game master

Chapter 220 - Shadowy Desolate City

Chapter 220 - Shadowy Desolate City (3)

Chen Laosan went back to the house to cook, Qin Haonan looked at the furnishings in the house, and kept muttering in his heart.

He always felt that Chen Laosan was weird, anyone who suddenly saw a person in this deserted city would be a little suspicious.

Daji pulled Qin Haonan's sleeve aside, and said in a low voice, "Master, I want to see what old Chen is cooking, and I'm worried that it will be troublesome for him to get us some unexplainable food to eat." .”

Qin Haonan nodded in agreement.

Daji suddenly turned into a little fox, wagging her tail and quietly walked towards the back room.

"Master, I think that Chen Laosan just now has the aura of a demonized creature." Mu Qing was more sensitive to this because he had been infected by demonization before.

"So that's the case, I also think he is very suspicious." Qin Haonan said.

At this moment, Daji ran back wagging her tail.She jumped on Qin Haonan's lap, scratched it with her little paw, and said softly, "Master, I just saw clearly that what Chen Laosan is cooking is not a meal at all, but a strange soup."

"Strange decoction?!" Qin Haonan couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes, it's cooking with some strange animal carcasses and adding some strange seasonings." Daji added.

"Strange animal carcasses?!" Linglong suddenly felt sick, "What kind of animals are there? Could it be human flesh?"

"Uh...don't say it, I feel disgusting just thinking about it." Feimeng's hair felt like it stood on end.

Qin Haonan's whole body trembled when he heard it, and his skin got goosebumps.He pretended to be calm and said: "Okay, no matter what is in it, we don't want to eat the rice he brought out later."

The contracted beasts nodded, and then everyone returned to silence.

At this moment, Chen Laosan came out from inside.He was also holding a large plate with six bowls of soup in his hand.Chen Laosan was very enthusiastic, put the soup bowl in front of Qin Haonan and the contracted beasts, and said with a smile: "Several, I made some food, everyone drink to replenish energy."

"Thank you, let's just sit and go. Chen Laosan, I still want to ask, what's the matter with this city? Why is it deserted?" Qin Haonan glanced at the bowl of hot soup, although the taste was meat Fragrant, but still nauseated for a while.

Chen Laosan sighed, and said helplessly: "Our place used to be a very prosperous city. Then one day, the city lord got a strange disease. Since then, he has put on a mask and dare not show his true colors to others. From then on, the city lord recruited many strange people from outside, and asked them to assist the city lord in managing the city."

"And then?" Linglong asked curiously when she saw Chen Laosan suddenly stopped talking.

"Then the city lord ordered the gates to be closed, blocking all exits from the city. He started his crazy experiment, and the city has been shrouded in darkness ever since, and it will never see light." Chen Laosan said here, with a frown on his face. The expression on the phone became a little weird, "Do you want to know what this experiment is? Hehe...hehe..."

At this moment, a strange wind blew from the street outside, and the doors and windows that were originally opened were all automatically closed.

"Hey, after drinking the bowl of soup in front of me, I'll tell you everything..." Chen Laosan's expression became more and more weird at this time.

"What if we just don't drink?" Qin Haonan had been waiting for the moment when the other party revealed his true colors, and at this moment he looked very indifferent.

"If you don't drink, you can't leave here. Among the six bowls of soup in front of you, three bowls are ordinary mutton soup, and three bowls are mixed broth made by mixing human flesh. You can share it among yourself. Those who drank mutton soup You can leave here, drink the human broth, and stay to make the ingredients for me later." Chen Laosan said, took out a kitchen knife from his back, and played with it in his hand.

"Ding dong~ Player is floating like a dream, you have triggered the task 'Broth Selection', please allocate the broth correctly, drink the mutton soup and you can leave, drink the human broth and the life value will immediately return to zero and you will die, this instance cannot Resurrection. There are other solutions to this task, the time limit is 30 seconds, and the countdown begins. Task reward: experience value +5900, 10 gold coins. Plot progress +1."

According to Qin Haonan's original intention, he didn't want to choose the broth at all.But unexpectedly, this simple choice turned out to be the main task.

Qin Haonan was not in a hurry to draw conclusions, he was thinking about the prompt given by the system just now.If you follow the prompts, instead of distributing the broth, there are other solutions.

"Master, how do we divide?" Linglong looked at Qin Haonan in confusion, waiting for the master to make a decision.

Qin Haonan thought about it, one person has five pets, if this dungeon reduces the combat power by three, the progress of the following dungeons will become very troublesome.Suddenly, a bold idea came to Qin Haonan's heart.

Without saying a word, Qin Haonan picked up the bowl of soup in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.After that, I drank all of them bowl by bowl, and drank a total of 1 bowls.

"Master, you actually drank it all!?" Linglong and the others were also very surprised.

"Chen Laosan, I drank all the soup, do you think I should stay or leave?" Qin Haonan said indifferently.

The expression on Chen Laosan's face froze for a moment, he obviously didn't expect Qin Haonan to make such a choice.

"Haha... In this case, it's up to you to leave or not." Chen Laosan suddenly laughed.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'broth selection task'. Task reward: experience value +5900, 10 gold coins. Plot progress +1."

Hearing the system sound, Qin Haonan breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he was right.

"Haha... Interesting and interesting..." Boss Chen laughed, his clothes burst open suddenly, his height increased rapidly, and long legs stretched out from his back.Eventually he shed his human skin and turned into a giant spider.

Qin Haonan used [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic] to quickly look at the opponent's attributes.

Level 75 - Enchanted Deserted City Demon Spider (Spirit Beast)
"The opponent is a level 75 spirit beast boss, everyone be careful." Qin Haonan reminded.

"Understood, master." Several contracted beasts replied.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and the huge body of the Demonic Deserted City Demon Spider knocked down the surrounding walls. It spun silk quickly, preparing to spin a web.A lot of small demonized spiders emerged from the inner room in an instant. There were 10 of them in total, all of which were level 75 small elite monsters.

Qin Haonan took his time and immediately used [Sword Intent Level 10], and then summoned 6 sword slaves and 4 shadow wolves.There are still a lot of exhibitors on Qin Haonan's side.

Qin Haonan didn't wait for the opponent to attack at all, and had already directed the summoned beasts and contracted beasts to rush into the spider swarm.Linglong and Daji are really allergic to spiders, so they stayed beside Qin Haonan, releasing their skills remotely.

 Readers, I'm sorry, because I have been working overtime, the update was interrupted yesterday.In the past two days, I will find a way to make up the chapters that have been pulled down. I am really sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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