game master

Chapter 218 - Shadowy Desolate City

Chapter 218 - Shadowy Desolate City (1)

When Qin Haonan opened his eyes again, he found that he was sitting.He leaned against the corner of the wall, and the surrounding light was a little dim.Linglong was by Qin Haonan's side. At this moment, Linglong's little hands were a little cold, and she was tightly clutching Qin Haonan's sleeve.

"Ding dong~ Player is like a dream, you have entered the hidden dungeon 'Desolate Shadow City', this dungeon has no time limit, it is the only dungeon, please find the exit, you can pass the level. Clearance reward: experience value +99999, 50 gold coins, Attribute points +5, skill points +5."

When Qin Haonan heard the system tone, he was taken aback for a moment, then joy and doubt.

You must know that Qin Haonan received a unique hidden dungeon for the first time in his previous life after level 200. This kind of dungeon is a major feature of the online game "Century". The content of the dungeon is ever-changing and the rewards are extremely generous.

In this dungeon, it has its own independent plot and mission. If the player triggers the corresponding plot during the dungeon, he will receive the mission, and he can get rewards after completing the mission.

But Qin Haonan was also very puzzled, why Drunk Dream Qingcheng didn't complete such a hidden mission first, but chose to attack himself, and finally fell again.Could it be that he was lucky enough to get it by chance?
"Master, what is this place? It feels so dark!" Linglong asked in a low voice.

Qin Haonan comforted Linglong, and looked around.

This place seems to be a basement, the space is not too big, there are many wooden boxes in the basement.After slowly getting used to the light here, Qin Haonan saw that there was only one way to go out from here.

"Linglong, follow me closely, we're going out now." Qin Haonan said, then walked towards the stairs along the box.

Going up the stairs, Qin Haonan found that the exit was blocked by wooden boards.He knocked hard with his hand, but the board didn't budge.

"Master, let's smash this place open." Linglong proposed.

"Okay, you go back first." Qin Haonan said, and he and Linglong backed away together.With a move of [Phantom Hidden Kill], the wooden plank was smashed into pieces in an instant.

A pile of dust fell down, Qin Haonan and Linglong were both choked.After recovering, Qin Haonan pulled Linglong and got out from the basement.

What Qin Haonan didn't expect was that when he came out, he found a dilapidated earth-cultivated house.The whole house was bare, with no decorations, and there were thick spider webs in the corners.Occasionally, a small mouse or two ran along the corner of the room, making the whole room look poorer.

Qin Haonan observed the surrounding environment and felt that the dungeon this time was not that simple.Because the details here are very well done, from the dust flying at the beginning, to the mice running, and the spiders weaving webs in the corner... everything in this copy is so realistic.Qin Haonan turned around the room and found that there was an item that could be picked up.

[Lost Hairpin] A dungeon quest item that cannot be taken out of the dungeon.

It seems that the hairpin left on the chair is an item from a later task.Qin Haonan put away the hairpin, and after confirming that there was nothing else in the room, he gently pushed open the dilapidated wooden door.

After walking out of the house, Qin Haonan discovered why this dungeon was called the Desolate City of Shadows.That's because this is a small deserted town, the whole town is shrouded in the darkness of the moonlight, the lights on the streets are all on, but the whole town is deserted, without a single person.

Occasionally, there would be a few strange calls, which were a bit sharp and creepy.

"Master, there's a scary atmosphere here." Linglong said, "Summon Erbai and the others, so that we can deal with emergencies."

"En." Qin Haonan responded, and then summoned all the other contracted beasts.

Erbai and the others were quickly summoned in the magic circle one by one, and Daji couldn't help shivering as she looked at the empty streets around her.

"It's so cold!" Daji exclaimed.

"Master, where is this place? It feels so strange, and there are no mobs, it's deserted." Er Bai said.

Qin Haonan coughed, and said calmly: "This is a hidden copy, and the name is Desolate City of Shadows."

"Hiding the dungeon, there should be a system prompt, did you tell me how to clear the level?" Mu Qing hurriedly asked.

"There is nothing, just say that you can pass the customs if you find the exit." Linglong directly answered this question for Qin Haonan.

"It's the same as not saying it." Erbai said helplessly, wagging his tail.

Qin Haonan thought about it, but didn't speak for a while.

This kind of dungeon is not as simple as walking the maze, fighting mobs along the way, and finally fighting the boss.Here you need to find clues, find the starting point of the main line, push forward step by step, and uncover the mysteries one by one before you can find the exit.The name of this dungeon tells the strangeness of this place. This small town without people must have a huge secret.

But wandering aimlessly couldn't solve any problems, Qin Haonan tried to find clues around the outside of the room he just walked out of.After all, this is a game. In order for players to pass the level smoothly, it is impossible to have no guiding clues.

"Linglong and I came out of this room. The starting point is here. Everyone, search around here to see if there are any clues." Qin Haonan said.

"Okay, master." Several contracted beasts received the order and immediately carried it out obediently.

Qin Haonan and the five contracted beasts were wandering around when suddenly Linglong ran over with a pale face.

"What happened, Linglong?" Qin Haonan hurriedly asked.

Linglong nodded and said: "Master, there is a river behind the house, and there is a corpse there. There is a basket beside the corpse, and there are things in the basket."

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Qin Haonan called other contracted beasts together and came to the corpse by the river.

This is the body of a woman, and because it has decayed, it cannot be seen at all.In the basket next to her were moldy steamed buns and a note.And beside the corpse, there was a rotting pigeon that had been dead for a long time.

Great, this note should be the clue.

[A piece of paper] The dungeon task item, which cannot be taken out of the dungeon, can be read to obtain information.

Qin Haonan quickly picked up the note and clicked to use it.

"This city has been occupied by terrifying monsters. Many people in the city have disappeared and died for no reason. I wanted to leave here, but all the roads out of the city were blocked. Husband, I can only send you a distress message with a carrier pigeon. "

Qin Haonan looked at the note and found that the content on it was extremely concise.

The woman couldn't get out of the city, so she thought of taking the letter out by means of carrier pigeons.

It can be understood from this that all the city gates here are sealed, and there is no way to get out. No wonder the requirement for customs clearance is to find an exit.

"Master, our current level is not high enough, I'm afraid we can't take the path of the sky." Mu Qing looked at the sky and said.

After hearing this, Feimeng also nodded her head.

"It's okay. It would be meaningless if I walked into the sky as soon as I came up. Let's analyze it together. This woman obviously wants to let the carrier pigeon deliver the letter. Before the letter is delivered, both the carrier pigeon and her are under attack. And the one who attacked her should be It's the scary monster mentioned on the note." Qin Haonan dragged his chin and thought for a while, and suddenly felt that he was a bit like a detective.

(End of this chapter)

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