on a place that I have never been to. The hidden map, or a hidden copy. I am thinking, do I need to go and have a look. "

"Let's go and have a look. If it's a treasure dropped by the other party, wouldn't it be better for us to pick up a bargain? If the other party deliberately left it for the master, then the master should go and find out." Mu Qing analyzed.

Qin Haonan felt that the analysis of these contracted beasts made sense, so he nodded.

"Okay, let's go and have a look. The coordinates shown on the map are at the southernmost point of the China map." Qin Haonan found the location on the big map, and then summoned the Bishui Qilin, "Let's go."

Qin Haonan put away Erbai and other contracted beasts, leaving only Linglong sitting on the back of the Bishui Qilin.

"Master, can you show me the map?" Linglong sat in front of Qin Haonan, and stretched out her small white hand to ask Qin Haonan for it.

"Okay, let's see." Qin Haonan said and handed over the map.

Linglong looked at it seriously, and after a while, she said: "Master, this map can not only indicate the direction, but also has other functions."

"What function?" Qin Haonan asked strangely.

"This is not only a map, but also a key to open the dungeon." Linglong said seriously, "We follow the instructions on the map, arrive at the designated place, and use this map here to open the so-called hidden dungeon. But what exactly is this dungeon?" I don’t know how many levels it is, what’s unique about it.”

"Well, let's go to the designated place first, and then study the specific situation." Qin Haonan said.

"Master, do you need to form a team? Just go on an adventure with your friends?" Linglong thought for a while and asked.

"No need, Linglong, I'll bring you a group of super beasts and beasts, isn't it better than a team?" Qin Haonan said jokingly, and patted Linglong's head along the way.

"Okay, then I will obey the master." Linglong nodded.

One person, one pet chatted along the way, passed through several large leveling areas, and headed towards the location indicated on the map.After a while, they reached the southernmost point of the China map.

Seeing that the coordinates were correct, Qin Haonan got off the Bishui Qilin, turned around and hugged Linglong down as well.

This is a small forest, and there are no mobs around.Going forward, you will reach Tianya Haijiao, which is the southernmost point of the real China map.

Qin Haonan looked at the coordinates, and there was a big stone in front of him, with an obvious groove on the stone.The location of the coordinates is this big rock. When Qin Haonan approached the rock with the map, the map suddenly shone brightly, and then slowly turned into a small black spar.

"Master, the size of this black spar is exactly the same as the groove, let's put it on there for a try?" Linglong suggested.

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Qin Haonan said, and put the black spar towards the groove.Unexpectedly, the size is really just right, even the position of the edge fits perfectly.

"Boom..." The stone trembled suddenly, making a loud noise.

Qin Haonan couldn't help being surprised when he saw the change of the stone.With the trembling of the stone, the earth seemed to be shaking as well, a brilliant brilliance shot out from the stone, Linglong was so frightened that she hurriedly hugged Qin Haonan's arm.

The brilliant light surrounded Qin Haonan, so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

When the light faded, Qin Haonan and Linglong opened their eyes, and found that the surrounding scene had undergone earth-shaking changes.Here is no longer the grove before, and there are no stones and grooves.

(End of this chapter)

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