game master

Chapter 219 - Shadowy Desolate City

Chapter 219 - Shadowy Desolate City (2)

"That means the monster doesn't want her to deliver the letter?" Linglong guessed.

Erbai said: "It's also possible that we met by chance. This city is not peaceful."

"There are two possibilities. The first is that she came to the river to release pigeons and happened to encounter a monster. This assumption shows that the monster is likely to be in this river, and will run out of the river at any time to give a fatal blow." Qin Haonan said He pointed at the river next to him with his long sword, signaling everyone to be careful.

"Then what about the second possibility?" Erbai asked with his eyes wide open, he was extremely curious now.

"The second is that she attracted the monster because she wanted to send a carrier pigeon for help. This assumption shows that the monster doesn't want the news of the city's death to be spread, and there must be something outside that he or they are afraid of. As long as we do If you make a move to send a distress message to the outside, it may attract the monster." Qin Haonan analyzed.

"Then let's lure the monster and we'll know? To be honest, I prefer bloody battles than guessing like this. This kind of brain-consuming thing is really a headache." Erbai complained.

"You stupid tiger, no wonder the master named you Erbai, you are so good!" Linglong patted Erbai's head after hearing this.

While everyone was talking, Qin Haonan had already clenched the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword.Because he saw something swimming under the muddy river.Although the fluctuation of the water pattern was very small and quiet, it was still captured by the careful Qin Haonan.

"Don't try it, be careful in the water." Qin Haonan directly warned everyone.

Just as Qin Haonan finished speaking, a huge snake head rushed out of the river.The snake looks like a cobra, and its blood red eyes reveal the breath of death.

Level 75 - Enchanted Barren City Basilisk (Elite)

"It's a level 75 elite boss." Qin Haonan shouted after seeing the opponent's attribute information, summoned 6 sword slaves and 4 shadow wolves, and rushed up.

While rushing, Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself.

The demonized deserted city basilisk would not just stand there waiting for others to attack. It swung its huge snake head and spit out a mouthful of poisonous mist.Qin Haonan didn't expect that the other party would make this move as soon as he came up, so he quickly backed away.

At this moment, Linglong had already released the [Ground Formation Level 12], and the opening of the barrier prevented Qin Haonan from being injured by the poison.

Taking advantage of the time when the demonized deserted city basilisk had just finished spitting out the poisonous mist, Erbai had already added [White Tiger Divine Power Level 10] to himself, and his attack and defense had been doubled.He rushed forward, followed by [White Tiger Claw Level 10], followed by [White Tiger Break Level 10].You must know that Erbai's original attack was very powerful, and with the blessing of skills, adding a critical strike to the extremely high damage, the boss's health plummeted.

After Erbai's attack was over, he turned around and used [White Tiger Phantom Level 10] to create a clone for himself. Level 10 [White Tiger Phantom] can create 4 clones at the same time. As soon as the white tiger clone appears, Erbai will pounce on the boss again.

The demonized deserted city basilisk is very confused now. It is a level 75 elite boss. No one was hurt. It was first attacked by people, then contracted beasts, and summoned beasts such as sword slaves and shadow wolves. attack.Under this trend of siege, the demonized deserted city basilisk's health dropped to 23% in a short while, and its dignity as a boss was gone.

The demonized deserted city basilisk decided to explode, and its body rushed out of the river.He opened his mouth wide and rushed towards the crowd viciously.

At this time, Qin Haonan had already rushed in front of the demonized deserted city basilisk. After one move of [Phantom Hidden Kill], he followed by another move of [Cut Wind and Demon Blade], plus the attacks of other contracted beasts and summoned beasts. The BOSS's HP went down the slide and returned to 0% in an instant.

Before the demonized deserted city basilisk died, it let out an ear-piercing mournful cry.Then several items and equipment popped out.

There are several pieces of level 75 demonized snake equipment, all of which are silver and gold.65 silver coins, and a black and red "Desolate City Snake Heart".

[Desolate City Snake Heart] Dungeon mission item, cannot be taken out of the dungeon, one of the materials to activate the magic circle.

Qin Haonan looked at the task item he got, and felt that it had something to do with the exit from here.So I put it away carefully, and I will use it later.

"Master, what should we do next?" Daji looked around, as if there were no other clues.

"Let's walk around the city in one direction first." Qin Haonan said, and led the team back to the hut.

There is a long street in front of you, with similar houses on both sides, it looks like a residential area.Qin Haonan chose the right direction and walked on the street.

The few small lights hanging on the side of the street kept shaking and shaking, and seemed to be in danger of being extinguished at any time.

"Master, do we need to visit every room?" Daji asked suddenly.

"Yes, but looking at us one by one will be very tiring. It's very likely that we haven't found any clues after working all day, and spent all our time looking for the house." Qin Haonan analyzed.

Linglong has brought Feimeng and Muqing with her at this time, ready to check the rooms on both sides.But when he tried to push the door, he realized that none of the doors here could be opened.It is completely impossible to walk in through the window.

"Master, you don't need to try, you can't get in." Linglong said.

"It seems that the game doesn't plan for us to go into every house to investigate. We just need to test whether the doors of the houses along the way can be opened." Qin Haonan said.

So everyone started to split up. After the two teams tried several doors, Qin Haonan directly asked everyone to give up the work of door testing.Because these houses are estimated to be inaccessible.Everyone walked on the street together, ready to find a new breakthrough.

Qin Haonan was walking when he suddenly heard several sharp strange screams.Qin Haonan was thinking about whether he needed to find the source of the sound, and saw that the door of a room was open in front of him.Not only that, but there was a faint light in the room.

The dungeon time is set at night. In this weird empty city, how could there be a room with lights? Is there someone in the room?Can someone open the door blatantly?Qin Haonan couldn't help being puzzled.

"Come on, there may be a plot ahead, let's go and have a look." Qin Haonan said to the contracted beasts.

"Okay, master." The contracted beasts followed after saying this.

In the room where the lights were turned on, there was a slight sound of a fire. It seemed that there were indeed people here.Qin Haonan didn't go in directly, but knocked on the opened door, and asked softly, "Is anyone there?"

"Someone, please come in!" A man's thick voice came from the back room.

"Sorry to bother you so late." Qin Haonan said politely, only to see a tall and mighty man coming out of the back room, holding a bowl of soup in his hand.The system showed that the strong man's name was Chen Laosan.

"It's okay, I'm cooking, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Chen Laosan said enthusiastically.

"No, we're just tired from walking. Let's sit here and ask you something." Qin Haonan laughed.

Chen Laosan looked very happy after hearing this, and he said honestly: "Okay, everyone, let's rest here. I'm cooking, and I haven't finished it yet, please wait a little bit, and have something to eat together later."

"Then I will trouble you." Qin Haonan said.

(End of this chapter)

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